I'm the only one in this room professional enough....

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That guy is a jack a...s . they should have had a civilian ccw holder do that firearms demo.It would have happened without incident.
wow :what: That was crazy!!!

He should have just cut his losses and got out of there for medical attention.

He tries to pretend everything is OK, that is just nuts. :fire:
And if you guys think that's scary...

... my platoon once did something even dumber involving an M252 81mm mortar, an HE round, and about 200 cadets from West Point. But I'll tell y'all that story some other time.
Man! :what: Very happy nobody was hit. Never, ever leave your wingman...err, I mean... put your finger inside the guard until aimed and ready to fire.
That video is a keeper.
That moron acts like negligent discharges just happen by the grace of god. "See kids, the gun just went off! Thats why they're dangerous, they have an evil mind just ready to harm people, only police are professional enough to have them.

DEA agents, may they all recieve the high quality firearms training that this man did. (please issue soft body armor to all civilians)

I wonder if he still has a job. Being a dipstick with a duty weapon in a school. if a full trifecta!
Unbelievable. :what:

That said, I forgot about this site until this story was passed on to every gunowner and political site I go to. Glad I finally remembered this spot.

I hope the DEA has a desk job now.
(Seen somewhere covering several chalkboards at the local elementary school)

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I will obey the four rules.
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I will obey the four rules.
I will obey the four rules.
I will obey the four rules.
I will obey the four rules.
I will obey the four rules.
I will obey the four rules.
Brings me back to this piece.

The chief selling point for professional policing seems to be the idea that sworn government agents are more competent crime solvers than grand juries, private prosecutors, and unpaid volunteers. But this claim disintegrates when the realities of police personnel are considered. In 1998, for example, forty percent of graduating recruits of the Washington, D.C. police academy failed the comprehensive exam required for employment on the force and were described as "practically illiterate" and "borderline-retarded."196 As a practical matter, police are more dependent upon the public than the public is dependent upon police.197

The piece is here

196 Tucker Carlson, Washington's Inept Police Force, WALL ST. J., Nov. 3, 1993, at A19.

197 See SILBERMAN, supra note 6, at 297. Silberman points out that New York City police solved only two percent of robbery cases in which a witness could not identify an offender or the offender was not captured at the scene. See id.
You know, when I first read this, I was thinking why we were just now hashing this out when the event happened nearly a year ago. Then I actually watched the video and realized that it was a different DEA agent, doing a different lecture to kids, who shot himself with a different pistol.

Somehow it's even more scary to me that this happened twice within the same agency. Training anyone? :uhoh:
Why does he continue to lecture and act like nothing is wrong?

I'd hate to have that guy on my side in a fire fight, he'd probably shoot me or shoot himself (again).
misANTHrope -- It's the same incident. What's new is we now have the video of it that proves that the reports included inaccurate information.

He did not remove the mag.
It did not fire when the slide was released.
It was pointed at someone (his leg).
Kids did not cry and people did not rush out (right away).
It was not an AD -- it was a ND.
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Why does he continue to lecture and act like nothing is wrong?
Because he is "...the only one in the room professional enough to carry this pistol..."

The Fed.Gov version of "Hey Bubba, hold my beer 'n watch me do this..."
His bad.... although I bet he was nervous doing public speaking in front of a bunch of kids.... started to rush though things and not think.....

Oh well.
Finally got the entire video clip. Too bad he got stupid. Looks like he was trying to do one of those "don't become a criminal" talks, and screwed it up big time.

The problem is that he got rushed, wasn't paying attention to what he was doing, and focused more on talking than he did on the gun.

By the way, what was the woman doing? Looked to me like she was collecting up the evidence before the bosses came...
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