I'm the only one in this room professional enough....

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Dec 25, 2002
The Gun Zone

2nd Item down.

Dailup warning : HUGE video

The DEA needs to implement a training program for safing weapons.


If the Gun Zone site is slammed, you can find links to mirror sites starting on P3 of this thread. -- pax
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Just what is "safing weapons" ??

Do you mean storage in a locked container? Or are you trying to say SECURING weapons? :confused:
"Safeing" - unloading and making safe before handling/demonstrating.

I'm still buffering, but judging by the description I think "hubris" is the correct term.


Yeah, the shot gets old. There's lots of good and fun info on the site, just do what I do and turn down your speakers before you head in or change pages.

The site belongs to Dean Spier, "formerly famous gun writer", who is perhaps the only man with an official "I was asked to leave" GlockTalk shirt. :D
Tory asked :

Just what is "safing weapons" ??

The answer is what carebear said. "SECURING" weapons means storage in a locked container or otherwise rendering them immediately inoperable.


Two questions :
Why did he feel the need to pull the trigger?
And did anyone else see how close he was to blowing his manhood off ?
"I'm the only one in this room professional enough..."

Easy to say in a room full of kids. Apparently not easy to live up to, though.


I have to admit, he sure kept his cool, but... what a dumbass. What, was he "testing" some suspected narcotics before the lecture?

To manage to shoot yourself (even with a Glock), you have to break the 2 most important rules of gun safety at the same time! Easy to do, unless you're paying attention at all.
Yet another failure to stop from the .40 S&W. ;)

I guess he might just be a lucky guy, after all, at least it didn't kaboom on him. :evil:
Sounds like another perversion of the language

""Safeing" - unloading and making safe before handling/demonstrating."

News to me - another example of people fabricating verbs, such as "referencing" for "referring/making reference to." I see this often with police and engineers when they don't know the correct term, but want to sound professional.

Apparently "making safe" was too much verbiage for the creator of "safeing" to cope with. I'm guessing a cop or gun writer made this word up.

"SECURE - verb 1 protect against danger or threat." As in, say, UNLOADING a firearm to SECURE against negligent discharges.

That same dictionary shows neither "safeing" nor "safing." Therefore, I'll stick with "securing." ;)
SAfing means "Clearing" to us uninitiate in 21st century technospeak.

He should be forced to write on the board (using his own blood) each of the 4 rules he has violated. Hint: four for four
Yeah, "clearing" would be the actual term, "safeing" is lazy english and verbing. I'll thrash myself later. :banghead:

"Secure the weapon" has meant "lock it up" to me since before boot camp.
Jeez, how dumb. At least the kids in the room got the message. Right before the guy grabs the gun he says 'This is an unloaded weapon' and tells them not to worry. Then after shooting himself he tries to get the woman to hand him an AR and all the kids start yelling at him not to touch it. Instead of allowing the point he wasn't trying to make stand, he tries to reassure them that the AR isn't loaded 'either'....

That was self-interest on the part of the kids. They realized he was unlikely to be able to point the rifle at himself and thus they were in line to be the next to take a bullet.

As I was having my fish & chips and beer today at lunch, I was chuckling to myself about this idiot. Then it dawned on me...he could've put that round through anyone else in that room. Through a kid. Or two. He is incredibly lucky he only wounded himself and his pride.
Must make mental note to myself.... When checking to see if my weapon is unloaded do not ask a teacher (that was a teacher wasn't it?) who may or may not know anything about firearms) if a firearm is loaded or not and if that weapon is safening. :rolleyes:

Ya gotta love his composure. He's probably bleeding like a stuck pig and he's still trying to recover his shall we say "loss of control"....Heh heh.

I read about his but I never thought I would be so lucky as to get an mpeg of the video. Priceless, I say, priceless.
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Good thing the only guy hurt was that DEA agent. Man I'd hate to have to write that incident report. :)
Doesn't look like he will be doing much undercover from now on.

But, it is a good example to people that there are guys out there that can soak up a .40 in the leg with little effect. It shows that pistol rounds are not death rays. They just poke a hole in someone and that is not necessarily enough to stop someone.
What I really like is that he snaps his fingers and says something along the lines of "Aw shoot" as if this has happened before.
GLOCK User Shoots Himself..

And there are those of you who wonder why some of us don't carry GLOCKS.

Yes I know, it wasn't the guns fault, but then again.. it seems like we hear more stories about GLOCK users having things like this happen, then we do other brands.

If I've said this ONCE, I've said it a DOZEN or more times.. "it makes NO sense to place the SAFETY on (or as part of) the TRIGGER!" Let's see now, Hmmm..

Safety on Trigger. Trigger has Safety. Yep, that makes a lot of sense. Place the piece of equipment (SAFETY) that makes a gun UNABLE to fire, directly on the piece of equipment (TRIGGER) that ALLOWS it to fire!

To ensure things like this don't happen in the future, maybe manufacturer's should start placing a external SAFETY somewhere around the slide/frame area of semi-auto's.. and NOT as part of the trigger. Oh wait a minute, now that I think about it.. they do. It's just GLOCK that's decided to place theirs on the trigger. Who'd of thunk?

Yep, all Glock's fault. :rolleyes:

Hey, doesn't the XD have a trigger mounted safety too (as well as a grip safety)?

Most revovlers I've seen didn't have any safeties at all...

Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot! :banghead:
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