247 People on Terror Watch List Bought Guns

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"Legally"..............seems to be the key word here. "Suspected ties. "
Innocent till proven guilty. Nothing like ...rattling the cage door.
that list is growing everyday. I know of a SGT. in the Army who was on the "NO FLY" list found out on the way to active duty. "Legally buying" and "suspected" is key words as others have pointed out. these are not proven guilty people. In 2008 there were over 90,000 on that list and i imagine that list has grown since. In some stories floating around it only takes 1 tip to be put into the data base. One passer by that says jonny has a couple containers of gas in his garage and I have seen him with a firearm.
The National Firearms Act of 1934 outlawed "gangster weapons" How long do you think it will be before some politician labels your modern firearms as "terrorists weapons"?
Last I checked, being suspected of anything was neither a conviction nor an indictment, and certainly not a valid pretext for the suspension of Constitutionally-protected rights.
How about this headline instead: Government wants to deprive 247 citizens of constitutional rights without due process.

Those 247 individuals WERE allowed to purchase firearms. And the sales were legal. Maybe they belong on the watch list, maybe they don't. We have no way of knowing. But the government didn't deprive them of anything.
He wrote want to deprive. Certain members of congress (part of the government) do want to deprive the people on this list of their right to buy arms.
Anybody can be put on the "Terror Watch List" for any reason, and never be able to find out WHY their name wound up there. I know someone who got on the TSA "No Fly List" for having an angy vocal argument with a rude and abusive TSA agent at LAX. You can be watched as a "potential terrorist" simply based on an anonymous tip from someone with a grudge, if whoever make up the lists simply thinks it sounds "credible".
Even people on a "watch list" haven't been arrested, let alone tried or convicted, for any crime. How many people are wrongly on the "list" through similarity in names, etc.? And, the definition of "terrorist" is too vague to start with. Finally, all you have to do, as has been pointed out, is look at who supports this.
Damn civil rights
we should just ban them and let everybody live under the governments thumb...

COME ON, it's a stupid piece of hack journalism, if they did something, I'm sure some prosecutor or fed would try to build a case and get around to

until then, they can buy guns just like me, and I have no problems with that, sure beats the alternatives.
They call it the "no fly no buy" list, when supporters of this talk about it. You could probably get info by googling that.
If this list is so secret, how do these two know if any, or even maybe all of these watched people purchased anything?

Oh, I know they grabbed a number out of their backsides. Supprised the number isn't bigger, with 500,000+ on the list it should have been more like 220,000 to keep up with teh average gun ownership in the US.

You know, there was another guy that did this kind of stuff...he died in a bunker in Berlin...oh yea, then that other guy from Moscow....
If Lautenberg and McCarthy are involved in ANYTHING I'm automatically against it on principle! As others have said if someone is on someone's fecal roster it's no reason to deny them any civil right. Doesn't the Constitution, I know old parchment written by a bunch of dead white guys, say that a person has the right to confront their accuser?

Here we had a Canadian guy and his girlfriend arrested for buying guns with falsified ID. She could legally enter the country, but he couldn't because he's a convicted felon in Canada. She'd drive across the border legally, then he'd just walk across someplace between border stations and she'd pick him up on the US side. He bought 10 or 12 guns at a gun show here with his falsified ID, and when he left the show and got into the car she was waiting in they were arrested. The RCMP and ICE evidently have had an eye on this guy for awhile I guess.

He pleaded not guilty to the charges, but I think he's going to have a hard time convincing anyone that he was just framed. Unless of course his lawyer gets 90% of the evidence against him dropped. Or BATFE is letting him "walk" guns into Canada because it worked so well on the other border.... :mad:
The fact remains the BATFE opposed a "no fly-no buy" law because enforcing it would put on-going investigations at risk. Or that was the cited reason. Considering the controversy over "Fast & Furious", perhaps we need question which side of the terrorism deal the BATFE is really on though.
...Considering the controversy over "Fast & Furious", perhaps we need question which side of the terrorism deal the BATFE is really on though.

Their own, as always.

Somebody needs to remind Sen. Lautenberg that being on the list does not make you a terrorist. Furthermore, depriving someone of their Constitutional rights without due process is, in itself, a violation of the Fifth Amendment. If the Attorney General is actually an attorney, I am not sure how he could have overlooked this.
yes, and that list at one time included Ted Kennedy, several other members of the Senate and Congress, at least two state Governors, a multitude of airline pilots, a number of US Military officers rank of General and above ... yadda yadda yadda.

The "list" is secret, drawn from multiple questionable sources, and published phonetically so as to cover multiple spellings of a single name.

In other words, it's a worthless piece of trash that should be given no more credence than the pulp newspaper who's headline screams "The Government Stole My Alien Baby!"
Lets say we implement some sort of 'check terrorist watch list' for FFL transactions and deny based on that.

If I was a terrorist about once a month I'd transfer a gun from Terrorist A to Terrorist B, and then back again. This would cost, what, $20 shipping fees and $20 transfer charge?

For $40 a month I'd be able to tell my cover wasn't blown.

so what would happen is if there was a REAL suspected terrorist with solid evidence and he was under FBI under surveillance, they'd NOT put him on the watch list.

The terrorist watch list already is composed almost exclusively of 'probably not...but maybe' people, such a rule would just lock it to 'almost positively not...but maybe'
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