3 AM Door kicked in, intruder inside!

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Feb 11, 2003
Catfish Co, KY
The house is secure and you are in bed. You are awakened by a storm. There are high winds, rain, lightning and the house shakes from the thunder. You note the time is 2:30 AM. You drift back to sleep. You hear what sounds like an explosion and you sit up in bed. The time is 3 AM. You realize there are noises in your house and a draft of cold and humid air coming in. You suddenly realize that the power is out. You reach for the bedside phone and hear no dial tone. The telephone is out too. You hear footsteps and rummaging in your house. There IS someone IN your house. This is a intruder who has broken in. The power, telephone and calling 911 are out. The intruder is looking for something and is coming closer to your bedroom. What do you intend to do? Why? (This is not a family member or cousin looking for a cup of sugar.)
Not really enough info, but getting amplified ear muffs on and placing something solid between yourself and the intruder would b a good start. Who knows, maybe it has a good looking set of antlers and a stuffable hide...
If there are no children in the house to worry about, lock the master bedroom door, arm yourself with whatever you keep for home defense and call the police on the cell phone you keep in the bedroom.

Grab shotgun, Grab cellphone, call 911. If time, toss on a pair of pants (i usually keep my next days clothes out and ready to go anyway.

Because of the amount of care put into this strike, assume that the people in the house are not ametures and that they do fully intend to kill me. If there's no other friendly's in the, barricade my door with the dresser. Ready a pistol, maybe finish throwing on some clothes incase i have to get the heck out.

If there are other people in the house i care about, the top of the stairs is a very defensable position.

Lots of if's in this scenario.
Grab gun, put on my Dillon HP-1's, toss cell to wife to dial 911, grab surefire 6Z, toss (I wouldn't actually toss it!) another gun to wife. Listen, wait and act according to what I hear next...or sleep through it all and wake up with no way to watch Katie Couric in the morning, Darn :barf:
I posted this elsewhere for the fun value:

Hit the deck! Man the guns! All hands stand by to repel boarders!

I live half a mile from the nearest house, at the end of ¾ mile of steep dirt drive, four wheel drive only when it’s wet, so anyone visiting does so deliberately. A couple months ago, a little before 3am, I awoke to realize I was not alone in the house. The assumption was that only bad guys would enter without knocking or otherwise announcing themselves. Benefiting from a full adrenaline dump, I set out to clear the house.

OH, Grunt!

Apparently, in coming home late and tired, I had not only failed to bolt the door, I also failed to fully latch it. When the rain started, the neighbor’s goats, which occasionally wander onto my land, took shelter by crowding onto my porch. Eventually there was enough crowding to drive the goat in the rear to press against the door, opening it. Well, an open porch not fully protected from wind and rain is not nearly as goat friendly as a warm house. Luckily, I cleared’em out before they relieved themselves or discovered the comforts of the leather sofa. The house did, however, smell of wet goat for the next few days and I got no more sleep that night.

For the record, the phone is in the great room where the goats were and two legged predators would have been, had the invaders not been goats. Even if I had a phone in the bedroom, my location and my driveway make sheriff’s response times so long, assuming the deputy’s car actually makes it up the driveway, that the deputy will only confirm my success or failure at dealing with the situation. The options are limited to confronting the invader or bailing out the window and fleeing - I am not one for playing possum. I opted for shoes, glasses, the Streamlight, P226, and an extra high cap mag. Elapsed time to readiness may or may not have been adequate to have dealt with two legged invaders.
good stuff so far though what about wife and kids ready to load/reload guns and magazines or stripper clips. providing you dont have this already done:scrutiny:
I just hope that I would wake up. I'm a sound sleeper, the ex used to have a fail safe method of getting my attention.......but I doubt an intruder would try anything like that.
You have an alarm, right?

My bedroom is right at the top of the stairs, and the doorway provides good cover. I'd stabilize there with a longarm and cellphone. The stairs in my (parents) house are a very tough chokepoint, and they provide an excellent backstop.

- Chris
I have kids in the house plus an older daughter who has moved back in temporarily. She is pretty intelligent but still used to her own place so I can NOT rule out her coming in late/getting up for a snack. But she does know that I own guns.

Bottom line I grab my cell phone, gun, and flashlight and carefully look to see what is going on. All done very carefully with gun at side or behind me.
Since I do now have a child (baby) in the house, I'll take a stab. The baby is nowhere near self-mobile, so, barring the BG grabbing him, I at least know exactly where he'll be.

My weapon: Remington 870 with Surefire 918 forearm light. My wife has a Kimber 1911

My house is a single story, and most of the valuable stuff (TV, stereo, CDs/DVDs) is at the other end of the house. As I exit my bedroom door, the computer room (the only other area with anything valuable) is to my right, kid's room and the rest of the house to the left. If the BG is in the computer room, great, me and the 870 can block the door and keep him there, with lethal force if neceessary, and let the wife secure the baby and call 911 on the cell. BG anywhere else, move to establish a blocking position to keep him from the baby's room, let wife move in to secure the baby and again, call 911 on the cell.

First method of engagement, situation dependant, is to use the light to blind him. Photons would be followed by 00 as required. And at any time, if he touches the baby, his likelihood of leaving the house alive drops dramtically.
Mines easy, been through that exactly.

Situation: Friends house caught on fire, burned a big hole in one end.
He and his family stayed in a hotel. I stayed in the house due to a firemans advice. The had shut down the power, water and the phone line was toast.

The firemarshall said that certain lowlifes listened to police scanners, and would then go hit houses in this situation. So for the next three days, until they got the hole boarded up, me my sp101, 12 gauge and a flaslight pulled night watchman.

On the second night I heard a big crash downstairs. "No problem probably one of the cats." Until I looked down at the foot of the bed, there they both were curled up, but looking out the doorway. At this point I was scared. As I layed there I began to get mad. As my friend had already lost most of his house, I thought bull****, he would lose no more to a creatin on my watch!! So, heart in my throat, in my undies down the stairs I went with the shotty, flashlight and the sp101 in an ankle rig. As I rouded the corner to the room the noise had come from, on came the flashlight, and off went the safety.

What had happened was this: one of the false ceiling tiles soaked with water had finally fell through its frame, knocked over a little shelf and hit the cement floor. No harm, no foul, I just aged 1 year inside of 2 minutes.

As no one else was supposed to be in the house, the phones were dead, and I didn't have a cell phone, this was the action I took.
This is like asking "What should you do in an ambush?"

The answer is, it depends on what you did BEFORE the ambush!

NOW, while there is no intruder in the house, think it through. First of all, select a safe room. Next, either use that as the master bedroom, or plan a route to reach it quickly, without exposing yourself.

Stock your safe room with a weapon, ammo, flashlight and some means of communication. If you don't sleep there, stock your master bedroom as well.

Survey the routes to your safe room. Plan to cover these routes with fire (that is, position yourself so you can shoot anyone approaching.)

Make sure you have cover in your safe room -- something proof at least against handgun bullets.

Assign tasks to family members, from simply staying under cover for the youngest to calling the police for the wife or an older child, to covering all approaches with a weapon.

Practice your reactions: Alerting your wife, family; accessing your weapons, lights, cell phone in the dark; assembling the family; running through your defense drills.
Hmm. First step would be to release 230 lbs of dog from the bedroom. (Great Dane, German Shepherd/Dane mix, and monster Beagle who thinks he's a Pit Bull.) :D
Phone police dispatch on the cell phone and give them info. Hang up.
Throw on some pants and the Glock iwb. Grab the 12 guage and listen for screams.:D
Fire if necessary. (doubtful)
Mop, rinse, repeat.
I think it depends significantly on what state you reside in. Some states require you to make your best effort to get away from the bad guy, rather than confront him/her and risk a shooting. Here in Colorado we have a so-called "make my day" law. Anyone illegally in your house after dark can be shot, no questions asked.

Frankly, I don't like the idea of sitting tight while some scumbag has his way with my house and property. On the other hand, I would prefer to avoid a lethal encounter as much as possible. It may not be the best thing to do, but I'll always investigate with a surefire and the Wilson Protector I keep on the night stand, having first armed the wife with the Mossberg 590.

It may seem backwards, but I would be inclined to keep the dogs away from the intruder. They're too much like kids to me and I wouldn't want them to get hurt.

This is probably not the best plan, but it's what I'm comfortable with.
Well basically it involves barring the bedroom door and sitting tight while calling 911 on the cell phone and generally being scared out of my wits.

Oh did I mention the fact that at the very least there will be two shotguns leveled at the bedroom door or possibly even a 30 round semi auto rifle or two depending on the pucker factor.

We have no kids and my TV is not worth killing anybody over and as far as I am concerned the Police are the folks who get paid to do a house search and apprehension of who ever is in my home.

They cross the threshhold of my SAFE area where my family is hunkered down, though, and they better be ready for WWIII and a hell of a lot of well trained directed fire. I never want to have to harm anybody but my family will be kept safe. My possessions are protected by my insurance company but my family's lives are a whole different story.
first off, the last thing you want to do, especially with children in the house, is grab a shotgun. Any respectable defensive load will blow right through a wall, into the room next to you.

Anyway, grab a suitable firearm and light and call the police on the cell if available. Next, I'd be calling out to the perp and letting him know that an armed person will be moving through the house. He will be offered the chance to leave or surrender. If I find him and he isn't on the ground, he gets one more chance before I consider him a threat and he is shot.
Chamber a round in the 870 and point it in the general direction of the bedroom doorway.

Get the po-po on the cellie.

No need to get out of bed.
irst off, the last thing you want to do, especially with children in the house, is grab a shotgun. Any respectable defensive load will blow right through a wall, into the room next to you.

The trick here is to not miss. Say i grab my shottie and bunker down at the top of the stairs? I'm not gonna hit any occupied rooms in my house. Simple as that. My alternative is grabbing one of my pistols, and i know ranger talons will go through wallboard just as well as my shotgun
I love these where the scenario gives the main character omnipotent psychic power to discern certain facts, but not others. In this case, there is an intruder somewhere in the house and getting closer, but apparently we don't know exactly where the intruder is or what the intruder is doing, and yet we know the intruder is not a family member. We also somehow know that there is only one intruder in the home and not a gang home invasion sort of burglary. As with the old McDonalds promotion for their special containers, "It keeps the hot side hot and the cold side cold," but how does it know?

Everybody here is talking about children in the house. No mention of children was made in the scenario (shortcoming of an overly simplified scenario?) and besides, since the main character is psychic, then there should not be a problem.

As for calling out to the perp, this one always perplexes me. If the perp is just a burglar, it is a fine idea. If the perp(s) is there to kill you, then you have given away your position to him and verified that you are in fact present in the house.
I think this post confirms the importance of owning a indoor dog. Even if it is a small breed, IMHO dogs are generally the best of "early warning device" known to mankind. My dogs wouldn't kill the intruder (probably hold him down and search his pockets for milk bones)... but I would know about him before he became an intruder. Heck they wake me up when deer come in our front yard. Their noise alone inside the house probably would discourage anyone trying to get in.

That, and the importance of owning and keeping a cellphone and a nice 12 gauge by your bed.
I'm 57 years old, this happened when I was 14 or 15. But I still remember.

My mother ( no father in the picture ) woke me at 4:30am and said someone was breaking in through a downstairs screen window. I got my only firearm at the time, a Remington Nylon 11, 22lr, and told her to check my little brothers room to be sure he was in bed and stay there. As I got to the top of the stairs she said he was asleep. I hunkered down at the top of the stairs and waited. At the time the only phone was downstairs.

As a shadow crossed the bottom landing I released the safety and said, "I have a gun , do not come upstairs, get out of the house". And I'll admit at this time I was scared.

In response I heard, "John, is that you?"

As thing turned out it was a 12 year old friend of my brother. They had planned to go fishing early and my brother was to be awake and ready to leave at 5:00. His friend got there early and decided to wake him. He jimmied the kitchen screen window and climbed in that way. That is what my mother heard.

To this day I don't think he believes how close he came.
That happened to me yesterday.. woke up to a howling wind, wierd noises that sounded like someone was rummaging around in my kitchen.

I grabbed my robe, tosssed my pistol in the robe's pocket... but since the sun was up (I had gotten off work at 5:30AM) I grabbed an axe handle from behind the night stand and approached my kitchen. I was really half-expecting a shabby homeless person to be eating my wheaties or something. (It's not like I have a set of "good silver' in the kitchen.

Instead, the what I found was a pigeon trying to find its way out of my kitchen. Winds were gusting on the front range to nearly 100 mph in places, everytime I shut the window it blew back open. Time for new window locks.

The bird was let out via the back door, I tied the window shut and went back to bed.

When this scenario happened to David letterman, it was a BEAR in his kitchen.


Sneak back into bed room, get bigger gun.
1) Identify threat via cameras (on independant battery and data networks with no single points of failure.)

2) Baracade against threat (includes leveling self-loading rifle at door, Glock on my hip.)

3) Call 911 on cell, inform them of situation, give my description and ask to be patched directly into the advancing squad car (if any, if I have time for all this nonsence).

4) Shoot To Live, if absolutely nessicary.
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