300,000 M-14s destined for trash pile

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I doubt I'd buy one, but I'd like to see them made available and made into money instead of destroyed.
Signed it.

The crazy thing is that they'll cite "public safety" concerns as if:

1. Terrorists and criminals are shooting in CMP matches to qualify, or

2. If they did, a Garand would stop their nefarious schemes, since it's SO much less effective than an M14 . . . . .
I doubt the petition by itself will do very much... write and call your senators, etc. Get a lot of attention for this, and it might actually happen.

300,00 M-14 rifles destined for the scrap heap. Hope the petition helps. If it does go through I'll take 3 thank you. If it doesn't :cuss:
I hate to rain on everyone's parade but there is another reason why the government would be cautious about releasing these rifles to the CMP. If they release 300,000 rifles it will flood the market with cheap guns and therefore hurt the business if not destroy companies like Springfield Armory, Colt, Bushmaster, Armalite and any other such rifle producers. What the government would be doing is creating unfair competition that many companies could not compete against, thereby violating market principles. Many people argue for the government to stay away from the economy and in this instance they are doing that by not releasing the rifles.
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