ACLU to monitor Minuteman Project

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Don't suppose the ACLU will lose any sleep over my opinion of them, but -

If they want me to think they're anything but a bunch of hateful skanks, they could start by 'looking for human rights abuses by either party,' not just one. Especially not just the one party that's on the side of the law.

As has been pointed out, the ACLU has already decided the Minutemen are going to go over the top, and will be looking for abuse by the Minutemen only, will be taking testimony against the Minutemen only and are inherently uninterested in the illegal actions being taken by the border-crossers.

'Violating the rights' of a criminal is not at all the same as violating the rights of, say, a girl scout. In committing a crime, you state that the obligations of society don't apply to you. Therefore, neither do the privileges. One of the privileges of US society is protection of your natural rights. It's a two-way street, rights and obligations.

The ACLU has the legal, consitutional right to do so insofar as they may without violating property rights and so on of others. I, thank God and the Constitution, have every right to call them the rotten, vile skanks they are.

P.S.: If anyone can prove to me that the ACLU has taken a prior interest in the border situation, and has defended and protected Arizona citizens whose property rights have been violated by illegal immigrants, I may revise my opinion of the ACLU on this single issue. If they have not, then how anyone can pretend that the ACLU is interested in justice and an even-handed treatment of the rights issue is beyond me. Show me where they sued the Mexican Government for encouraging violation of US government immigration laws and individual US citizen property rights.
GWB will go down as the biggest traitor to America in its history
What, bigger traitor than the Rosenbergs for selling the atomic bomb secrets to the Russians ? A bigger traitor than Jane Fonda ? A bigger traitor than Aldrich Ames and John Walker ? A bigger traitor than those who would turn over American sovereignty to the United Nations ? A bigger traitor than those who would abolish the Second Amendment to further their own socialist agenda ?

I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree.
I guess you figure when we have another 911 If it gets out they just walked across the border GWB will go down as a geat President. We all can make a mistake can't we? I can't figure how with all the illegals coming over he isn't selling our national sovereignty down the tubs. Far as Fonda wonder if she got as many killed as the next 911. Now the Rosenburgs seem like anything on the history channel about them i've see Their is some doubt as to if they were really guilty or not. Now for the 2nd. Let them sent some anti gun bill to him see if he signs it. Funny at the CCW banquet in Phoenix no one I talked to looked at GWB as being pro 2nd amendment. All looked at him maybe as a little less anti gun then Kerry Big difference to me anyway.
I guess you figure when we have another 911 If it gets out they just walked across the border GWB will go down as a geat President.
Bad guess. A more careful study of what I said will reveal that I didn't say anything like that.
Most of the forums close down because the one watching them doesn't want to hear what you say. Funny they all believe in free speech
lostone, sorry about my last post. I’m just ODd on History Channel revisionism. I don’t believe there is much controversy about the Rosenbergs, but I could be wrong.

When I hear the word “traitorâ€, I think of treason, where someone willfully aids the enemy. The scenario you portrayed was one more of incompetence than malicious intent.

However, I checked an online dictionary, and it defines for traitor

1 : one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty
2 : one who commits treason
and by the first definition a President that allowed saboteurs to cross the border leading to castastrophe would indeed be a traitor, although not necessarily guilty of treason.

Having said all that, I stand by my position that a President who permitted sabotage by his own incompetence or neglect would not go down in history as the country’s biggest traitor. I think that would be reserved for someone also guilty of treason.
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