Almost had to go "Chow Young Fat" on someone today.

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somehow the perp seems to be begging for a reverse wristlock come along swung into a shoulder out of joint when he resists, but not breaking his legs. He's a loon, you just need to instill enough pain to make him leave.
A possible problem with persons suffering from a mental handicap is that they can have an extrmely high tolerance to pain and that they also can feed off that pain and become an enraged "loon" (no insults intended) with seemingly unlimited strength and just won't give up without serious damge being done to them and many times that damage's end result is usually fatal.

My mother use to work with people who sufferd with mental disabilities and she was quite firm in the belief that intimidation or presenting the appearence of being ready willing and able to respond to force with force was in part the best way to deal with many of the people under her control. She wasn't bluffing and was quite capable of enforcing her will physically, if the need arose.

If you can end an encounter with out the need to use force (lethal or otherwise) then you have won and you walk away unharmed and without causing harm.

An added plus is that you don't get entangled with the legal system.
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