Americans Killed in Iraq Mutilated and Desecrated

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Jul 21, 2003
Greenville, NC
American's Killed in Iraq Mutilated and Desecrated

Look at these pictures. The story behind them can be found at Several Americans were killed in a bomb attack in Fallujah. The citizens of the city pulled the bodies out, drug them down the street, and hung them up on a bridge.

I try to be reasonable and respect the civilians in the US's conflicts, but I'm finished feeling sorry for the Iraqi's, or any of the other Arab citizens. This is the work of savages. I know that's a horrible way to be, but I'm judging by their actions. The phrase, "Kill 'em all, let God sort'em out," comes to mind. I may feel differently later, but right now, I'm too p*&&ed off.

Mods, please move to wherever you feel is appropriate.
This is a straightforward issue to deal with. Identify the people cheering in the photos, hunt them down, and slit their throats while they are sleeping.

And here I thought Legal & Political was for the hard questions. ;)
I support our President and our Armed Servicemen and Women who are in Iraq. But when sh*t like this happens it really pisses me off :banghead:and makes me question 'Why the F**k are we trying to help these people if they don't want us there?" :cuss: I know that the people who are causing the problems are small when compared to the rest of the population but frankly if this is the way they want to act then I say Screw Them :fire: and Let's bring our Servicemen and Women home!

Let the Iraqi people govern themselves and the next time they start complaining about inhumane treatment from a cruel dictator we can just turn a blind eye and say 'We told you so!" :neener: :mad: :evil:

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Somolia Parte Deux

Right out of Osama B. Laden's playbook. Create a photo-op and let American press do what it does so well. Last time the play was run the CinC cut and run.

New CinC second time around. We will see what happens.

Hey, Dubya! You watchin', Buddy? This is a direct challenge to you.
I think that I'd have to agree with you although I'm not familiar with Vespasian. If I'm on the right track then Vespasian would have dealth harshly with harsh conditions or harsh actions?

Sean, too time consuming for my taste I'm afraid. Sounds to me a MOAB moment is in order.

The Iranians did this in 1979 and the Somalis did this during the 1990s. The result was that the US didn't send troops into Iran and withdrew our interestes in Iran and the US pulled out of Somalia as well. Both events occured while a Democratic president was at the helm. Hmmmm???

I suppose this raises the question, can a peaceful democracy successfully replace a blood thirsty tyrant when the tryant's people utilize the same tactics as the tyrant?

Earlier, the comment was made to "Bring Them Home". I think that would be a bad mistake. I think this it far different than the common feeling across Iraq, and should be treated completely differently than in other parts of the country.

Treat the ones who respect us with respect. Treat THESE clowns with extreme prejudice. The current climate in Iraq is NOT "one size fits all" throught the country. They haven't had the benefit of 24/7 mass communictaion, so that pockets of their citizens see things far differently from one another, as opposed to the way things run when they have wall to wall "news" like we are exposed to here.

What bunch of pigs! I only hope that they will be dealt with appropriately. I am also glad that we do not have the kind of President who would pull out of an operation because of something like this.
I'm appalled by the killings of unarmed civilians. I'm also appalled by the killing of American soldiers through terrorism and guerillas.

I am appalled at the descretion of dead bodies because that cuts across political, social and economic lines. Every culture has shown some sort of respect towards the deceased throw burying, entombment, cremation etc. To brutally treat a corpse is repugnant to all civilized people.

Why does everybody seem more upset by corpse mutilation than by the killings?

I'm not sure they are. But the comportment underscores the difference between civilized values, hard won over the centuries, and tribal barbarism. This is a distinction--that some cultures are less "functional" than others, that reason is better than unreason--that is considered too un-pc to take note of in these increasingly decadent times.
Vespasian's sons Titus and Domitian (also Flavian Emperors) would have also done a good job. But I think the people who had the best Mideast policy initiatives were, bar none, the Mongols.

Meanwhile, that blight on the human landscape known as Fallujah continues to exist. :barf:
Wrong as it is, these along with many other nations still live as though they were still back in the 12th century. They really have not developed much beyond those savage instincts that most of us have learned to control, not outgrown.

If anyone has spend anytime in the middle east they will know what I am talking about.

You cannot deal with these types of people with diplomacy, they do not understand it.

You either have to just leave them alone to their own corrupt dictator governments or if you decide to intrude upon them then you have to go in with the mentality of; if they kill one of ours, we kill a thousand of theirs.

Thats what they understand. That's why these police actions never work.

Either surrender or pull off the gloves and get down in the dirt and get busy.
If a tyrant was running my country and denied me basic human rights, then I'd be glad that a foreign army invaded my country and was fixing things.

If the master of my house was abusing me, you can sure bet that I'd be happy to see my neighbors come in and take the tyrant out, then stick around to help me back on my feet again.

I'm beginning to think that the last person to have a coherent Middle Eastern policy was Vespasian.
LOL. Good post! However, it seems to me that his mania carried over to the Flavian amphitheatre. As an intern, you'd certainly need to win the hearts of the crowd -- before they literally got yours on the turn of a thumb.


those pictures were enough to ruin my day. I hope the perpetators of such barbarism get their just reward -- in a sulphurous jacuzzi! :mad:

~ Heraclitus
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You asked why people are more upset with the descretion than by the killing. The Americans in those pictures chose to go to Iraq. They either volunteered or had the right to refuse. They knew the risk and took it. Everyone dies. I feel for their families.

No person is so vile that they deserve to be mistreated after they are dead. No OBL, not Bill Clinton and certainly not some young driller from west Texas or pipefitter from Arkansas that needed the money to put his kids through school. To dance and sing you smash corpses with a shovel, is to invite your own destruction as far as I'm concerned.

Either these people do not understand the restraint and care they have been treated with or they understand all to well that we lack the will to unleash upon them the terrible destruction that they deserve.

My first reaction to the reactions on this thread was that we are all hypocrites.

Don't get me wrong, I'm as outraged and appalled as the rest of you.

But am I the only one who remembers the emails that were flying around awhile back, urging that all dead terrorists have their bodies desecrated with pig fat and be displayed to their families and friends in such a condition?

The impulse to do this sort of thing to the enemy exists in every one of us.

I am ashamed for the human race.


It's silly to go on pretending that under the skin we are all brothers. The truth is more likely that under the skin we are all cannibals, assassins, traitors, liars, hypocrites, poltroons. -- Henry Miller
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