"America's Gun Culture Must Change"

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the population being slaughtered by the newest fresh out of the box Glock
Guns don't kill people, people kill people, stupid.
[Guns kill people/QUOTE]
See above.
I know there are some of you who will continue to live in your sad and pathetic world of hate, and that you will laugh while reading this article when I speak of peace and a world without firearms. And I pity you, I really do.
I do not own guns because I hate, I own guns because I LOVE (my life and those of my friends and family).

This is the most misinformed, idiotic writer I've seen in a couple months. Typical anti arguments, full of holes.

5th-semester sociology and political science double major
This is where our politicians come from. Looks like he has just completed his sophomore year - not a misnomer at all.

The main reason why we created the whole Second Amendment was something along the lines of protecting ourselves back in the 1700s from the people we stole our land from; aka Native Americans,
Wow. Just wow.
You know I really don't see any points made and the sarcasm he uses doesn't sound convincing at all. I'm not worried about it, because anyone who could believe this is not worth having on our side anyways.
Seawolf said:
Staff Columnist Chris Donnelly is a 5th-semester sociology and political science double major.
Ah, he's majoring in Professorship I see.

The article is a waste of time. It's not an argument of rational intellect, it's an argument of emotion and hatred. The finger pointing, political mudslinging and name calling starts almost immediately. These people can't, and should 't be debated with. That only leads to a circus.

PS: Anyone else think it's funny that a fifth year polysci major has such an obvious lack of understanding of the framing of the Constitution? Indians? HAH!
The main reason why we created the whole Second Amendment was something along the lines of protecting ourselves back in the 1700s from the people we stole our land from; aka Native Americans,

Let me go out on a limb here, a Clinton campaign worker in his spare time? :)

Wow, where do you start with this one? So many wrong headed statements, so little time. I'll bet his parents are thinking of suing his university to get their money back.

Everybody wants reparations. Where does it end? Do we go back to the first caveman tribe that vanquished its neighbors? Try to find the descendants of the losing tribe?

I sent in some nice commentary. Let's see if it actually get's approved.
the population being slaughtered by the newest fresh out of the box Glock

Someone here recently posted FBI statistics that showed the average time-to-crime was about 10 YEARS. So the population is really being "slaughtered" by people carrying 10-year-old glocks. Further, twice as many people are being slaughtered by backyard pools and boating as by gun-toting thugs.
These sorts of displays of ignorance of even basic U.S. (and North American in general) history always make me wonder how the hell these dolts manage to make it into an accredited college to begin with.
Looks like another socialist-utopian student in the making. The REALLY scary thing is that he'll eventually become a college professor and have an entire class full of naive students to share his utopian ideas with.
I posted a comment. It appeared immediately, so it looks like they haven't started filtering anything (and they may not).
Well he's getting slammed pretty hard on the webpage...good.

It's weird, when I was younger I knew enough to LISTEN and LEARN about a topic before I opened my mouth to talk about it.

(Now I just talk away, but I'm a cranky old guy so I can get away with it right?!? :neener:)
Yeah, he's getting diced up pretty good.

I'm sure all the comments will be sumarily dismissed in his (small) mind as further examples of gun owner hate.
The individual who wrote this article is mentally ill and needs serious counseling, please don't give him legitimacy. If individuals who read this garbage actually believe it, then they need help as well.
Look, its simple, live is precious and worth defending. There are those in our society who don't hold life and its sanctity in very high esteem, they are simply evildoers who will kill you for anything they want or need. Their judgment centers are compromised by drug use or they may have been born without empathy and are simply savages, regardless of the pathology, civilized human beings need a method of defense against savagery that exists in our society, be it simple or complex, having said that, individuals who place all their faith in police response time are delusional and/or mentally ill. Its simply a difference between those who place their destiny in self reliance vs. government dependence. This is elementary stuff to people with a brain. A college campus is not a place to find such people, for the most part.

I really don't see anything worthy of a response. Getting rid of guns is the solution to all of society's woes?

This is how I'd respond if that article actually motivated me to respond. What a piece of crap. Thankfully somebody already said it.

*Yawns* ... This commentary reinforces my belief that todays college student is taught nothing about American history. But let's not let facts get in the way of a good emotional rant .
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Another in a long chain of proof...the hard core anti-gunners have a clear misperception:

  • They confuse the "gun culture" (e.g., us gunnies who like guns for their aesthetics, mechanics, history, self reliance and challenge of shooting) and the "death culture" (bad people who wish harm on others...to whom the gun is a tool to that)
  • They have a bizzare notion that the presence of an object (in this case, a gun( will transform an otherwise meek mild person into whatever the popular media beieves that object represents (in this case, a raving, blood-thirsty lunatic). This is delusional thinking at best...sort of like thinking you can will a basketball player to make the shot...those are the thoughts of a child.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. (breath) ha ha ha.

OMG! That is absolutely the worst anti schpeel I've ever read. This has GOT to be satire. Surely he can't be serious. I think we need LOTS more articles like this. Drooling idiots on the other side helps our cause.

Seriously, that is what these twits are advocating for everyone else. In the real world, when you continue to find problems with everything other than yourself...guess who the real problem is?

Look at what America's college culture has given us. The Collegiate institutional ideas and agendas that have shaped this country in the last 50 years have set up the systems that have caused the problems in this country more than any other thing. And they stand behind these failures like they were the gospel.

The only thing that keeps the Barbarians at bay that are pounding on the City gates is the backs of hard working Americans.
I posted a reply earlier, should have checked my spelling better.

Naturally a polisci student would support gun control - it is the easy answer that fits in a sound bite without accomplishing anything.
That makes you a VERY welcome exception to the rule. We just need about 300 more of them and in congress.
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