an entire year of shooting lost to the hoarders and gougers

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Everyone who was trying to save every last penny by buying their ammo at places like Walmart are the ones to blame.

Wait! I can't let this one pass. So you're saving the world for the rest of us. Hmmm... I wonder how you figured my LGS people don't know who I am? ESP? Tarot cards? Psychic hotline? Tell me, which part of "enough centerfire to last the rest of my life" did you not understand? You think I bought that at Wally World? LOLOLOLOLOLOL You people are too much. The ego mania is hilarious. Yet another one fails to read the thread. Tell us Swami, how do we buy .22 ammo from LGS's that don't have it? Is it because I didn't support them? LOLOLOLOL Wanna call them up and ask them?
I've been following this thread since its inception and I admit I'm getting lost too. I guarantee that 15,000 rounds of .22 is mor than I've shot in my entire life and I've had a 22 for most of it. I have roughly 500 rounds of .22 right now. Which is more than I will shoot in the next 5 years. That's a lot of squirrels and rabbits. So CeeZee, by your own admission, according to your definition, YOU are a hoarder because you have enough ammo to last the rest of your life, yet you don't use it. I understand shooting a lot if you are a competition shooter. I understand shooting a lot if you are trying to become proficient or maintain proficiency because your job requires it. But I don't understand shooting 1000 rounds a week as a primary hobby unless you are wealthy. Are there no other hobbies for people? I'm a religious outdoorsman. The two places I'm happiest are in the woods or on the water. Hunting, fishing, hiking, archery, bowfishing, scouting when I can. Between my three jobs I don't have a ton of free time for all that. But even if I did, it doesn't cost much money to do. But I guess I just don't understand the immense thrill of burning though 500-1000 rounds of ammo a week to punch holes in paper or knock down steel plates just for something to do.
I get tired of people who didn't think ahead and plan for XYZ complaining about those who did plan ahead.

And who complained about "those who did plan ahead"???? LOLOL You people can't help yourself can you? Anything to make yourself look good at someone else's expense. "I'm tired" of people who think they can mis-read a thread and come out looking like Mr. Genius. LOLOLOL Stop it. My side is hurting from laughing so hard. Tell me, how long have you prepared for disaster troubles? A week? A month? Do you own a farm with a defensible area to grow crops? Own a tractor? Plow horses? Have your own spring? Just how much are you actually prepared? I bet it isn't enough. No matter how much you say I can always say it isn't enough. You remind me of people who didn't buy a breeding pair of plow horses. You get the picture. BTW I do have a farm, a spring, defensible terrain and a large family to work together to maintain it. So I guess "I WIN!!!!"
At first I had difficulty finding rim fire but now it's not a problem. My lgs has it, both here in va and in pa where I spend every other weekend. It's not as cheap as it used to be. For instance, a box of federal target (350 rounds) cost me $28 and my store in pa has cci mini mags for $11 per 100 and small boxes of American eagle for $3.99. The catch is, both these people have a 2 box limit per day. Despite that, I can still get ammo when I want it and not break the bank. The only caliber I don't shoot as often is 9mm, the mark up is just too much for me to stomach.

I'm not saying it doesn't suck but it is carrying better.
So CeeZee, by your own admission, according to your definition, YOU are a hoarder because you have enough ammo to last the rest of your life, yet you don't use it.

A hoarder? I just bought up a bunch of ammo over the course of a lifetime. I didn't shoot all I bought. I didn't run out and buy up ammo when I thought it wouldn't be available. And yes I shoot a lot. Way more than 1000 rounds a week if I have my way. I can afford it. So what? And that isn't cheap ammo either. I do plink with stuff that comes from Walmart but for the most part I'm shooting Wolf or something along those lines if not something far more expensive. I shoot a lot of CCI SV too. But a hoarder? I don't think you realize how much ammo some people have bought. I've seen people talk about having bought 100,000 rounds or more to keep back. I've seen stashes of 30,000 rounds of just 7.62 x 39. That's hoarding but I wouldn't have a problem with those people because they bought it when it was available.

I have to tell you that 500 rounds in 5 years is not very much. I grew up on a trap range (literally) where shotguns were going off all day long at times. I used to shoot 300 rounds just to get warmed up on a single day and then I'd start shooting more seriously. 500 rounds a day wasn't uncommon. That's what you do if you're into competition. I won a lot of competitions too. And now I'm ticked that I'm losing my edge because ammo isn't available like it should be. And some people think that's bad I guess. Some people have nothing better to do than to try to make themselves look good at other's expense. That's sad.

If you don't understand why I do what I do that's your problem. This is America, home of the free. I'm what you called retired. I have lots of time and not a lot of health so shooting has become my primary hobby. Or it was anyway. That's why I'm ticked. People that don't understand that generally just have an ego problem where they like to insult people. They all think they're John Wayne I guess.
Until this shortage I often shot up to 1k rounds of rimfire a week knocking down steel or punching paper for the fun of it. Shooting is one of my hobbies. At the beginning of the shortage, I likely had 15k rounds of plinking ammo. The possibility of not being able to easily replace it has slowed my consumption and left me somewhat frustrated like Cee Zee...FWIW, I don't shoot squirrels and rabbits, am not wealthy, and work a fulltime job....I reckon I am a hoarder since I have more ammo than some other guy who hasn't the time, money, or desire to shoot.
For instance, a box of federal target (350 rounds) cost me $28

If I could find rimfire ammo like that I'd be thrilled. But it just flat isn't around my area at all.
I'm not here to wave a finger or anything, but as a "long-time shooter", you've had ample opportunity and warning to stock up on ammo and have enough to last through these dry spells.
Until this shortage I often shot up to 1k rounds of rimfire a week knocking down steel or punching paper for the fun of it. Shooting is one of my hobbies.

I knew I wasn't the only one. I'd rather sit at a bench and shoot small groups than to sit around and bad mouth other people like some seem to like to do. It's my hobby. I've had others. This one is actually cheaper than some others I've had like riding my ATV all over creation. I'm retired now because of health issues mainly and I can't get around like I did. Shooting became a perfect hobby for me. But some seem to think I shouldn't want to be able to do it. I hope they don't face the problems I've had and then have your hobby taken away from you. It's not like I don't shoot at all now. I just can't shoot nearly as much as I was. I don't have that much money. Shooting centerfire is expensive even if you reload. If you're like me you just shoot more if you reload. But being really good at shooting requires lots of practice. Some people don't seem to get that.
I'm not here to wave a finger or anything, but as a "long-time shooter", you've had ample opportunity and warning to stock up on ammo and have enough to last through these dry spells.

Did you buy enough rimfire to last over a year? I thought I did stock up. I had 15,000 rounds. Now I only shoot what I can replace. That's basically it because I don't want to be without. It could get a lot worse if Obama gets his way. 15,000 rounds can last me a long time if I pace myself. But I could shoot that much in 3 months easy if I tried. I don't do it just to hear it go bang. I do it because I want to be a good shooter. And that takes practice and lots of it. I won probably 12 out of the last 15 contests I was in. That doesn't happen without practice. Not for me anyway.

BTW I sure don't buy all the ammo I see. I've lots and lots of centerfire ammo in calibers that I have guns to shoot. I don't buy it all. Not by a long shot. But if I didn't buy the rimfire I find I don't buy any. I've bought 2 or 3 boxes at a time for months now. And even that much is rare. That's getting old. It's not like I'm not going to gun shops looking for it. But that gets old too when there's never any ammo to buy.
I thought 15k plinking rounds would get me through the drought. I never imagined it would last this long. I have not bought bulk rimfire since December. I now practice about 100 rounds a week for my local silhouette matches instead of closer to 1k. My scores have dropped because of it, too.

Fortunately, I have been able to feed my .22lr benchrest guns. They don't eat cheap, but it's still cheaper than centerfire.
I agree that some people aren't reading your posts, they are just commenting. But the more you explain your circumstances, the more I see your frustration. I knew you had a reason to be mad, but when you gave some history it opened it up a little. Next time you should stock up. Lol
so cee zee you stocked up on rimfire ammo because you are smart but you make a thread whining because you don't have enough ammo for your .22's yet you have 15,000 rounds? so let me get this again... you were smart and stocked up? yet you "only" have 15,000 rounds which isn't enough?
ok I don't know what you want from us? how about you go out and enjoy shooting 10,000 rounds and save 5,000 for reserve? how is that not good enough for you?
how is it 15,000 rounds wont last you very long? do you have a semi auto and load up and shoot it as fast as you possibly can? do you shoot 10 hours a day? do you shoot every day? I'm just curious how 15,000 rounds just isn't enough for you? 15,000 should last you the rest of the year easily unless you just like to shoot it all as fast as you can load it up. reminds me of a spoiled toddler who throws a fit because he only gets 1 pudding pack a day but thinks he needs 50 a day.
maybe you should have stocked up more??
again what do you want us to do about it?
just cry us a river and tell everyone how they "didn't read the thread" boohoo worthless thread
boohoo worthless thread
Wise words. Let's summarize the OP:

1. Man stocked up to prepare for drought.
2. Man later finds he didn't stock up enough.
3. Man blames manufacturers.

Why is this even still open?
if you want rimfire ammo there is always 22lr at many many other sites have 22lr heck has bricks of Remington sub sonic for $33. some of these prices may be high but beggers or whiners should I say cant be choosers. If you need 22 sooo bad you cant stand it I guess the only thing I have to tell you is buck up and pay the higher than normal prices. and no more booger lipped comments
Did you buy enough rimfire to last over a year? I thought I did stock up. I had 15,000 rounds. Now I only shoot what I can replace. That's basically it because I don't want to be without. It could get a lot worse if Obama gets his way. 15,000 rounds can last me a long time if I pace myself. But I could shoot that much in 3 months easy if I tried. I don't do it just to hear it go bang. I do it because I want to be a good shooter. And that takes practice and lots of it. I won probably 12 out of the last 15 contests I was in. That doesn't happen without practice. Not for me anyway.

Nope. I really got into shooting when I graduated high school, and finally had some money to spend. Being in college now, that gun/ammo money tends to go toward things like food, and gas.

For a year or two, I didn't really know that there were ammo shortages, so I spent on guns, and would just bought a box before the range, and saved enough ammo to load mags. I learned of the 2008 shortage, and wasn't happy with that, so I started to buy two boxes, and shoot one. If I wanted to shoot two, I bought three. Didn't matter what caliber. That built my stock a little, and I also bought some bulk ammo when I could. As it sits, I've got enough to last about two years, between all calibers. I amassed that stock over about 2 years, on a very limited budget Then, Sandy Hook happened.

I have about 3.5K -4K .22LR right now. I sure would love to have 15K, though.......
Personally, I think OP has misplaced the blame. What, exactly, do you think the ammo companies could have done differently in order to please you? When they are running facilites 24/7/365, its not as though we can expect them to magically boost production. Expansion takes time. They can only produce so much ammo. What is it you think they ought to have done that they didn't do? The idea that the ammo companies are going to go out of business because of the current situation is utterly laughable. When companies have been producing the same sorts of goods for decades upon decades, with rock solid sales numbers, a temporary shortage in the supply line (and yes, even if its stretched back to 2008, its TEMPORARY) is not going to bankrupt them. Companies like Federal and Winchester and CCI are selling every bit of product they can produce. Comparing ammo, which has been a solid seller for...well....ever. to a fad like Cabbage Patch dolls is simply foolish. They are in no way they same, aside from both have had a period of high demand at one point. That's IT. Cabbage patch dolls were irrelevant in 1914, and are again irrelevant in 2014. Yet, during that century, ammo has sold consistently. Comparing the two is utterly illogical. The attitude shown by the OP is rather odd, me thinks, and the arguments presented just don't hold water.
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I have about 15,000 rounds of .22 LR right now.

Cee Zee, my reading comprehension skills might not be the best, but if you have 15K of .22cal and are complaining maybe you need to take your meds.
Boy this is a tough crowd. I think the OP is just saying that the manufacturers could increase production but are instead keeping supply as is and allowing the price to increase. He could be wrong, but since there is no real way to prove otherwise he is making his own decision to decrease his shooting and sell some of his guns.

Is he right? I don't know. I don't know the actual situation with the manufacturers. Probably even the people who work in those factories as labor don't know what it really takes to increase production with respect to capital investment.

But if he is right, then the manufacturers are making a strategic decision which could be the right decision for them. Or it could be a wrong strategic decision if enough hard core shooters decide to take up other hobbies and leave the shooting sports for good.
15,000 rounds isn't enough for a year?

15,000 rounds of ammo isn't 'hoarding'?

And I'm in the wrong....?

I have plenty of ammo to last a long time.... most likely the rest of my life; but I certainly can't or don't have time to shoot 15,000 rounds in a year. Or even 10,000.

If I knew I was going to shoot that much, then I would certainly have 4 times that on hand. Heck, you should have 10 times that on hand, to account for these spikes.

The politicians and manufacturers and all of us "hoarders" are not to blame for your poor preparations, especially since you've been shooting your whole life. Heck, .22LR was a penny a round not 10 years ago. You could have bought hundreds of thousands of rounds for a song. A million rounds for $1,000. Imagine. Then you wouldn't be in this bind.

But it's the ammo manufactures who are not planning properly I suppose... not you.

PS - I wish I had the luxury time to shoot over 1,000 rounds per month sustained for weeks, months, and years. That's a heck of a life!
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1000 rounds a week is a lot. I sure don't have the free time to shoot that kind of volume.
Damn, some of you guys shoot slow...

OP, you forgot the flippers. People that buy them cheap only to resell them at a higher cost. This includes those gun show vendors that sell bricks of 22lr for $50 or more.

I do agree that it has affected the shooting sports, even in a personal level. I haven't renewed my gun club membership due to lack of shooting, due to lack of ammo. I also have not done an IDPA or 3-Gun even in about a year now because its very expensive to replenish what I currently have stocked. 9mm and 22lr are still very hard to find, with 22lr almost impossible to find unless you go to the store right when they are stocking it.

I can easily shoot 500rds of rimfire in a weekend day (Sat), and another 500rds of centerfire on Sunday (combination of 9mm, 5.56, 7.62). Having multiple guns means you need more ammo to feed.


For those Mathematically challenged, let me break it down for you. Its simple math really. For a shooting enthusiast/competitor who shoots 1k rounds a week:

1000rds x 52weeks in a year = 52,000 rounds.

Suddenly that 15k you have stockpiled does not seem very much at all...

Even at a modest say, 200rds/week (100rds rimfire + 100rds centerfire) that's:

200rds x 52 weeks = 10,400 rounds.


Now does it make more sense????

The problem that some people don't seem to understand is that you have to replenish what you shoot. Right now that is very hard, or very expensive. Unless you reload, it is nearly impossible; and considering that rimfire can't be reloaded and centerfire components also disappeared during the ammo shortage.

If you only intend to shoot 500rds in 5yrs, then good for you. But that's only a brick of 22lr. To some of us, we can shoot that in half an hour.
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Nope. I really got into shooting when I graduated high school, and finally had some money to spend. Being in college now, that gun/ammo money tends to go toward things like food, and gas.

For a year or two, I didn't really know that there were ammo shortages, so I spent on guns, and would just bought a box before the range, and saved enough ammo to load mags. I learned of the 2008 shortage, and wasn't happy with that, so I started to buy two boxes, and shoot one. If I wanted to shoot two, I bought three. Didn't matter what caliber. That built my stock a little, and I also bought some bulk ammo when I could. As it sits, I've got enough to last about two years, between all calibers. I amassed that stock over about 2 years, on a very limited budget Then, Sandy Hook happened.

I have about 3.5K -4K .22LR right now. I sure would love to have 15K, though.......
You're in college now. This explains everything.
Why don't you come back when you start earning your own money and are standing on your own 2 feet instead of having Mommy and Daddy holding your hand and wiping your ass for you.
Maybe by then your sense of entitlement will have diminished.

Yes I am making assumptions but for the majority of American and Canadian college students the fact remains that it's Mommy and Daddy supporting you.
Start paying for the car and not only the gas, the mortgage for the house and not only the food in the fridge, the clothing on your back and then you'll realize that even then you're still complaining about first world problems.
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You're in college now. This explains everything.
Why don't you come back when you start earning your own money and are standing on your own 2 feet instead of having Mommy and Daddy holding your hand and wiping your ass for you.
Maybe by then your sense of entitlement will have diminished.

Yes I am making assumptions but for the majority of American and Canadian college students the fact remains that it's Mommy and Daddy supporting you. Start paying for the car and not only the gas, the mortgage for the house and not only the food in the fridge, the clothing on your back and then you'll realize that even then you're still complaining about first world problems.

Where do I say that I'm entitled to anything, and where I'm complaining about anything?

You don't know a thing about me.
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Since last November I have launched exactly 15 22lr rounds. I have not bought ammo since last December. I do not reload.

I am sitting on my stash of .22lr, .223, 30-30, .380, .38, .357, 9mm, .40, .45 and even 12 gauge. My firearms are oiled and waiting.

Shooting is not the only pastime I have. I decided to just blow money on motorcycles again.

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