Anyone agree with "1 round at a time" range rules?

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I would spend my money somewhere else.these guys are out to make a customers no cash.a range out on 183 tried to do stuff like that. only 3 rd's in a ak or ar on the rifle side of the range.he lost alot of customers.
I now shoot at ft hood and its free:) .
i quit going to the normal ranges years ago. the only reason ill go now is because ill be going with someone who refuses to shoot where i shoot. i shoot out in the hills. the sherrifs have come out once when we were too close to the road, but they told us' im not telling you its legal up at that other area, im just saying that we wouldnt bother to come out that far if you did shoot out there'. so now we go 10 minutes farther out into the hills to a larger better area. its shared by offroaders but they are hardly ever out there. we see maybe 2 dirtbikers every 4 trips and they usually only stay for a half hour so we just do an extended target set up for a half hour and wait for them to get tired. its almost guaranteed we see no one out there if we go on a week day.

i object to any rules that limit speed of fire or any of that crap. if someone wants to shoot 2 pistols at once, let em. they can shoot naked with a scarf and aviator goggles for all i care, as long as they are doing it safely then i say let em.
Sure the range operator might be loosing business, but they have to stay in business.
Was I the only one who saw the contradiction in that statement? I think it would be quite interesting to find out exactly how much business these ranges are losing from people who justifiably want to learn as much as they can about using their weapons in real-life situations. Granted, you're not going to become an expert defensive shooter by just standing in one place, but on the other hand, you're not going to learn anything by being limited to one round in your magazine at a time -- except for maybe mag swaps on the fly, and even that would go much better in conjunction with double-taps and other defensive maneuvers. No one was arguing that shooters had the same skill sets. In any event, doesn't it go back to the fact that if you take it upon yourself to own a gun, you take it upon yourself to know your limitations with it? Not everyone does know their limits, but still, I can't help but think that the "only-one-shot-per-magazine" advocates are subscribing to the same logic the "only-one-gun-per-month" advocates do, whether they mean to be or not.
Flame suit on...
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