Anyone else watching the GOP debate

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Feb 21, 2006
Its on now on MSNBC, they arent really giving Ron Paul any time. Huckabee sounds really good, so does Tommy Thompson (I dont know much about him). Anyone else watching?
It's Tommy Thompson. I met him once and wasn't all that impressed.

But yeah, they're definitely giving more time to the top tier candidates.
I am and I agree, Paul got no attention in the 5 hours leading up to the debate but I am impressed by Huckabee and Thompson.
Thats what I said

I believe you had Tony Thompson first but I could have just had a complete brain fart and misread it some how.
Romney is our next president. I am sad to say, since I am a MA refugee.

I would assign that statement a VERY low level of probability.

How the heck do you think he is going to win the GOP primary? His "true conservative" ideology is very questionable. You have to win the base to win the primaries. I can't see him winning over pro-life religious types. And he's a Morman. The Mormans ARE very conservative but I'm very unsure that he will be able to win over Baptists, etc.

And this avoids his number one problem. No GOP candidate from frigging Massachusetts is going to win the GOP primary. Never, ever, ever! I vote in the GOP primaries. If I was faced with four candidates and one of them was from Mass, it wouldn't make the slightest difference to me what his position was on any issue. If he lives there, I'm not voting for him!! The Republicans in that part of the country wouldn't even be able to win elections in Oklahoma as Democrats!

Wow, night and day between this and last weeks debate. People were actually eager to answer questions, rather than avoid them.

I'm not a big fan of Romney, but he definitely sounded the best, and won this one. Huckabee and Hunter both sounded good.
McCain, what can I say? He BLEW it as far as I'm concerned.

Tommy is a loser, and I'm sorry guys, but Ron Paul was stuck on 1 thing. Again, a foreign policy of having no foreign policy whatsoever doesn't work. We do not live inside a bubble. There is a big world out there.
A gun-hating New York yankee

A gun-hating Maswhole Mormon (the only anti gun Mormon I've ever been aware of, BTW)

A man with an NVA mind-control chip in his head.

We don't have much of a choice next year.

Huckabee looked good.
Tancredo did better than I expected.
Brownback did quite well.
Hunter sounded very good.
Gilmore was a pleasant surprise.

McCain tried, but had nothing.
Giuliani had nothing.
Thompson had a little.
Paul came off looking like a loon. Sorry.

Romney looked and sounded Presidential--not that I am rooting for him.
Brownback/Hunter/Gilmore tied for second place, IMHO.

It will be interesting to see how many are still around at the next debate.
I thought Paul sounded quite good and he certainly differentiated himself from the rest of the pack. I don't expect the media to up their regard for him but I think he'll have generated sufficient interest among many dissatisfied conservatives to draw further inquiries into his positions. Hopefully that will allow him to continue to build momentum in his campaign.
Out of the ones with a realistic chance, I would definitely lean toward Romney over Guiliani or McCain.

I don't know who Tommy Thompson thinks he's running for. Maybe he should try to be the VP for the Dems. Brownback is no better. I despise that Democrat wannabe.

Paul needs medicated.

Tancredo is a one topic candidate, even though I support him completely on that one subject.

Hunter or Huckabee would be nice, but I seriously doubt either is going to get any traction.

Gilmore- I didn't really leave with any impression of him.
I really liked Ron Paul's comment at the end of the debate about the conservative view of limited government (and his earlier comments about respecting the privacy of all citizens and against any national database/ID card).

Giuliani still can't make me think he can handle anything on a national scale when he refers everything back to NYC. And obviously his gun policy sucks. I did, however, agree with his position on abortion and thought he had a great answer to that question without tiptoeing around it.

When they asked if any of the candidates didn't believe in evolution and a good 4-5 of them raised their hands, I hung my head in shame at the fact that I'm a registered Republican. And the candidate who said that faith must influence political thought or it isnt true faith worries me. Political and social thought cannot be based on religion.... period. It simply doesn't work. We cannot have prayer in schools or ten commandments in courthouses and call ourselves a fair democratic republic. It's laughable.

I personally think McCain did the best here. I liked his answers on most things (although I can't respect at all his desire to reinstate line-item veto - absolutely terrible idea), and he seemed the best prepared and most level-headed.
Quite sad, I think that we are depending this bunch to maintain the Republic. No wonder freedom is a shadow of its former self. Ron Paul looked to me to be the only one who would be respected by the founding fathers.

Perhaps the real problem is that the population does not have a moral belief in freedom.
They ignored Paul for the most part. Nothing surprising there. He's very animated and passionate and I like that. He is philosohically correct. He's had my vote and nothing tonight has changed this.
Romney=Looks presidential, but that's about it, an empty suit.
Giuliani= America's Mayor, and should stay that way, this guy shouldn't be within a 100 miles of the White House.
McCain=You could tell he was trying to be "Top Gun" so hard, it was painful to watch.
THompson= Not the right Thompson.
Paul= A true stalwart of the Constitution but his foreign policy view would get America destroyed, and his constant movement and mannerisms seem jerky and un-presidential.
Huckabee=Seems nice and down to earth, too slick in my opinion, similar to a previous governor from Arkansas.
Gilmore=Interesting, look forward to hearing more from him.
Hunter= Hit's a homerun on most of his views and a very strong supporter of the military, don't think he has the Gravitas though.
Tancredo= If they ever annoint a Czar of Immigration control, then this is America's man. His statements are jerky and hard to understand sometimes. Makes Dubya come off as Shakespeare in comparison.

Doesn't really matter anyways, once FRED Thompson announces all these guys will be vying for the VP spot anyways.:D
I took notice of three things. Who honeslty wants to change the tax system in America, who honestly wants to lower federal spending and who 100% opposes a national id card.

As much as I like Ron Paul and I really do like him, he was to extreme for most Americans and didn't fully explain how he would withdraw from Iraq.
nothing about 2nd Amendment and

...nothing about the drug war. Drug war has eaten the country up.

I think all these guys are going to evaporate when Fred Thompson gets in.

I thought Romney and Guiliani looked smooth and I don't care for either of them. Glad to see Duncan Hunter. Though Brownback looked good and came across well.

What a disappointment Bush has been. As bad as his father. If he had shown a little conservative grit like he lead us to believe he had and vetoed some Republican spending instead of growing the government he wouldn't be in the political mess he is in now.
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