Ask a liberal, reformed gun grabber thread!

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Dec 21, 2005
Sachse, Texas
Yes, i'm serious. Go ahead and ask, even if the question seems sarcastic and biting. For instance, go ahead and ask, "Why do you hate America?" and i'll answer seriously!

I am very much a liberal, with lots of libertarian leanings. I was brought up in a strict anti-gun family, but saw the light, and became pro gun a little over 10 years ago, so go ahead and ask me about liberal positions on the issues, gun grabbing, and the like. While i'm not an official spokesman, i'll answer as I see it.

I've been reading THR on and off, and I really feel people have the wrong idea about a lot of Democrats and Liberals in general. Sure, I think Democrats and Liberals have it wrong on a few points, but it seems a lot of THR'ers feel that liberals are satanspawn. There's a lot of rhetoric and hate that comes from the media on both sides. (Sean Hannity and Al Franken should both go jump in a lake) So in the interest of bridge building, i'd like to try and set the record, as I see it, straight. I'm not trying to convert you all to liberals, but my goal is to at least try and explain some liberal viewpoints in a respectful way
I'd like to try and keep flames and evangalism out of this thread; I'm not expecting a crop of new liberals. If you still want to hate liberals, fine! :)
Here's a relevant one:

After liberals have gotten back into power and resumed dictating their opinions into legislation, what will you do when the ensuing backlash hits and libs are marched off to camps?
After liberals have gotten back into power and resumed dictating their opinions into legislation, what will you do when the ensuing backlash hits and libs are marched off to camps?

By whom? Neocon death squads? :neener:

To be honest, neocons scare me worse than any liberals. Some liberals can be terribly misguided, but they generally don't endorse things like torture, prison without trial, spying on Americans, and using the Constitution as toilet paper.

So some libs hate the 2nd amendment...the neocons hate the 1st, and 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th and are trying to wipe them out.

I'm more worried about people with bigger and more guns than I have coming to take me away without trial for a bureacratic mistake or a public statement than I am about people who don't have guns trying to take mine away.
The Calvery said:
Here's a relevant one:

After liberals have gotten back into power and resumed dictating their opinions into legislation, what will you do when the ensuing backlash hits and libs are marched off to camps?

That's the game. Each side wants their opinions into laws. Some feel that Abortion is murder. Others feel it's a choice every woman should have.
In my religion, a baby isn't "alive" until it takes it's first breath (like God did with Adam) so it's somewhat of a moot point to me. Each side thinks their side is right.

Personally, I am for less regulation; not more. That includes regulation of things I might not have a taste for. (Gay Marriage and Abortion are 2 things that come to mind)

If I'm honestly going to be marched off into camps for my beliefs, i'll seek refuge in another country, mourning what my beloved country has become. I have no idea where; as I think we here in America have it the best.
What change your opinion on guns, and have you successfully used it to change other gun control advocates' stance on the issue?

PS Sup SA buddy. :cool:
up_onus said:
What is your take on Gun Control?
forrestd said:
What change your opinion on guns, and have you successfully used it to change other gun control advocates' stance on the issue?

Ahh, we're getting to the meat of it early!

Gun control has a noble cause: To stop violent crime. Just like proabition, it's roots were good hearted, but wrong-headed.

I think most gun-grabbers honestly think that gun control will help violent crime. They really, honestly don't feel that an average citizen can't use a gun for self defense purposes; that it takes strict and heavy police training to use a gun in a stressful situation. The problem is, most gun-grabbers have little or no experience with guns, and they don't care to.
Part of this I feel is the NRA's fault. The NRA is quite rabid, sometimes to the point of turning off people that aren't your stereotypical gun owner. For example; I get the NRA's daily e-mails. When Al Gore's climate change movie came out, the NRA had a story about how full of holes Al Gore was.
What does this have to do with my 2nd amendment rights?
I think groups like the NRA have to hold their nose and reach out to people they think they hate; I think it'll help their (and our!) cause quite a bit.

Anyway, back to my point, and the question.
Gun control, at least from most proponents in this country, has an honestly good intention.
Theres' this common thread I see, that gun control is about "control" and I really don't think that's accurate. The "other side" isn't trying to push views, and isn't trying to control all sorts of aspects of your life. They honestly feel this is the right thing to do.

Gun-grabbers have very strong opinions on things they havn't studied, or experienced. To segue nicely into forrestd's question (I have stairs in my house) I actually went shooting! A coworker of mine opened his glove compartment and OMG I SAW A GUN :what:
I asked him, "What, can you have that in your car? Isn't that illegal???"
He laughed, and explained he had a permit to carry it concealed. Again, my eyes bugged out of my head. Lucky for me, he was a patient fellow, and offered me a trip to a local range to shoot my first gun. After several invitations, I actually took him up on it. Strangely enough, it was a LOT of fun.

Slowly, I began to realise that I was not going to become a murderer just by holding one of these things. I started looking into concealed carry, to figure out just what the deal was, and I found lots of literature online and in the library that rebutted everything I thought I knew.

I didn't really get serious until I met my fiancee, and she moved in with me. She had some runins over several years with some less-than-swell types, and I suddenly realized, "CRAP! The police really can't protect me! I'm responsible for my own protection. AND HERS! I had promised her dad that i'd take care of her, and I took that promise seriously. I got my concealed permit, and carry to this day whenever legal and prudent.

I've made a few converts. Most proudly, a friend of mine back in California. She's your stereotypical super left liberal: She lives in Berkeley, she's a lesbian, etc.
She went trap shooting for the first time a few weeks ago, with this big grin on her face.
OK, I'll play.

How do you, as a Liberal, distinguish the general set of policies that Liberals generally advocate* from Rousseaunian collectivism in general, and Marxist thought, the next iteration of that philosophy in particular?

Why exactly is it that the policies advocated by the Left track so closely to the planks laid out in the communist manifesto?

Or are you gonna duck behind your "libertarian leanings" escape clause, and claim that you're not one of "those" liberals?



*Welfare, healthcare, oppressive environmental regulation, oppressive business regulation, progressive taxation of the rich and corporations, social programs of dubious constitutionality,feel free to chime in folks, legalization of prior restraint, revisionist indoctrination in the schools, multiculturalism and oh, yeah gun control.
Im wondering what makes you a liberal!!

hahah! you sound more like a libertarian than a liberal?
but, im not that smart so....:D
I hate these threads because:

a) everyone seems to think neocons are conservatives. Wrong. They are the wilsonian socialists that got booted out of the democratic party in the 60s. They believe in aggressive foreign policy and the welfare state. They are not trying to conserve anything, least of all the founders' vision of the constitution.

b) everyone seems to confuse the 500 flavors of liberalism with one another

c) everyone confuses modern liberalism with libertarianism because of our shared views on social freedom

d) everyone confuses libertarianism with conservatism because of our shared views on economic liberty.
I'll attach a rider to Geek's:

What do you and other liberals feel is an acceptable level of goverment wellfare?
Unemployment, healthcare, housing, etc.?
Nitrogen, I suspect you are a libertarian rather than a liberal, so I ask you these questions:

1) Sometimes people can harm society through the use of their property, either for personal use or for economic use.What is the best way to protect against such harms? How far can we restrict private property use in the name of preventing these harms?

2) Does government have an obligation to help less fortunate citizens? Less fortunate citizens in other countries?

3) Do the rich have a greater obligation to provide for society than others? If so, how does this obligation manifest itself?
forrestd said:
What kinds of misconceptions about guns did you used to have?

GeekWithA.45 said:
How do you, as a Liberal, distinguish the general set of policies that Liberals generally advocate* from Rousseaunian collectivism in general, and Marxist thought in particular?

forrestd, Like I said previously, I pretty much thought that only police officers with years of training could effectively use and shoot a handgun. After I actually started shooting I realised just how wrong that was. Even further, when I realised just how little training most police officers have, that put the nail in the coffin of that myth for me.
Also, your standard myths, like, "guns are more likely to kill someone in the home", etc etc.
When I started hanging around them, and was exposed to The Four Rules, and other firearm owners, I was instantly impressed with the culture of seriousness and safety. On another board I am on, (one which you know well) a lot of the people on the board are much younger than I am, but I never realised it. Most everyone I know that takes firearms seriously, well, takes them seriously! The culture of safety is so prevalant that really made an effect on me.

GeekWitha.45 (love your blog btw)
I'll answer your question simply: I don't think collectivsm or even communism is all bad. Yes, that's a shocker, isn't it?
Here, i'll give you a chance to recover from that.

Basically, I think we need a balance of personal responsibility, as well as a bit of "collectivism" as you call it. I'm not for giving free money to anyone that's homeless, like the city of SF used to, but I am for making sure that someone that's homeless has access to health and mental care, as well as some job training if they want it, so they can be a productive and happier member of society. Again, no free money. Same with healthcare. We shouldn't offer free MRI's on demand to the homeless, but again, if someone's got a family of four, a full time job, and no healthcare, that's just wrong. I think it makes more sense to try and provide something, than to provide nothing.

As far as environmental regulation, like anything else, it has to be a balance. The current endangered species act goes too far; the spotted owl debacle is a perfect example of that. Having said that, we should make an effort to try and not ruin natural lands, and rush nature to extenction just so a company can save a few dimes. The land is all of ours, and it should be cared for.

Corporations are somewhat of a sore spot with me, and i'll admit that right off. Corporations these days have way too much influence, I feel, with our government. I feel that my government should represent me, the little guy, not Honeywell. Huge multinational corporations have more resources than me, the little guy, and yes, I think government should have a role in equalizing that. This'll probably be a huge point a lot of people disagree with me on, btw!

With your other points, i can go the same route. A lot of regulation these days goes way too far in one direction or the other. The endangered species act is a good idea, but I think it can be useful and saved with some major trimming, for instance. I also think it's a good idea to regulate businesses so they can't screw our air, water, and land up with impunity.

Now, for a lot of these issues, i'd prefer making it financially worth the companies' while to help clean up the air and water, for instance. Maybe give them a tax break if they cut emissions to a certain level, or something. That's how this major liberal would do it.
Why do liberals fail to impose individual responsibility for individual actions?

Why do liberals preach "tolerance" and yet NOT tolerate any view beside their own?

Why do liberals think it is o.k. to kill an unborn child in the womb of it's mother, but think it is a crime to kill convicted felons who have been nothing but a drain and threat to society?

Why do liberals think that making gun ownership illegal will prevent criminals from obtaining guns?

Why do liberals think it makes perfect sense to force Pete to give some of his paycheck to Paul, even though Paul doesn't work?

Why do liberals think that honorable members of our society who risk their lives to ensure order and prosperity, like Police and Soldiers, are actually fascists?

Why do liberals think the meat rending canine teeth we have in our mouths are solely for the consumption of vegetables?

Why do liberals think that our country is a country for the world, when it is actually a country for U.S. citizens?

Why do liberals INSIST that our tax dollars be used to educate foreigners?

Why don't liberals respect the language our constitution was written in, and the customs and traditions of our founding fathers?

Why do liberals INSIST that inferior people be mandated in jobs that could potentially get somone killed (fire fighting, Police, Military), and yet, they see no problem with choosing the right person for the job in professional sports.

Why do liberals think that equal opportunity means automatically disqualifying potential employees based on race and gender.

Why don't liberals just pack the hell up and move to Canada, or France like they promise?

Why are liberals so adamant about standing up for what they believe in, when it doesn't involve risk of loss of life or limb?

What does it take to finally get a liberal to grow the hell up?
Without economic independence you have no independence at all. Liberals feel entitled to what's in your wallet and make no attempts to hide that. Just how free are you?

Sure you can sodomize your best friend in public. Sure you can have sex with little boys and get married to one and then have an abortion. Sure you can smoke dope and burn flags and hug trees, but just how free are you when the government controls your purse?

If you liberals really had any convictions at all you'd all be for huge tax refunds. Think the government can support a huge standing army without your tax dollars? Or prop up the corrupt UN without our money? Or invade other countries without stealing from our income in the form of taxes and social security? Want to end corporate welfare? Stop taking money from the people and giving it to the government.

But naw, raise taxes and give even more money to the government. They'll know how to spend it much better than you will.
Nitrogen said:
Corporations are somewhat of a sore spot with me.… Corporations these days have way too much influence, I feel.… This’ll probably be a huge point a lot of people disagree with me on…!

I think that a lot of pro-capitalism folks don’t realize that corporations don’t necessarily embrace the free market. Powerful corporations can do as much to thwart market forces as any government, if not more so.

Now, why do you hate America? ;)

~G. Fink
Only on THR...

Wow, I love this forum.

<Sits back with a good beer prepared to read a lot...>

(PS: I, too, am a recovering liberal. In general, they're not demonic, only misguided ...)
I'll attach a rider to Geek's:

What do you and other liberals feel is an acceptable level of goverment wellfare?
Unemployment, healthcare, housing, etc.?

I personally feel that we need to help out those that are less fortunate. Notice I said less fortunate, not lazy!

To be honest, I can't figure exactly where the line should be, but I deeply feel that someone shouldn't lose their house or be thrown on the street because they lose their job and are trying to find another one.

Someone w/o healthcare should not be forced to die from a disease we can easily cure. We should be able to give basic health care to anyone.

As far as housing, i'd be all for providing temporary housing for people trying to get on their feet.

1) Sometimes people can harm society through the use of their property, either for personal use or for economic use.What is the best way to protect against such harms? How far can we restrict private property use in the name of preventing these harms?

2) Does government have an obligation to help less fortunate citizens? Less fortunate citizens in other countries?

3) Do the rich have a greater obligation to provide for society than others? If so, how does this obligation manifest itself?
I honestly think i'm a liberal, we'll see:
1)Someone should be able to do whatever they want to their own property, as long as whatever they do only affects their own property. If they do something that can affect someone else, then I think regulation needs to come into play. If someone wants to build a coal-fired power plant, the emissions from that can affect millions, so yes, that should be regulated. If someone wants to dump toxic waste on their property, thats fine, as long as it can't seep into the groundwater that others use, for instance.

2) The less fortunate should not be overlooked. Wether it's government, or private entities that do it, I don't care, but someone shouldn't be screwed because they had the misfortune to be born to a crackwhore. Everyone deserves a chance, hell, several.
Unfortunately, I think government is the best way to assume EVERYONE has access to help. I realise it's not the most efficient, but I'm not sure how else to effectively do it.

3) Absolutely, the rich have more of an obligation to help those less fortunate. Plenty of the rich do so voluntarily, like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. If you can help people, you should do it. It's good for your community, as well as good for the soul!

Now this guy is exactly the type I started this thread for!
Why do liberals fail to impose individual responsibility for individual actions?

I honestly think this is a fallacy based on a major difference of opinion.
A "conservative" wants to lock away a murderer for life, while a "liberal" wants to figure out why a murderer is a murderer, and possibly keep that person from murdering again, as well as possibly prevent future murders.
In my opinion, the "liberals" you speak of don't really feel that the murderer shouldn't be responsible for his actions, but want to get into the hows and whys. Sometimes they will lose site of the fact that a heinous crime was comitted, while trying to figure out the underlying cause.

Why do liberals preach "tolerance" and yet NOT tolerate any view beside their own?
I can ask some conservatives the same question.
Passionate arguments can bring out the worst in good people. When people start arguing like that, they stop listening and start yelling. This happens to people, both left and right.

Why do liberals think it is o.k. to kill an unborn child in the womb of it's mother, but think it is a crime to kill convicted felons who have been nothing but a drain and threat to society?
As I stated before, personally, I am not a fan of abortion. In my religion, a baby isn't alive until it takes it's first breath, much like Adam.
While I'm all for the death penalty technically, I feel that it gets applied unevenly against the poor. I also worry about how many innocent people we might put to death. I'm all for the death penalty, but I think a higher standard of guilt needs to be established, and it should be reserved for only the truly heinous of crimes.

Why do liberals think that making gun ownership illegal will prevent criminals from obtaining guns?
You got me on this one. It didn't work for alcohol in probition, it isn't working for drugs today, why would it work for guns?

Why do liberals think it makes perfect sense to force Pete to give some of his paycheck to Paul, even though Paul doesn't work?
If paul lost his job due to illness, or downsizing, and Paul needs some help until he gets another job, I think that's absolutely fine.

Why do liberals think that honorable members of our society who risk their lives to ensure order and prosperity, like Police and Soldiers, are actually fascists?
Some of them are. They ruin it for the majority that aren't, because they make the 6'oclock news.
Why do liberals think the meat rending canine teeth we have in our mouths are solely for the consumption of vegetables?
I know plenty of liberals, way out far left ones that enjoy a good steak.
As far as vegetarians, it's a choice. Not one I understand, as I think our maker intended us to eat both meat and veggies, but a choice none the less.
Why do liberals think that our country is a country for the world, when it is actually a country for U.S. citizens?
My family escaped Hitler in the '30's, so I'm glad it was an inclusive country. I think that anyone who wants to, who isn't a danger to this country, should be able to be a citizen. They should go through legal channels to do so if possible (i.e. they arent refugees from a maniacal dictator that wants to exterminate their whole race) and we should make it easier to do so legally, but not insanely so.
Why do liberals INSIST that our tax dollars be used to educate foreigners?
I have no idea what you are talking about here.

Why don't liberals respect the language our constitution was written in, and the customs and traditions of our founding fathers?
Customs become outdated. Being a reform Jew, I realise that certain customs and traditions of my religion are somewhat outdated. I don't see the need to keep kosher, for instance. In the olden days, when food bourne disease was far more prevlant than it is today, keeping kosher could help keep you alive. Nowadays it's a tradition, but it doesn't hold the same necessity as it once did.
Why do liberals INSIST that inferior people be mandated in jobs that could potentially get somone killed (fire fighting, Police, Military), and yet, they see no problem with choosing the right person for the job in professional sports.

Why do liberals think that equal opportunity means automatically disqualifying potential employees based on race and gender.
Affermative action, like other bad ideas, was born out of good heartedness.
I think it's somewhat outdated now. It's a means to an end; that end being equality. Unfortinately, I think it's backfired as you point out.

Why don't liberals just pack the hell up and move to Canada, or France like they promise?
Because it's our country, just as much as it is yours. We want to fight for what we believe in, just as much as you do. [/quote]

Why are liberals so adamant about standing up for what they believe in, when it doesn't involve risk of loss of life or limb?
John Murtha, John Kerry, Max Cleland, as well as my great grandfather are all liberals, and war heros. Max Cleland gave both his legs, and part of an arm, and my Great Grandfather gave his life.
What does it take to finally get a liberal to grow the hell up?
I'll leave this for others to answer, as i'm at a loss for a polite response right now.
I have noticed that many people from the left side of the spectrum are beginning to embrace the Second Amendment as not being about hunting, but as being a necessity for defense of self and state.

Do you think that this viewpoint will eventually become predominant among those considered "liberal", or will it forever remain a minority viewpoint among them?
I think that a lot of pro-capitalism folks don’t realize that corporations don’t necessarily embrace the free market. Powerful corporations can do as much to thwart market forces as any government, if not more so.

Now, why do you hate America?
Very good point.

And, what I hope is an obvious response (to this tongue in cheek question) I actually love America, and just about every liberal does, too.
We want to make this country better, and we aren't afraid to point out what we see as flaws.

We point out these flaws not to disparage our country, put to shine a light on them, and hopefully improve them. I love this country with all my heart, and I want to make it better. It's my home, it was the adopted home of my family after escaping Hitler, and it embraced us.

I have noticed that many people from the left side of the spectrum are beginning to embrace the Second Amendment as not being about hunting, but as being a necessity for defense of self and state.

Do you think that this viewpoint will eventually become predominant among those considered "liberal", or will it forever remain a minority viewpoint among them?

Unlike most things liberals and conservatives fight about, I honestly think that the true, unbiased facts only show one thing: guns are wonderful tools if you take them seriously.
I think with enough outreach, pro-gunners could at least convert a large majority of anti-gunners into at least gun-agnostics. If most antis can see that guns arent a clear and present horrible, no-good danger to every man, woman and child, they'll stop trying to impune the 2nd amendment. With the LA Riots, and especially the aftermath of Katrina, slowy but surely the story is getting out there.
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