Border patrol concept

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Here's my idea: Every illegal alien that gets caught sneaking across the border is "fined", not in money, but in construction/labor time. First offenders get one month of doing manual labor on building THE wall! Second-time offenders get TWO months, etc.

To make it "fair", they would be paid for services at, say, $6 per hour. The illegals would have to WORK, however, to receive that pay, and AMERICAN construction workers and Border Patrol agents would monitor the work. The AMERICAN construction workers get paid much, much more, I'm sure, so we would save some money by having the illegals work-off their penalties while being paid. Remember, "They're doing jobs that Americans don't want to do!"

After THE wall is completed, install a one-way valve in it. The Border Patrol could start focusing upon inland immigration enforcement, pushing them through the "valve". The inland enforcement procedures would also involve prosecution of employers that "knowingly" hire illegal aliens.

Can you imagine the "Employees wanted" signs going up at "McD's", construction contractors offices, landscaping/gardening businesses, Chinese restaurants, etc.?

Bottom line: Once we have our nation stabilized, THEN start looking at some sort of "guest worker program"! Part of it would require those "guest" workers to undergo a medical exam. I'm tired of seeing how Tuberculosis, Polio and numerous STD's have increased drastically in the USA!

Muchas Gracias, Mexico.....but no thanks! And keep your drug cartels on YOUR side of the border! No mas aqui, hombre!
Here's my idea: Every illegal alien that gets caught sneaking across the border is "fined", not in money, but in construction/labor time. First offenders get one month of doing manual labor on building THE wall! Second-time offenders get TWO months, etc.

That's not a bad idea, but you might want to increase the time to years rather than months, as appropriate for a felony. And you treat them like prison labor is currently treated: the money they earn goes into their room and board.
Talking about or advocating shooting non-violent unarmed people is crazy-talk. We're all human, no matter which side of some imaginary line we're from.

Yet, it's not that far from what Mexico does to secure its southern borders. Mexico hates illegal immigrants unless they are going north to bring dollars into Mexico.
Just because it is illegal does not mean we have the right to shoot them. It is the same as if someone sets foot on your property and you have a NO SOLICITORS sign. Do you have the right to shoot them? I doubt anyone would say you do.
Just because it is illegal does not mean we have the right to shoot them. It is the same as if someone sets foot on your property and you have a NO SOLICITORS sign. Do you have the right to shoot them? I doubt anyone would say you do.

Several others have said that before in this post, and I agree. However, we must remember that landowners at the border have a real problem with illegal immigrants traveling across their property, discarding trash and in some cases threatening the landowners.

IMO, each border state should amend their property defense laws to explicitly recognize the right of landowners at the border to use some level of force to stop illegal immigrants from coming in.
I agree...the right to protect private property from illegal entry & theft should be expanded...
Several others have said that before in this post, and I agree. However, we must remember that landowners at the border have a real problem with illegal immigrants traveling across their property, discarding trash and in some cases threatening the landowners.

Not just threatening. Haven't some been killed?
If Al Quiada is ever able to achieve their wet dream of nuking multiple U.S. cities, the border flow will reverse. Until then, cutting off revenue transfers back home to Mexico is about all we can do.

Excluding of course any individuals/groups who have a penchent for violently resisting BP interdiction. Shoot at a "cop", or other American and die, quickly. Seems like a no-brainer to me.

Excluding of course any individuals/groups who have a penchent for violently resisting BP interdiction. Shoot at a "cop", or other American and die, quickly. Seems like a no-brainer to me.

It's worth noting that the official policy for when the Mexican Army crosses the border and fires on BP agents (as part of their effort to support "undocumented workers" and drug runners), the official policy is to "run away and tell someone what you saw."

Our only border policy is the Eddie the Eagle program for cops. Great, huh?

Sounds like it is time for BP ranks to take job actions. If these guys are Mexican Soldiers, dead bodies with Mex. Army weapons nearby ought to do the trick. If not Mex. Soldiers, you got perps and weapons to show the Mexicans. Of course, backed by fellow BP walking off the job in support of any BP wrongfully punished for killing in self defense.

Any BP who had not the cojones to support a fellow BP and went out there would be on his own, in my book.

It is what I would do for my co-workers, or in self defense. Time to show some Grit. Walk the Walk, or can the talk.

Sounds like it is time for BP ranks to take job actions. If these guys are Mexican Soldiers, dead bodies with Mex. Army weapons nearby ought to do the trick. If not Mex. Soldiers, you got perps and weapons to show the Mexicans. Of course, backed by fellow BP walking off the job in support of any BP wrongfully punished for killing in self defense.

Any BP who had not the cojones to support a fellow BP and went out there would be on his own, in my book.

It's no secret that these are Mexican Army regulars. They've been identified as such, driving Army vehicles and using Army weapons. The State Dept. has also acknowledged that these incursions have occurred. The problem is that not only is the BP outgunned (pistols and ARs versus multiple assailants with automatic weapons and, if memory serves, vehicle mounted weapons), but that the official orders are to run and not engage. So, it's not a case of cowardice but of following orders and taking the best option to not get killed.

We don't need fellow agents with ARs and Berettas showing up. We need Apaches with BP markings out there.
buzz_knox said:
We don't need fellow agents with ARs and Berettas showing up. We need Apaches with BP markings out there.

Then perhaps it is time to NOT go out there, until there are BP marked Apaches. Jobs are jobs. It may sound cavalier, but I am running into a simlar, though less threatening possible job action. Sometimes the Job is not worth it.

In the BP case, they have an obligation to call "We The People's" attention to a Threat.

I think we should allow them in, then rape them for social security and medicare money with no benifits unless they're born here. Jail and or deport any employer who pays under the table, as well as smugglers and serious criminals. If they're willing to pay taxes and stay out of trouble they're better than a lot of european americans.

And no we shouldn't shoot people for trying to flee the "Land of Mordidas".
A wall is to expensive to build? Interstate construction goes for tens of million of dollars per mile. In urban area it can approach hundreds of millions per mile. We can easily build a wall. Will it work? Lessee here, it worked in Israel, Saudi Arabia is building one on the Iraqi border, Korea is split with one, China build one, ad nauseum.

The cheapest way to cut down on border crossers is to take those who economically benefit from employing illegal immigrants pay. I guarantee you if the Federales arrested Papa Tyson and made him do the Perp Walk and serve time the effect will be dramatic. Better yet make Papa Tyson pay all the costs for arrest, processing, housing, and deportation of anyone caught in his employ. He benefits by shifting his costs to me so he ought to bear all the costs of removing his illegal advantage. Solving the problem is not difficult. What is difficult is growing the legal and moral spine necessary to implement meaningful measures.
Here's how we all can be happy: Give citizenship to every Mexicano/Mexicana who serves 6 years in our military fighting pointless, dumbass wars for Nimchimpsky. In fact, make it mandatory SOP for any mujados we happen to round up. The survivors get citizenship, the Bushistas get cannon fodder, and it makes coming here less desirable. Frankly, I just don't see a downside to it...
Yes gun them down like dogs.

Nah, we should only gun down the violent ones. The rest of the criminals can work it off. No sense in not taking advantage of a free labor source. When their term is up, take them back to the border and send them packing. Recidivists get double terms and harder labor.

No one seems to get the fact, these are law breakers,,, UNDESIRABLES! Look at the convictions for violent felons and compare the percentage of wetbacks who make those crimes.


" It can done, no matter how bad pro-illegal immigration people wish it couldn't be."

any idea how long the israeli border is versus our southern border? and i ask again ever look at the terrain? google earth doesn't count
The idea to make 'em work for a while... sort of an indentured servant gimmick. Might work.
As for building a wall, the thing could be passed, all the funds allocated to it, presidential signature, governors' signature. How long would it take to be built?

Decades. Maybe a hundred years. Construction moves expensively and slowly.
Our border is a lot longer of course, but the cost per mile is going to be about the same whether the wall is 100 miles or 2,000 miles. It would be a big project for sure. But one mile of wall would only cost about 1/10 the price of one mile of interstate highway, and we have many times more miles of interstate highway than border with with Mexico.
If the government was really concerned about terrorism they would secure the borders.:rolleyes:
still waiting

to hear about how the construction gurus are gonna overcome the terrain issue. in the real world you need to build a road and the wall the road first to get equip and material in. if you can bring it in at a mill i can sub you all the concrete work you want make us both billionaires quick
Sorry, but I am not an engineer, so I must rely on what other people have said is logistically possible.

If we can build 40,000+ miles of Interstate Highway, I think we can handle a 2,000 mile border. When the Interstate system was built, it ran through miles and miles of difficult, isolated terrain also.

If you are really interested in finding out the details, you will turn up a lot of stuff easily with Google. If you are just asking rhetorical questions because you are opposed intellectually to a fence, then no amount of data is going to convince you.

This link has some basic info:
I think that the country that saved the world from real oppression in the 1940s-1990s, the US, could easily muster the will/skill to build a wall like that. Unless we don't have the will to do something like that again, in which case, no wall or Army can save us forever.
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