Border Patrol

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longeyes said:
Bush will NEVER do anything substantive to control illegal immigration.

Cite action by other Chief Executive more substantial that already done President Bush concerning illegal aliens?
He wants to pass the biggest amnesty bill in the history of the USA, CD. The rest is window dressing and turd polishing.
The large print giveth and the small print taketh away.

Biker said:
He wants to pass the biggest amnesty bill in the history of the USA, CD. The rest is window dressing and turd polishing.


Immigration Actions:

=> Funding For Immigration Enforcement Inside Our Country Has Increased By 42 Percent Since The President Took Office, And Last Year, President Bush Signed A Bill Doubling Federal Resources For Worksite Enforcement.

=> This Month, National Guard Units Will Deploy To The Border To Set Up The Headquarters That Will Help Coordinate Guard Operations In Support Of The Border Patrol.

=> President Bush Has Called On Congress To Provide Funding For Dramatic Improvements In Manpower And Technology At The Border.

=> President Bush Will Increase Federal Funding For State And Local Authorities Assisting The Border Patrol On Targeted Enforcement Missions.

=> President Bush Will End The Practice Of "Catch And Release" Along The Southern Border.

=> President Bush Believes Illegal Immigrants Who Have Roots In Our Country And Want To Stay Should Have To Pay A Meaningful Penalty For Breaking The Law, Pay Their Taxes, Learn English, And Work In A Job For A Number Of Years.

=> President Bush Believes The Success Of Our Country Depends Upon Helping Newcomers Assimilate Into Our Society And Embrace Our Common Identity As Americans.
Read- Bush wants to amnesty 20 million illegals then allow them to bring their families along for the welfare ride.

Nuff said.

you will get less action against illegal aliens with ANY other political party!

It would have to be at the sub-atomic level then.

If what W is doing is action against illegal aliens may the good Lord protect us from any future action against illegal aliens.

Same as picking the lesser of two evils can still end up a disaster....and has.

So to is comparing the nothing, or downright negative stuff W and the Senate want to do, with the little bit less than nothing JFK and the Senate might have done.

Of all the political parties that have taken a position on the issue, which is all of them I suppose, the Constitution Party is clear in their stance of doing radical things like actually having a border and enforcing illegal immigration laws for a change.

Perhaps the problem is most American citizens and the CP obviously use the Webster's dictionary definition of each of those words as opposed to one used by W, Carl Rove and the US Senate who seem to have purchased theirs in Mexico. Probably a present from V. Fox.

Any day now I expect the Bush administartion to declare victory on the matter of illegal immigration.

Biker, I sometimes wonder if the Bushies actually have an agenda. Their whole deal sorta comes across like throwing darts while blindfolded, or like the little Dutch boy and the holes in the dike. Dangfino.

Camp David, I have read that there were more workplace charges/indictments under Clinton than under Bush, regardless of the amount of money budgeted. (I don't claim to know the comparative amounts.) FWIW.

There are only two--needed together--ways to end the flow of illegals: Remove the incentive to come here for jobs because potential employers won't hire illegals; and, change the socio-economic system in Mexico such that they find decent pay down there.

Camp David said:
Cite action by other Chief Executive more substantial that already done President Bush concerning illegal aliens?
One of our favorite scapgoats, Slick Willie AKA President Clinton. :uhoh:

Year Formal Removals Voluntary Removals

1991-2000 940,147 13,587,847
1991 33,189 1,061,105
1992 43,671 1,105,829
1993 42,542 1,243,410
1994 45,674 1,029,107
1995 50,924 1,313,764
1996 69,680 1,573,428
1997 114,432 1,440,684
1998 173,146 1,570,127
1999 180,902 1,574,682
2000 185,987 1,675,711

2001 177,739 1,254,035
2002 150,084 934,119
2003 186,151 887,115

Source: Table 40

Interesting how with Clinton, both formal and voluntary removals increased over time, yet the same can not be said for Bush's tenure in office.

My apologies for the formating, I've not yet mastered tables on this software.
Interesting how with Clinton, both formal and voluntary removals increased over time, yet the same can not be said for Bush's tenure in office.

Its simple. Bush is controlled by corporate interests who desire and thrive on cheap undocumented labor. The more cheap undocumented labor available, the happier they are. Bush's amnesty plan is a direct effort to provide a sizeable labor pool for his buddies to make use of.
Its simple. Bush is controlled by corporate interests who desire and thrive on cheap undocumented labor. The more cheap undocumented labor available, the happier they are. Bush's amnesty plan is a direct effort to provide a sizeable labor pool for his buddies to make use of.

Yes, there it is, corporate money. This administrations compassion is directed
to the wealthy......................:cuss: It is naive to think otherwise.
cheap labor?

Its simple. Bush is controlled by corporate interests who desire and thrive on cheap undocumented labor. The more cheap undocumented labor available, the happier they are. Bush's amnesty plan is a direct effort to provide a sizeable labor pool for his buddies to make use of.

Lets remember, folks, that it was Clinton who put NAFTA in place. He is no less a globalist.

The only difference between the two is, Clinton wanted Socialism NOW and Bush wants it next week.

God help us.
Did everyone read that? Nearly ONE MILLION caught and this is only June! For every one illegal caught there are 3-5 others who are crossing every day and and night and are not being caught.

Get used to seeing bilingual signs, and being unable to get through an automated phone system without having to hear that crap about pressing "dos" or "ocho."

And our esteemed President says this is NOT an inavsion!

Well, it's not--to him. He wants them here!

Mexico is not our enemy!

Of course they're not. And the terrorists don't really want to blow us up--they just wanted the World Trade Center. It's all over now! :rolleyes:
Do you think these illegals care one bit about your constitutional rights?
Do you think they care one bit about our constitution at all?
These peole are going to end up voting! They will vote Socialist every time.
I know. Isn't life delicious?

Seriously though, profound insight. My sarcasm, of course, was not directed at you.
As soon as someone sneaks across our sieve border with a backpack nuke and takes out a border city.......then, and only then, will our government address the issue with something more than lipservice.

Holy cow...a backpack nuke? It was always my understanding that a suitcase nuke weighed in excess of four hundred pounds--are they making them portable now? If so, I'd advise everyone to stay far, far away from population centers!
Selfdfenz said:
Bush..our 1st Latino President

Too funny but sadly all too true

Judging from the way President Bush is maligned and castigated in the Latin press and media, hung in effigy by the MechA radical groups, and the voting breakdowns in the last election, I seriously doubt Bush has a great deal of support from specifically Latin electorates... Additionally, by placing the National Guard on the southern border, he effectively ended his political relationship, if it ever existed, with Latin/Sourth American worker unions. Thus I think your assumption about our President being one of Latino representation is patently false.

Phetro said:
Holy cow...a backpack nuke? It was always my understanding that a suitcase nuke weighed in excess of four hundred pounds

A little heavier actually:In 1953 at NTS, Shot GRABLE, a 280 mm (11 inch) shell with a gun-type fission warhead was way above 400lbs... the USAF has a Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM) low yield warhead - W54 - but its weight is classified. I believe it too way above 400lbs...
I was an Army cannon-cocker in 1973 and the 155s I was on had the capability to fire nuclear rounds. As I recall, they weighed 96.8 pounds.
Of course, the gun crew that fired it would likely get dead, we were told.

Judging from the way President Bush is maligned and castigated in the Latin press and media, hung in effigy by the MechA radical groups, and the voting breakdowns in the last election, I seriously doubt Bush has a great deal of support from specifically Latin electorates... Additionally, by placing the National Guard on the southern border, he effectively ended his political relationship, if it ever existed, with Latin/Sourth American worker unions. Thus I think your assumption about our President being one of Latino representation is patently false.

And yet, and yet...Bush is the stalking horse for the Mexican invasion. I think you need to look beyond the messy political hurly-burly and at the very clear CONSEQUENCES of Bush's actions. This is not about whether Bush achieves political popularity with Mexicans or Latin Americans, it is about whether he manages to destroy OUR country. Whether it's because he's a globalist socialist or on a mission from Dios to save what his dad called "the little brown ones" is of importance only to future psychohistorians.
longeyes said:
This is not about whether Bush achieves political popularity with Mexicans or Latin Americans, it is about whether he manages to destroy OUR country

The illegal aliens are the problem not the president! Rampant illegal immigration has been going on since 1960 and earlier; only recently has it risen to a level where Americans are just fed up with it and demand it be addressed! Those MechA morons that protested two months back and held up Mexican flags did more against illegal immigration - in the minds of American citizens - than any president! Approaching the problem of illegal immigration you need to, in my opinion, leave the BDS apart from the issue!!!
Bush *is* the Problem at this point. He's encouraging and enabling the MechA idiots and the illegals. Good Lord, open your eyes.

Bush has the bully pulpit and a range of executive powers. There is a lot he could do to change the situation. Of course there are many people who subscribe to and promote the open-borders agenda. We know that, but we have the right to expect our President to defend OUR interests vigorously and certainly to abide by his Constitutional obligations. Instead he provides aid and comfort to the enemy invaders and their allies and continually rationalizes the ongoing influx. If he spoke forcefully against this invasion and made ultra-clear by both words and action that he would not tolerate what is going on, that would what I would expect from a President. Frankly, he looks like a fool constantly beating the drum for "compassion"--this has become a joke--and proclaiming Mexico to be our "friends" when it couldn't be more obvious that our southern neighbor has anything but our best interests at heart. Bush's job is to protect OUR interests, not those of Vicente Fox, "hard-working moms and dads" walking north, or "Latino" politicians who should be Americans but act instead like Mexican chauvinists. Future voting blocs be damned; he'd better pay attention to the CURRENT voting bloc.
As regards the following story, where is Bush? Why has he not come forward and commented on this atrocity? Either he thinks it's an outrage--and one that augurs grave political danger for America down the road--or he's okay with it. Or he's just another political coward calculating personal gain. The fact is, he is content to do photo ops to prove that his "comprehensive" plan is The Only Way to Go. If he can't come out and excoriate a Mexican Madrassa what can he do?

District clears charter school catering to Mexican students
Associated Press

LOS ANGELES - Responding to allegations of discrimination, the school district has concluded that an elementary school catering to students of Mexican descent is following its charter, officials said Monday.

The district sent observers after Sandy Wells, a reporter working for KABC-AM, was allegedly assaulted outside the school Thursday by a man who demanded his audio tape. Station officials said Wells was also followed as he drove away. Police are investigating the incident.

"They have followed the charter that they wrote originally," said Kevin Reed, chief legal counsel for the district. "What we care about is that the curriculum is inclusive and not exclusive."

The school in east Los Angeles is one of about 100 charters in the district, Reed said. The school has until January to apply for renewal, and the district anticipates it will, Reed said.

The alleged assault has brought attention to the small school as immigration tensions rise across the country.

KABC-AM radio host Doug McIntyre has been one particularly vociferous critic. McIntyre has accused Academia Semillas del Pueblo school and its principal, Marcos Aguilar, of having a separatist philosophy that excludes students of non-Mexican origin from applying.

Repeated calls to Aguilar Monday seeking comment were not returned.

A school statement last week said it did not "discriminate against any student on the basis of ethnicity, national origin, gender, gender identity or disability."

Meanwhile Monday, a handful of parents protested at McIntyre's studio, saying the school had received bomb threats because of the show. McIntyre said he had also received death threats due to his criticisms.

The school aimed to provide children of immigrant and native families an education "founded upon their own language, cultural values and global realities," according to the charter application.

"The indigenous heart of our vision is a repossession of an identity denied from our children in standard schools," the application reads.

Students are taught in English, Spanish, Mandarin and Nahuatl, an Aztec language. The school teaches both traditional math curriculum and a separate Aztec math system.
longeyes said:
As regards the following story, where is Bush?
"...We talked about the importance to help people assimilate into our society. This is what's happened throughout the ages here in America. People have learned to assimilate..."

Also see David Aguilar, Chief, Office of Border Patrol,U.S. Department of Homeland Security, interview here.
Moctezuma Bush

I asked about the L.A. charter school. Where was his comment on THAT?

If Bush had the spine of a real leader he would make clear, publicly, that assimilation means embracing the values of the United States of America, fully, not assimilating into some mythical "Aztlan." No, Bush holds back, either because his heart is partly with the "Aztecs" or he is too much a politician to give offense to any potential voter. Either way he fails as a leader.
longeyes said:
I asked about the L.A. charter school. Where was his comment on THAT?

There are many schools in nation, particularly charter schools, embracing the Aztlan learning. Bush's comments, " people assimilate into our society..." are directed right at these! To date, he is the only one in politics preaching the "assimiliation" message. You should thank him for that!
He's selling snake oil, CD. That's it. C'mon man, you're smarter than this.

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