Carolyn McCarthy again!

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Sep 30, 2007
I swear. It's just so mind boggling. Mind boggling. Gives me a headache. :Sigh:

"Everything I’ve been trying to do is not gun control… I have never tried to take away the right of someone to own a gun."

Who is this Carolyn McCarthy? I have not heard of her before.

I'm not sure if you're joking or not. She's a Representative in Congress from Long Island who introduces a fair number of gun control bills, including the recent attempt at another AWB with HR 1022. She got elected after her husband and son were shot (hubby was killed) on the LIRR on the gun violence widow pity platform and has been harassing gun owners since. I have no doubt she's a true believer in thinking that getting gun control will stop crime, but she's too emotionally attached to the issue to be reached. It's not hard to see how she feels that way being from an area with little to no appreciation for the shooting sports and having gone through the loss of a spouse. More.
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy is in fact an exceptionally stupid person.

In December 1993 her husband was murdered and her son paralyzed by Colin Ferguson, a madman who did a rampage shooting on a Long Island Rail Road commuter train. Ferguson murdered six people and wounded nineteen others in that railroad car. The extent of his madness was evident when he insisted upon defending himself at his trial: I observed his rambling fantasies.

Despite Rep. McCarthy's own fantasies, it was not the police who ended Ferguson's rampage. Two passengers in the same railroad car as McCarthy's husband and son waited until Ferguson was distracted and then overpowered him.

Colin Ferguson got into that railroad car with an unlicensed handgun in New York City. He violated the city's laws against owning a handgun and presumably the railroad's rules against taking one on its train. Ferguson also violated many other laws including, obviously, those prohibiting murder and shooting people.

Were Carolyn McCarthy capable of rational thought she would recognize that no amount of laws--no matter what their nature--would have stopped Colin Ferguson.

If Mrs. McCarthy were even reasonably intelligent she would realize that her husband might not have been murdered and her son might not be paralyzed if the two courageous men--or any other passengers on the car that day--could have had the means to stop Colin Ferguson earlier. The two men were willing and capable but they could not act sooner because there was a disparity of force: Ferguson was armed and everyone else was at his mercy. He had no mercy. He was insane and he needed to kill white people.

But instead of fighting for the right of others to defend themselves, McCarthy ran for Congress on the one issue of increased gun control. And that has been her issue since 1996 when the even more stupid voters in the Fourth Congressional District first elected her to office.

Of course Rep. McCarthy is a liar too. She is stupid but even she can't be so stupid that she hasn't paid attention to herself. McCarthy is a barrel shroud.
being from an area with little to no appreciation for the shooting sports

Not all of us, my friend, not all of us. :D

"Charlie" McCarthy is one of the more spectacularly and demonstrably ignorant (and, possibly, stupid) people we have in government. I have actually emailed back and forth with her a number of times. Root canal is preferable. So much for communication.

In point of fact, if her husband had been carrying that day perhaps she would still be married --- but without a "career." She declined to respond to that observation.

When she (finally) responded to the question about barrel shrouds ("I think it's a shoulder thing that goes up") I suggested that I had a comment that flipped up from the middle of my hand. Again, no response. Hey --- what's in a shroud?

Back to the "local appreciation" issue :rolleyes:: within a given circle, she is one of the more detested of the incompetents.
Wow, what an idiot. I love that video. It is surprising that somebody would not even know what they wrote into their legislation when they go on television. This lady is stupid, indeed.
She would be only stupid if she didn't have power.

Unfortunately, stupid + power = evil.

At least that is a lesson of history...

Not all of us, my friend, not all of us.

My apologies if I offended you. When I say I little to no appreciation for the shooting sports, I was comparing Nassau county to my local area which may have not been a fair comparison.
Well, if she feels like she's standing out there alone, maybe she should just sit the **** down and shut the **** up! Hearing that woman speak is about like hearing fingernails scrape on a chalkboard, except that the fingernails are more intelligent.
When you take away the guns of the law abiding citizens then only the bad guys will have guns. -Murphy's Law in effect.
Did she actually say, "I've been talking to comrade Pelosi" or did I just imagine that? Congress doesn't dare contraveene the NRA Mrs. Pelosi? That's actually a good thing. I wonder if she would get on national television and talk about how Congress needs to stand up to the ACLU...
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