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CCW holder alledged to have made a fatal tactical error

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Mar 23, 2008

Las Vegas Sun

Published Saturday, July 10, 2010 | 1:55 p.m.

Updated Saturday, July 10, 2010 | 7:12 p.m.

Summerlin Costco Shooting
Shooting location
Map data ©2010 - Terms of UseA man walked into a busy Costco store in Summerlin armed with two guns Saturday afternoon, eventually pulling out a weapon and prompting Metro Police to fatally shoot the gunman.

Police Capt. Patrick Neville said Costco security personnel called police at 12:47 p.m. after the man began destroying merchandise in the store. After the call, store security noticed the man had a gun and began to evacuate the business, Neville said.

The store is at 801 S. Pavilion Center Drive, which is near the Charleston Boulevard and Las Vegas Beltway interchange. The business was mostly evacuated when officers arrived.

Police approached the man just outside Costco's front doors near a display of tires.

Neville said an officer tapped the man on the shoulder. The man turned around and the officer saw a gun in the man's waistband, police said.

The officer ordered the man to the ground, but the gunman refused, police said. Neville said the gunman then pulled out the gun in his waistband, prompting three officers to fire multiple shots.

The man was taken to University Medical Center, where he later died.

At the hospital, medical personnel discovered a second gun on the man. Both were semi-automatic handguns.

Neville estimated about 20 people were in the vicinity when the shooting occurred. No one else was injured during the incident.

The man was described as white, about 6-foot-1-inch tall and 190 pounds. He was in his 30s or 40s, police said. His name will be released by the Clark County Coroner's Office.

Neville credited Costco security officials with possibly helping to avoid a more serious incident from taking place.

"Through Costco taking some proactive measures here, that probably stemmed a lot of problems," he said.

Costco was closed Saturday while officers continued their investigation. Authorities interviewed several witnesses to the shooting.

The officers who fired will be placed on paid administrative leave during an investigation, which is standard procedure in officer-involved shootings.

Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDwnq5bt5Jk

My comments -

West Point Graduate...friends all say a together easy going guy...what the heck?

If he behaved as he is said to have, something would seem to have gone seriously wrong with his mind.

If he had not behaved as he is said to have...then, I wonder what really happened?

Ultimately, whatever we do or do not learn of this incident...carrying 'concealed' should mean just that.

And, if approached by a Policeman while Carrying, one does well to communicate positively, and, to mind one's demeanor and hands.
if approached by a Policeman...

As i have yet to see a case where someone disobeyed an officers demands (armed or not) turn out in favor of the "suspect", I would say following their commands is ALWAYS best to first and foremost follow the commands, and definitely if one has a gun n them, to keep their hands completely away from the weapon.
Hard to polygraph a dead man.

I liked the cousin's quote in the video

A store clerk saw he had a concealed gun, told him he couldn't have it in the store. He replied, "Sure I can. I have a concealed weapon's permit."

Then the CCW person in the video says that the dead guy's claims are bogus and that if asked to leave, one must leave.

Let's see, carrying concealed but spotted, asked to leave and refused, destroying merchandise, failed to comply with officers, made furtive movement, got shot and killed for it. No, the CCW holder did much more than make A fatal tactical error.
Where was the 'cousin' subsequent to the initial clerk-related exchange, I wonder?

Where was the 'girlfriend'?

This entire incident reads very odd to me.

Was the person said to have been 'destroying merchandice' even the same person who was shot?

Are there Store Surveilence Cameras which would have recorded these aspects?

Or, there are maybe more than one 'level' or dimension of event here, on which to ponder.
I don't see where he is a licensed carrier, which is what your subject heading implies. If he was not a permit-holder, then I don't see what the point is; this guy just wasn't wrapped tight, and challenged armed responding officers. People who aren't wrapped tight usually are not tactically sound, either.
Watch the video. Check the other news accounts for the story. There are numerous statements that he had a concealed carry permit including the quote cited above.
Sounds like planned suicide death by police officer. Not a tactical error by a CCW holder.

Sorry with new information, this was premature.
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Definitely sounds hinky.

Concealed means concealed. But let's say he took reasonable precautions to conceal his firearm and someone was simply observant. When asked by Costco, he should have left. Failing to do so is tresspassing.

Destroying property also goes without saying.

When confronted by police, his family members say he reaches to lift his shirt and reveal his weapon. With three police members there asking him about his firearm, his best bet is to keep his hands as far from his weapon as possible and inform them of its location -- and of the second weapon. The last thing you ever want is to reach in the direction of a firearm in front of a cop.
Whatever other mistakes and transgressions he may or may not have made, the most egregious by far is reaching for a gun in front of three cops responding to a call about an armed man making a disturbance. I agree that this is the tactic that got him blown up.

The guy with the pipe came off as responsible on film, good on the news for showing the other side of the coin in this case.
There does seem to be some conflicting eye-wittness testimony.

Friends and bystanders saying he 'lifted his shirt'.

Cops saying he 'drew his weapon and would not obey orders to put the weapon down'.

I would think based on these hear-says, that either of these would represent a wrong move...and that in any context of Police showing up showing interest in whether one is armed or not, one should immediately have had Hands far "up" high as possible and let things play however the Cops wanted. Verbally informing Cops of weapon location only...let Cops direct things...do not reach for one's weapon as if to show it to them.
From what I just read the "Victim" must have lost his mind completely. CCW holder or not these are not the actions of a rational person! This man was acting in a way that clearly could not end in a positive way. The person was certifiable, and needed either a fresh hole in his head or a rubber room!
Could be he was following the nervous ninnies commands and got shot for it.
Can't wait to see how this plays out.
There does seem to be some conflicting eye-wittness testimony.

Friends and bystanders saying he 'lifted his shirt'.

Cops saying he 'drew his weapon and would not obey orders to put the weapon down'.

Friends say he was an easy going guy as well, but he was apparently openly confrontational and in the wrong with the Costco employee about being able to carry in Costco after he was told he could not.

I am sure he "was a nice boy." People killed by the cops or in the middle of robberies they are committing often are described that way by friends.

I have to wonder how many friends and bystanders were close by given the store was being evacuated and most of the folks were out of the store.
Lots more is coming out about this. The witnesses at the scene are telling a different story than the police.

"The witnesses differed in their recollection of what one of the officers said.

Amesbury heard, "I told you to stop. Stop."

Two witnesses interviewed Sunday heard, "Drop it."

A fourth witness, interviewed Saturday, heard, "Get down," "Put it down," or "Get out of the way."

A second anonymous witness said Sunday he saw Scott pull up his shirt and turn toward the shouting officer. Then he saw the man get shot, drop to his knees and fall face-first in front of the entrance.

"There wasn't even time for someone to react," the second witness said. "The guy didn't pull a gun. There was no gun in his hand, there was no gun on the ground."

The second witness said he was interviewed by homicide detectives and gave them the same account.

The first anonymous witness also didn't see Scott make a threat.

"I certainly did not see the guy do anything with a gun that would threaten anybody," the first witness said Sunday. "It appeared to me that if he had guns on him, that they were literally in his pocket or in his waist."

The first witness also was interviewed by homicide detectives about the shooting.

Amesbury said he did not see the man get shot, but, "When I go around the corner, I see this guy laid out. I didn't see a gun." Amesbury's view of the shooting was blocked by stone pillars. He was not interviewed by police.

Before the shooting, Scott was walking with a woman that three witnesses thought was his girlfriend. They said she became distraught after the shooting. The incident also left the witnesses shaken.

It's just incredible "with all these people around that Metro would provoke something there," the second witness said. "I don't want to second-guess the police, but wouldn't it have been better to confront him out at his car?"

After the shooting, some people in the crowd panicked. An elderly woman was knocked down and cut her elbow in the chaos, the second witness said.

Only Scott was struck by gunfire .

Police said Scott had two handguns on him when he was shot. Goodman said Scott had a concealed-weapons permit.

Pusateri said his friend was a "safety freak" around guns. He said that "absolutely not in a million years" would Scott be careless with them around others.

Scott graduated from West Point, in New York, in 1994 and was stationed for a time at Fort Hood, Texas, as a tank platoon leader. In 2003, he graduated from Duke University in North Carolina with a master's degree in business administration."

From what I can gather he was with his girlfriend. They began evacuating the store as there was a customer in the store with a gun. There is no sign saying no guns at the Costco and concealed carry is permitted in Nevada with the proper license which the poor guy apparently had.

The man and his girlfriend were exiting with everyone else as they said there was a bomb scare. The Costco employees decretely pointed out our victim to a police officer as he passed the front entrance. Officers outside already had their weapons drawn. The officer following him who had had him pointed out tapped him on the shoulder.

He apparently raised his shirt to uncover the gun when the police began firing what was reported as 6 or 7 shots.

Very unfortunate.
Philip's synopsis brings many new details to a clearer light. It raises the possibility that the subject may have actually been trying only to inform the LEO of his carry status, though obviously not in a sound and prudent manner. Anything he was saying simultaneously was not accurately recorded; the discrepancies in the statements of the witnesses as to what they heard cannot be ignored.
Indeed this is a tragedy, and it goes to show that even the screened license-holder is not immune to lapses in judgment, or in mental capacity.
Other than the Post Office, I do not recall seeing any 'no guns' Signs anywhere I ever go, or do shopping or other errands.

I do not follow the news much, but, it seems to me there have been quite a few incidents where the Police here have appeared to be exceedingly trigger-happy, including a recent occasion of shooting an unarmed handcuffed guy to death who was trying to run away from them just after being arrested and handcuffed...he started running, and, they shot him instead of bothering to just run after and subdue him in a normal way.
Not that i am friend of overly trigger happy cops with tasers.
but in this situation it would have been better thant tapping him
on the shoulder and then put holes in him. .... #fail
I'm not weighing in on this, because we really don't have a useful set of facts to evaluate. Unless it was an intentional "suicide by cop" it seems clear that someone made an error. I don't see any evidence to suggest that this was intentional.
Video certainly would be helpful.
Sounds like he was asking to die. Everyone knows what happens when you pull a gun on cops
Many people 'seem' ok on the outside but really have troubled minds.

Glad nobody else was hurt
asking to die

I dont understand how someone is "asking to die" when exercising his 2a rights. Iff you go to KSCCW forums the complete story is there. The gentleman in question was actually standing the customer service line tryig to make a return when an employee notice the guy was packing.. security was called, and they asked the guy toleave,, when he refused, informing the security officers that he has CCW, security called police, thats when the fit hit the shan. according to the guys BROTHER, no guns where ever displayed, as it seems while trying to comply wiht the officers request to "drop it" he lifted his shirt to remove his weapon. and they started shooting
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