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Chalk us up another female convert...

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Feb 10, 2004
San Jose, CA
My buddies and I went to the range yesterday so I decided to invite a female friend along. She had recently gone through the NRA's Women On Target Pistol Clinic so I thought it'd be neat to let her shoot some bigger stuff.

So when she eventually found the range (was driving around lost for about half an hour :banghead: ) we put her on the Shotgun side where she proceeded to shoot about half a dozen slugs through a Remington 870. Then we had her shooting a couple of M1As, a 700PSS, an AK, an AR, before moving down the line for more pistol stuff.

She impressed the hell out of me with her shooting. She was averaging 4" groups at 100yards with the M1A Scout (iron sights), and she put 2 out of 3 rounds in the X-ring (with the 3rd just outside) with the 700. Not bad for a newbie. Anyway, here's some pictures:

The Range:

Me on my M1A:

Lance engaging targets at 50yards with slugs:

Vicky getting instruction on the M1A Scout from Mark:

Popping off a mag from my AK:

Posing with my buddy Lance at the County's Range:

I love this sign, this is what you see when you're on the way out of the LEO range:
My buddies and I were a focal point of interest throughout the day. We pretty much had a rack all to ourselves, full of EBRs. It's pretty unusual in Cali since most of the time the only guns you see at the ranges are very PC-looking bolt-actions and "hunter-type" guns. People kept walking over to check out our guns. We let a few shoot some rounds out of our AKs and ARs, and they all stepped away from the table with the biggest grins, until we told them they can no longer buy those guns in CA. They'll vote smarter next time.

I had a guy in the lane next to me punishing me with the muzzle blast from his Robar .50. Good god that thing was loud. He took pity on me and let me have a shot with it at least. :D
Cool.... I like the Metcalf range... I used to go there all the time. I'll come say hi if I see you there.

Scorpio: I see in one pic your buddy Lance seems to be carrying a pistol. Can you draw from the holster at Metcalf range? Can you do controlled pairs/ double-taps?

I'm in Oakland and willing to drive to a range where I can practice this stuff! (I do IDPA but I'd like to just practice holster presentations, etc., some times)

BTW way to go bringing a female friend into the fold. How did she like shooting slugs, .308s etc?
Guy: thanks -- since it is on the action pistol range, is that an IPSC/USPSA/IDPA event, or can we just practice holster presentations?

+ Do you have to be a member of Richmond to do this? Thanks.

My friend is actually a Sheriff's Deputy, that's his carry piece.

I don't believe Metcalf allows presentations, and since there's a "NO RAPID FIRE, 3-SECONDS-BETWEEN-SHOTS" rule, I'm pretty sure that rules out double-taps as well.

I have been told that Reeds Indoor Range in Santa Clara is very liberal about allowing the use of holsters and rapid-fire/double-taps, provided you know what you're doing. An IDPA card would probably be sufficient to prove your creds but since I've never tried it myself, I wouldn't know.

I'll PM you about a lesser-known facility that might be able to provide what you're looking for.
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