Chertoff: Not 'practical' to deport illegal aliens

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
If we can't deport them, cut out ALL benifits from taxpayers.

Chertoff: Not 'practical' to deport illegal aliens
Homeland security chief defends Bush plan, says border eventually will be impenetrable

In defending President Bush's so-called "guest worker" program for illegal aliens – which critics have dubbed an amnesty program – Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff says it's just not practical to deport the millions of foreigners in the country illegally.

"The cost of identifying all of those people and sending them back would be stupendous. It would be billions and billions of dollars," Chertoff told Sean Hannity on the Fox News Channel program "Hannity & Colmes" last night.

"One of the reasons I think that we've been focusing on the idea of a temporary worker program as part of a larger strategy for border security is because it would be a way to siphon off people who really want to do nothing more than work here, put them into a regulated program – we would know who they are – we would then be able to send them back at the end of a period of three years or six years. They would have made some money, they could take it back home, and then we could focus our other resources on the people that don't want to do it the right way, and we could get those people sent out."

Hannity challenged Chertoff, saying such a plan rewards those who "didn't respect our laws and sovereignty."

Asked the talk-show host: "Why don't we say, no, you're here illegally, you didn't respect our laws, you ought to go home?"

Chertoff again appealed to the issue of cost, saying, " Sean, you know, it's really an issue of practicality. I mean, as a practical matter, we've got to identify these people and pull them out of the shadows."

The Homeland Security chief emphasized that Bush's plan "is not an amnesty."

Said Chertoff: "The president's proposal is not a path to citizenship. It's clearly temporary, and it clearly envisions people who would have to commit to go back. … What this would let us do is acknowledge the reality that we've got hundreds and thousands of employers all over this country who are employing illegal aliens. Sometimes, individual citizens employing people in their home."

When Hannity suggested quadrupling the number of Border Patrol agents to help deal with the flood of illegals coming across the southern border, Chertoff pointed to training constraints.

"Right now, our capacity for training really is fully stretched," the official said. "Because it is obviously not an easy job, to train a Border Patrol agent. It's very dangerous work on the border."

Chertoff emphasized that since 9-11, the number of Border Patrol personnel has increased by 3,000.

The homeland security chief said he believes there will be a point in the future – using new technology and infrastructure, and more agents – when the border will be impenetrable.

"I think we have a day coming," he told Hannity. "I can't give you dates. It is not going to happen overnight."
This Administration will say everything but the obvious and necessary: "This isn't your country, you didn't come here legally, you don't belong here, and neither you nor your children nor your extended family is going to profit from your illegal entry."
The Republicans are worried they are going to suffer in the next election because they don't want to close the border, against the will of the people.

So they have to pay lip service, and hope Joe Sixpack won't notice they aren't doing anything.

The only thing the Republicans like more than power is money; and right now, businesses are making too much money off the backs of illegal aliens for the Republicans to want to do anything.

Sooner or later, someone will sneak in a dirty bomb, nuke, or other WMD across our unprotected southern border and attack a city in the US. When this happens, the blame will all be Bush's.

My mother was an illegal alien (long story)
but I agree, our gummint is not stepping up to the plate in discharging its duties.
The only thing the Republicans like more than power is money; and right now, businesses are making too much money off the backs of illegal aliens for the Republicans to want to do anything.

true, and making money off the taxpayer with subsidized labor. Sad to say
we live in a land of greed, quick, high profits tends to make corporations
look for "slave labor" in this country or anywhere they can find it, in time
we will slip to third world status if it continues.:banghead:
Chertoff gets an A+ for weasel-speak. What is clear, though, is that nothing will happen until the illegal problem reaches critical mass. By then it will be some other bureaucrat's problem. Republicans frost my ass. Their 'strategy' for everything is to foist it off on the next generation(s). 'Conservative' my butt. They don't 'conserve' anything. They roll over and pander to every politically correct interest group that comes along with its hand out. Borrow and spend, spend, spend. Grow government, add new bureaucracies, legislate against and systematically eliminate individual liberties. They represent me best when they're out of power, at least then they offer some resistance to Democrats rather than emulating them. :mad:
The Republicans are worried they are going to suffer in the next election
Here's hopin'..............

Sooner or later, someone will sneak in a dirty bomb, nuke, or other WMD across our unprotected southern border and attack a city in the US. When this happens, the blame will all be Bush's.
Who will waste no time in another expanded power grab.
"The cost of identifying all of those people and sending them back would be stupendous. It would be billions and billions of dollars"...

Much cheaper just to throw away America, I guess—especially considering how many "billions and billions of dollars" we're pouring into Iraq.

I can't tell the Republicrats from the Democans even with a score card.
The CIS did a study a few years ago that determined that the average illegal immigrant takes more than $55,000 out of our system over a lifetime than they put in. We have 10 to 20 million in our country right now and close to a million more entering every year.
I say that it would be cheaper to deport.
Secty Chertoff, its unrealistic for me to continue paying income tax so what say I just stop obeying tax law and you and your handler just let me be. How's that?

You will not know if its unrealistic until you try. You and Bush to date have not tried. You are getting close to and election and you just figured out your weenie is caught in your zipper. Its painful and you are looking for any way out.

No, Secty Chertoff, its unrealistic to expect the Great Fed Up to accept a new series of laws from the very same people to who refuse to enforce existing law. Can't trust you now; why should anyone trust you after the new laws are passed.

Bush's political capital ends at immigration reform.
"The cost of identifying all of those people and sending them back would be stupendous. It would be billions and billions of dollars"...
Get the private sector involved somehow. We can do it in half the time, at half the cost.
longeyes said:
It's "impractical" now.

In ten years it will be impossible--except via civil war. Is that the underlying agenda?

In 10 years this crowd that is currently in charge won't care. This is the age "I'm getting mine while the gettin is good" - and I believe that Bush and his crew are getting theirs and then some, with the underlying belief being that if they get enough they can insulate themselves from whatever crap will come down the pike in the future.
My car seats four, I'll volunteer to drive a few trips to the border. I'll use my gas to free up 20 illegals.

Thats 5 trips to the border free to you Mr. Chertoff. I'm certain a few of my buddies will volunteer a few free trips to the main gate.

The ultimate excuse will be "for the children", so 'might as well deal with that up front. All this other stuff are petty arguments why the children should not be affected.

We could at least start by not making illegals comfortable here and writing home how others should follow. Pay them no form of assistance, no public services. Penalize employers. Monitor day laborer pickup points.

If the cost to the taxpayer is calculated, that should be worth at least a bus ticket to the border.

I doubt if everyone is prepared for seriously dealing with illegal aliens. I believe that would mean that everyone would have to carry proof of citizenship and be prepared to be asked to show it. No racial profiling. Everyone gets carded.
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Both the Repubs and the Dems want them here, so get use to it. As to the cost of sending them back, I suggest just letting the local agency do their job instead of having ICE/INS ordering them to be released.

And no, every time an alien crosses the border. America does not get stronger.
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