Confessions Of An 18 Year Old Liberal

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Dec 23, 2007
Allow me to introduce myself. I'm 18 years old and have never fired a gun in my life. I was raised by an ultra-liberal parent in an ultra-liberal, low crime area. Violence was not permitted on television (Even "Power Rangers" was too violent for 5-year olds!). Everything was perfectly safe and sanitary. I remember at one point when I was 14, my sister and mother almost breaking down in tears (out of fear) when we were alone in a bus station with an elderly black man.

So, welcome to my town.

I remember when I was very little, I was told almost daily to, if I saw a gun, to go tell an adult, no questions asked. I remember once at eight, I saw a BB gun and mistook it for a real gun. Laying on a dryer, actually. I ran away, scared out of my mind that this infernal machine, so famous for killing kids, was going to kill me. That's what they told us that guns did, they killed kids. And Bambi's mom.

As I got older, I began to realize that the world was not so white-washed and clean. I was exposed to the internet and received my REAL education. I became interested in survival. I realized that gun control was about control. Nobody but me would protect me. Worse, I saw my fellow students go on knowing absolutely nothing about the weapons they sought so intently to ban. It's as if they really thought that one could stop criminals from getting guns. As if they could just disarm everyone, and suddenly crime would drop. Citing "facts" about how guns are most often used to hurt family members.

So nobody ever really taught me about guns, except that they would certainly kill you. I read, and read, and read some more, about every firearm and cartridge I could find on Wikipedia. I got heavily involved in martial arts, almost obsessively. This was a particularly modern system and involved discussion of firearms as well as practice with blue guns. Having never had a father, the presence of intelligent male figures in my life, people who I could really respect, helped solidify my belief that firearms were a good thing.

So now I'm kind of a black sheep in my community, because where one believes in one "conservative" value, he's automatically assumed to believe in the rest. We're very "one or the other". So I automatically support Rudy Guliani, the Federal Defense Of Marriage Act, and the war in Iraq. Nobody even asks, they just assume.

So, I guess what I'm saying is that I'm coming into the "gun culture" and kind of bewildered about all the lies I'd been told (not that I didn't know they were lies at the time, I was just content to believe what I knew were lies). That everyone here was a gross hick or a crazy Vietnam veteran. Veterans, they were so often the victims of my liberal friend's jokes. I actually happened to meet a few veterans and discovered they weren't all crazy gun nuts. Some of them were a little weird, but so am I. And they're easy to be friends with. I didn't have to humor their beliefs or be excruciatingly polite to them. I just had to be kind to them. So much easier to be friends with!

So I extend my apologies. I understand "the other side", and I can't agree with the way I was raised or the lack of education I received about firearms. I'm sorry my community still does this. I'm sorry that I missed out. I'm sorry that everything here is so liberal that it's very hard to own a weapon, even now. Colleges don't take kindly to even the legal possession of a weapon in one's home! I guess we sit here, floating in some purposeless void, accepting purposeless and poorly thought out "missions", perhaps out of guilt: Out of guilt for living good lives over those we never see and secretly loathe, those in the inner cities and Third World nations. We seek to perform these "missions" because of that guilt. Oftentimes, we simply pick these missions at random. We create a facade of turmoil where there is none.

Maybe because life would be unbearably boring without something to be paranoid about.

I don't know.

But that's where I was and here's where I am now.

Thanks for reading.
Wow, I gotta say
that's something else to be sure.
Thanks for posting that and we hope to see you around more often.
I have found that it always pays to keep an open mind, gather facts, and make your own decisions. Maybe you are interested in shooting, maybe not. only you can make that decision. I'm glad that you have aproached the subject with an open mind. Anything you will ever want to know about guns is here, jsut ask.

Good luck and welcome!
I'm glad you were able to overcome your upbringing on the firearms issue, now that your starting to understand "the other side" maybe your kids will be raised differantly and we can start breaking the cycle of liberal gun fearers. ( At least one of them )
Hoplophile, we all have to learn. Sometimes while we're young, it's from our parents and sometimes it's after we get older, and it's from others. You had to learn on your own and from others, so you don't owe anyone an apology. And you aren't responsible for what your community does either!

No one has a lock on knowledge. Just keep an open mind and listen and observe what's going on around you. There's more knowledge on this site and others like it then you'll ever be able to obsorb in a lifetime. So take what works for you and let the rest fall by the wayside. Don't pre-judge people by their looks, sound, backgrounds, or where they're from.

Good luck and welcome to THR.
I got heavily involved in martial arts, almost obsessively.

Ah, there's your problem right there. Martial arts training involves searching for truth as well as training the body. It's impossible to progress and learn a martial art while living in a state of denial about one's own abilities. Learning to reject that state of denial in one area of your life leads to you rejecting that state of denial in the rest of your life.

Collectivists (I prefer that term rather than Liberal. Liberal has an older, more respectable meaning) live in a state of denial that they can be harmed until faced with the actual possibility. Witness the panic of your mother and sister when confronted by an elderly black man who wasn't "properly under someone's control". They denied his very humanity and assumed that he might hurt them simply because they had no confidence in themselves, a fact that they will probably continue to deny. Collectivists are quick to lump people together in convenient groups, because that's easier than having to deal with people as individual human beings.

You fall in that "bad" group of people who don't agree with their every opinion, therefore raising the possibility that they might be wrong. In order to deny that possibility, they give you a convenient label and ignore every thing else they have in common with you.

What a horrible lack of humanity! That elderly gentleman might have been a heck of a nice guy, but they'll never know that because they were too afraid. Welcome to the world of uncertainty.

Buddhists correctly call this "the world of horrors" because they can see that the world would be a much better place if we would just quit fearing each other and accept our differences. Only by conquering our own fears can we do that. You've started that process. Congratulations. :evil:
Good example of how the truth comes out, even with all the brainwashing and lies about guns at an early age to adulthood, the facts don't lie.

Nice to meet you, I bet your parents are going bonkers with whome you are, which is unfortunate. Heh.. well I'm sure that you've pummeled them with facts time and time again and they probably no longer argue with you about things like gun control etc.
I personally would have a field day with parents like that :D

If you happen to be on Facebook, check out the "Students For Concealed Carry On Campus", you might find a few people in your area through there (or here) around the same age willing to take you out and teach you a few things. We also have a web page,

I had a conversation at work today with one of the other lifeguards (both of us 22) about how kids today (I know I am not "that" wise in years, yet) are so sanitized from the world around them. I can remember growing up playing with dad's power tools for different projects, including the application of hammer to blender, resulting in stiches to my friend's head. Kid's today have everything bubble wrapped to avoid owies. Heaven forbid a kid go to school today with a bruise from a weekend of rough play in the woods, lest social services get involved.

Glad to see you have come out of the cave, so to speak. Be a positive influence to those around you. I'm sure once they see that you aren't shooting up a mall, it will slowly chip away at their wall. Plenty of bad examples, negative to the gun culture, of high school/college age kids with guns at the range on you tube.
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I'm glad you are beginning to see the light, so to say. You picked a good site to come to. I first registered here when I began to become curious about guns as well. As you can see I'm still here!

Are you going to tell us where you are from?
You aren't the only liberal here, mate. In fact, there are a lot more liberal gun owners than most conservatives might like to admit. We just tend to agree with the Supreme Court's existing caselaw WRT the 2nd Amendment, and thus aren't the loudest voice in the gun community.

sacp81170a said:
Collectivists are quick to lump people together in convenient groups, because that's easier than having to deal with people as individual human beings.
Am I the only one who sees the irony in this? Don't believe the hype - most liberals (err, "collectivists") aren't motivated by terror, unlike the OP's poor mother.

Hoplophile, you're still a young lad. Don't be afraid to ask questions about orthodoxy (even the orthodoxy your mother taught you), but don't let the old curmudgeons on the right you tend to find on gun forums talk you in to giving up your compassion towards others. It's what defines us as "liberal." Selflessness.
Welcome to the real world, Sir.

So, I guess what I'm saying is that I'm coming into the "gun culture" and kind of bewildered about all the lies I'd been told (not that I didn't know they were lies at the time, I was just content to believe what I knew were lies). That everyone here was a gross hick or a crazy Vietnam veteran. Veterans, they were so often the victims of my liberal friend's jokes. I actually happened to meet a few veterans and discovered they weren't all crazy gun nuts. Some of them were a little weird, but so am I. And they're easy to be friends with. I didn't have to humor their beliefs or be excruciatingly polite to them. I just had to be kind to them. So much easier to be friends with!
Yeah, I'm one o' them thar weird Vietnam vets. Let's see how weird and crazy I am. Since Vietnam, I completed a master's degree in a "learned profession" and I am licensed to practice said profession in multiple states. I have become an ordained minister. I have assisted the FBI in the investigation and successful prosecution of two major white-collar criminal endeavors. I have been an officer and/or director of three professional organizations, a commissioner of a fourth, vice-president of the board of a mental health halfway house, director and newsletter editor of a non-profit spiritual education organization, director and contributing editor to a regional PC users group, founding member of a national sports car club, qualified for a professional sports car racing license (IMSA -- narrowly missed competing at Sebring a number of years ago), had several articles published in professional magazines ...

Other than that, I'm just as iggerent as a stick, and not much more useful. Shore do lak them GUNZ, tho'. Funny thing is, back somewhere in my family tree is a gent name of John Jay. I heerd he wa'r a judge or sumthin' lak that a long time ago. He wrote sumthin' 'bout gunz and that Constitution thingie all them lieberals keep spoutin' off about. Maybe somebody here who's a might smarter'n me can dredge it up.

It's a funny thing about liberals, you know. They seem to think that the Constitution is a part-time document. Their view is that it applies when it supports their position, but when it doesn't support their position, it's "out-dated and needs to be repealed."

If you haven't already gotten there, I recommend The Federalist Papers. Most likely, your high school and college history teachers didn't bother to mention them ... but they should have.
Welcome, Hoplophile! (or FORMER hoplophobe)

I find it rather strange how we, as human beings, tend to categorize things. There seems to be only two categories for political tendencies, liberal and conservative. Although, parties are drawn along a more divisive determinations, such as Republican, Democrat, Independant, Libertarian, Constitutionalist, etc. I find that it becomes hard to cram an individual into a predetermined category when only one single issue is focused upon.

How do you categorize me? I'm for complete firearms freedom. I think everyone should carry a loaded gun. Who would a criminal rob? What airplane would a criminal hijack? Which house would a criminal break into? Which woman would a rapist pick?

So you might say I'm a uber-conservative, right?

I'm also completely in favor of gay rights. It's not for me, but why should I have a problem with Rick and Steve wanting to do nasty things to each other? As long as I don't have to witness it, why should I pass judgement on what two grown men choose to do in the privacy of their own house?

So I guess I'm an uber-liberal.

I think it's time we stop categorizing people by their beliefs and start looking for the truth as individuals. We need to stop believing things because that's what a good conservative, or a good liberal is supposed to believe.

I congratulate you on your arrival at an independant conclusion: Firearms are inanimate objects and have no inherant characteristics. They are things that, although dangerous, may be used by a person to do good or evil.

The truth is the truth. It doesn't matter what values, political affiliation, or "category" a person fits into. The truth isn't concerned with any of those things.

Now. I'm looking forward to your first post telling us all the story of your first experience firing one of these evil, child murdering, satanic objects!

(Oh, I highly reccommend doing so with someone who is knowledgeable about guns and has at least some experience shooting them. Or else take a firearms safety course before just buying one and going somewhere to fire away.)

Good luck to you! Hopefully you have found an enjoyable new past-time!
Welcome to the forum , remember gun ownerships is neither a liberal or conservative thing , its an American thing .
:pIt's too bad we can't combine the two 'sides' somehow. Both have very valid beliefs to share.

I also grew up in a household sans father figure. However I wasn't taught guns were bad, just never really got exposed to them much. First time I ever shot a real firearm was at the YMCA camp in Colorado...22 single shots at paper targets hanging from clothespins. I shot the pin by 'accident'.:evil: They only gave us about 10 'bullets' and it was over all to quickly. Ah, the days.

Congrats on understanding firearms. Just be careful you don't go crazy with it, there's other hobbies too.:p

And ah...Superlite, I fully disagree with this statement from what I've experienced.
I think everyone should carry a loaded gun.
We're very "one or the other". So I automatically support Rudy Guliani the Federal Defense Of Marriage Act, and the war in Iraq. Nobody even asks, they just assume

Well, you still hung on to SOME of your liberal traites:):evil:
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