Conversation with my teacher

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May 16, 2007
Green River, WY
I had an interesting conversation with my teacher today. We had a lockdown drill at school today and afterward my teacher made the comment that they should just give all the staff tazers to stop an intruder. I said they should just get real guns and guess what, the teacher and all my classmates agreed with me. He said he could bring his .357 and that would put a stop to a gunman pretty quick. It suprised me to find that so many people agreed with me that guns should be allowed in school.
It all boils down to where you live and the prevailing attitude of the people around you...

No one bats an eyelash where I live when it comes to firearms.. not a big deal around here.
Well of course. You live in Wyoming. It'd be a natural there.
Query your teacher and classmates about the same response or lack thereof in schools in, MA or NYC or NJ and WHY the answer might be different.
More people are starting to open their eyes now. I too have noticed a slight change in attitude in average people.
In most of the East as well as CA, any teacher expressing such a sentiment would probably be fired, the students disciplined and a mass murderer given a award from the governor as long as he did it for politically correct reasons.

That's Great News!

It's great to hear stories like that - it's too easy to fall into the rut of believing that academia is in lock-step.

My kids have found a few pro-gun profs at their schools and it always makes me feel good knowing that the world hasn't slid into dystopia quite yet.
I know several teachers that would carry if they could. My AG teacher even asked us how many of our parents had CCW liscences. Over half the students raised their hands. We're lucky enough to have a police officer at the school at all times. He carrys a Glock 21.
Actually its legal for teachers/faculty/others to carry firearms in school. (at least in MN) All you need is a letter of permission (basicly any piece of paper saying the principal/superintended gives you permission to carry a firearm in school from date to date. SIGNED is recomended.
I used to do verbal but nowdays would have to have signed ones. Firearms safety training classes. They were told there would be a couple loaded guns (alwasy on our person concealed) Real reason (because I could)
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