CVA quick clean patches

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Oct 31, 2008
are the CVA barrel blaster quick clean patches good for in between swabbing? anyone use these for in between shots? I have tried the spit patch method and it does not work so well for my gun and powder combo.
What powder are you shooting with?
Some folks swab with 91% alcohol, windshield washer fluid or Windex with ammonia when using 777.
There's so many homemade mixtures and commercial solvents, but I've never tried the CVA Barrel Blaster Quick Clean patches.
What's nice about 91% alcohol is that it evaporates quickly, doesn't leave moisture in the barrel and is relatively inexpensive.
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i use pyrodex pellets, but maybe I will try the alcohol idea. how saturated do people usually get the patches when they use the alcohol?
While it's difficult to oversaturate it using the 91%, it only needs to be saturated with an ample amount.
Swab once and by the time you turn it over for a 2nd pass, it will already be partially dried out.
Some Walmarts sell the reddish Rusty Duck Black Off by the jug which also evaporates but not as quickly.
Another good solvent for Pyrodex is Hoppes #9 PLUS Black Powder Solvent & Patch Lube. It's not as volatile, but they claim that it doesn't interfere with ignition.
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