Do you avoid a buisness because of their anti 2a views?

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Yes, absolutely. And I try and make sure the manager knows that I will not be back, and why.

I propose that a better method, in my opinion only, would be to let them know as soon as the no guns or no weapons sign goes up...and just don't go.

IMO sneaking around with the gun and only 'taking a stand' and telling them why you won't be back after they find out you are carrying against their wishes makes your 'boycotting' of them much less valuable than it otherwise might have been
...if the business in question is posted "no guns" and an employee, manager, plainclothes loss prevention, loss prevention/security in uniform or watching over a camera, etc, knows that the gun is there the "I will ignore the sign because concealed means concealed" thing kinda goes out the window. It is something to keep in mind when choosing to carry somewhere that has posted a no guns or no weapons sign.

I've been the employee who spotted people (with 99% certainty that they were armed), even though their gun was concealed...and I can almost guarantee that they would tell you nobody knew. Don't assume.
Again, so? As a pro 2nd, are you going to rat me out? If I'm "busted" I'm barred from the business. So?
If you really, truly want to attempt to make that comparison you need to openly carry your gun to the business that is posted no guns or no weapons, not hide it.
Absolutely. This goes double for any business which provides funding to organizations which are involved in working to decrease the RKBA in America.

We're in an environment where corporations can effectively make unlimited contributions to influence elections at a scale that can only be matched by the cooperative involvement of many citizens through civil rights organizations such as the NRA, SAF, etc.

It would be unconscionable to financially support an organization through the purchasing of their products/services if it goes against the money that I spend towards protection of civil rights.
Absolutely. This goes double for any business which provides funding to organizations which are involved in working to decrease the RKBA in America.

We're in an environment where corporations can effectively make unlimited contributions to influence elections at a scale that can only be matched by the cooperative involvement of many citizens through civil rights organizations such as the NRA, SAF, etc.

It would be unconscionable to financially support an organization through the purchasing of their products/services if it goes against the money that I spend towards protection of civil rights.

Well said sir.
absolutely. This goes double for any business which provides funding to organizations which are involved in working to decrease the rkba in america.

We're in an environment where corporations can effectively make unlimited contributions to influence elections at a scale that can only be matched by the cooperative involvement of many citizens through civil rights organizations such as the nra, saf, etc.

It would be unconscionable to financially support an organization through the purchasing of their products/services if it goes against the money that i spend towards protection of civil rights.


As far as I know it is state law in New York to require a pistol permit to sell pistol ammunition. The law went into effect January 1st, 2011 if memory serves. Saying 9mm and .40 ammo was "for a rifle" only went so far until they requested to see pistol permits. I am still on the waiting list for a restricted CCW permit in the state. Even though I haven't lived there for 6 months.
NO! We should embrace anti-gun companies and give them all our business as we thank them for looking out for us in their efforts to ban those nasty guns!

I guess you did not see my thread a couple weeks ago where everybody tore me a new one for my comments regarding Toys-R-Us and their no guns allowed policy. The consensus was that I was the asshat and they were right.
As far as I know it is state law in New York to require a pistol permit to sell pistol ammunition. The law went into effect January 1st, 2011 if memory serves

this is not true. maybe in NYC but not true to upstate. there are alot of misconceptions about NY gun laws. Partly becuase NYC isn't really apart of NY. Besides the "evil features" and 10 round limit on new mags we are more lax than is talked about on this forum anyhow. Things may change for the worse, as our fearless leaders are starting to talk about new legislation.

Just to stir the pot a bit Texas is more restrictive on knife laws than Upstate NY, But NYC you can't carry a leatherman on your belt.
Do you avoid a buisness because of their anti 2a views?

Absolutely...I OC in summer, and indoors in winter. So not only will I not support them, I can't. Those who would compromise their principles by concealing and patronizing these establishments are a detriment to the rest of us, and deserve to be caught and penalized for it. I'd love to see some 'concealed means concealed' 2A traitor lose his license over it...They're not doing the 2A a damn bit of good anyway.
I lived in New York (upstate, won't catch me dead in the city) for almost 20 years. Every gun shop I went to said I needed to show my pistol permit to buy pistol ammo. Hurt their businesses more than it hurt crime, that far upstate, VT is a short drive away. Better prices for the most part as well. Based on what I have found on other internet forums, being asked for a permit ranged greatly from county to county. So I guess my "permit please" experience is limited to Clinton and Franklin counties.
So I guess my "permit please" experience is limited to Clinton and Franklin counties.

may have been store policy or maybe county rule but its not state law.

both walmart and dicks ask but right down the road you can go to gander moutain and its on the shelves with rifle and shotgun ammo.
I'd love to see some 'concealed means concealed' 2A traitor lose his license over it

making a statement like you must stick your neck out on a regular basis for "2A"

Do you know for fact that every state reconizes "gun free" signs as law? The way I understand it, in many places if store owner finds you to be legally carrying in his "marked" store he can ask you to leave and not return but until then you have not broken any laws only store policy, which is not "Law", and if you return you will be tresspassing and if you return and carry, it would be tresspass with a weapon, a felony.
may have been store policy or maybe county rule but its not state law.

both walmart and dicks ask but right down the road you can go to gander moutain and its on the shelves with rifle and shotgun ammo.
Albany County tried to pass legislation that would require this a year or two ago (as well as logging ammo purchases) and there was some pretty huge uproar over it. They couldn't even get it passed in Albany County (for those not from NY, Albany gives downstate NY a run for its money with the politicians' anti-rights attitude).

Absolutely...I OC in summer, and indoors in winter. So not only will I not support them, I can't. Those who would compromise their principles by concealing and patronizing these establishments are a detriment to the rest of us, and deserve to be caught and penalized for it. I'd love to see some 'concealed means concealed' 2A traitor lose his license over it...They're not doing the 2A a damn bit of good anyway.

In many (most?) states that won't happen.
When it comes to gun laws in anti-2a states it is usually "your experience may differ." One of the big reasons why I moved out of the Northeast. I am still shocked that I got an unrestricted CCW in Alabama when the waiting period for a restricted CCW in NY was 8 months and 8x more expensive.
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