Does my taste in guns mean I'm getting old?

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Oct 26, 2008
Peoples Republik of New Jersey
God I hope not - I just bought an original Flintlock Musket - that would age me to worm food !
If your getting old then your aging very gracefully!

Give me nice old guns with style and class over the modern plastic and stamped sheet metal any day. Life is too short to play with ugly guns.
Yes, but then again, I suspect you have always been an old soul at heart- much like myself. :)
You have excellent taste, my friend- better than most, in my opinion. ;) I really like that 1897!


My ex mother in law always said I had an old soul.......loved old guns forever:) I lean toward cowboy guns myself and that 1897 sure fits!
As I once said to a dinner roll, "You're not getting older - you're getting butter".
Looks like a classy collection. Who the hell cares what anybody else thinks anyways. I don't have a Raven in my safe to prove anything to anyone.
No, it just means that you have a thing for old guns. Nothing about the human aging process in that.
You ask a really tough question but then again do you really care? Nice guns, sir. Enjoy them.
Need a full size picture to be sure...

to see if the '97 is cut to 18" and has a lazer and a tac light clamped on the end....

If it doesn't have all the latest tacticool gadgets and wizardy attached--then, like everybody else said--you are just fine.
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