Drug test to take possession of a firearm???

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The druggies would just buy 'em on the streets, like felons do now.

The better option is when the police catch a felon with a gun or a drug possessor with a gun, if/when found guilty said individual is euthanized.
Because these criminals won't just buy one from their homeboy down the street instead of a dealer, right ? :rolleyes:


Gun control does not work, criminals will still be criminals.

Why do I have to go through an extra hassle to prove that I follow the law?

I have a tough time gutting this as it as it applies to my company and personally. (Trucking and DOT CDL regs) Just another way for the government to create more darned paperwork.
There is a lot they can learn about someone once they have your sample other than if you do drugs (e.g. they can tell if you are pregnant, have genetic predispositions to disease, and if you are taking medications for certain conditions).

This is an invasion of privacy that I would not support.
I'll start taking a pee-test for a gun purchase when they require drug tests for government welfare recipients - incl. the 40M which are on SNAP/foodstamps AND require drug tests for drivers licenses.....

until that happens .... no way :banghead:

2A is in the constitution and a RIGHT. driving a car or receiving government checks is a privilege....
I suppose it would be a great way to infringe upon multiple rights simultaneously.
..that is... if you're into that sort of thing.
I don't know where you got the idea that druggies are selling their legally obtained guns to get money for drugs ? I doubt that it occurs frequently enough to make any difference ! But then again gun control isn't about making a difference in crime ! If the 20000 laws on the books now didnt work , why would the next one ? The only thing that is obvious is that "lawmakers "are incompetant The laws they create only cause more harn than good ! Kevin
Junkies STEAL guns from homes during the commission of burglaries. They sell them on the black market, then BUY their drugs from drug dealers. That's how that goes. They ARE NOT buying guns legally then selling them to buy drugs.
If you need permission then it's not really a right.

Drunk drivers kill more innocents. This is crazy. We have the breathylyzer technology to require you to self-test before the car starts. So what if it costs a $1K, if it saves one life it's worth it. Right? Let's play that and see what John Q Public thinks.
Alcohol is involed in most gun crime. This idea that "drug users" are out committing crimes is only half right. The drug is alcohol. How many here are willing to quit using alcohol to own guns?
I had to take a controlled substance based prescription as a result of an illness a while back. It was a perfectly legitimate use and did not impair my judgement in the slightest but would have shown on a drug test.

Therefore your idea would have prevented me from buying 2 firearms I bought at the time, one of which is me EDC. Drug test, no thanks.

"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence"
George Washington

"A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have,"
Gerald Ford
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