Dumbest thing you've seen at the range?

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Man!!! I read only the first and last pages of this thread and I'm shaking my head.

I've seen a fair amount of the same stuff over my years of shooting. I'm glad to say for the last 15 years or so, I mostly shoot at my NRA affiliated club, and it's a safety-conscious environment.

I work sight-in days prior to deer season and know from personal experience that even the most safety-conscious person can have a lapse - or just plain do somethng dumb. But I simply can't fathom what posseses some of the knuckleheads out there.

This has been an interesting, entertaining and frightening read all at the same time. Thanks all!
omg I have been blessed with not encountering crazy stuff like a lot I'm seeing here. I guess it's a product of doing most of my shooting in safety obsessed NH and MA, and government controlled ranges in FL.


I had this model working for me once doing pictures with a trap gun. She turns around with the loaded shotgun and fans us, says was that ok as we are running away lol. Then she turns back around and trips the trigger, firing the round into the ground. I don't think our faces ever returned to proper color that day.
I had this model working for me once doing pictures with a trap gun. She turns around with the loaded shotgun and fans us, says was that ok as we are running away lol. Then she turns back around and trips the trigger, firing the round into the ground. I don't think our faces ever returned to proper color that day.

Sometimes the dumbest things that occurr on a firing range aren't the fault of the inexperienced shooter, at all, but are the sole responsibility of the dumb a$$ that set them up to be able to make such a mistake in the first place.

... model ... doing pictures ... loaded shotgun

Sounds about 1/2 as smart as the knuckle-draggers who post on YouTube videos of their girlfriend who's never shot before, about to touch off a .500 S&W Mag.

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Model + loaded shotgun...I'll take my chances with the drunk goons shooting loaded cartridges like skeet (as detailed in Post No. 302). :uhoh:
I once dumped a .45acp into a ceiling due to recoil mixed with an overly light trigger job.

I was shooting my gsg5 and having a good time with 4 targets in a box pattern at 50yards. All of a sudden, a fellow member at my club asked loudly.... "who is shooting my target". Well my slight angle shots were passing through my targets and 1/4 plywood backing, traveling another 50yards and ripping into his target on the next land over!!!

My bad and learned another lesson there.
This happened 2 days ago, not necessarily dangerously dumb, but definitely a face/palm moment.

I took my girlfriend out to the 500yd range at my club. She is a deadeye with my Marlin 39A .22LR, and she wanted to try out something longer. I set her up with my custom built Rem700 in 30-06 and some light handloads, which will hold groups under 1 inch out to 300 yards on a good day.

The range has hanging 1.5'x3' steel targets every 100 yards from 200y to 500y, and also berms to put your own targets. A father/son pair were a few benches over, sighting in a few rifles at 200 yards. After firing 4 shots at the steel to confirm zero and holdover, I turned it over to the gf, with the instructions to shoot the 200 yard steel, a white rectangle on the far right (the steel was painted white). I settled in behind my spotting scope while she loaded and got set up on the bench.

First shot at 200 yards missed the steel, couldn't see any impacts around the target either, which was odd because the ground was so wet, misses usually threw up a spray of mud and water. 2nd shot, another wide miss. I couldn't figure it out, the gun is sighted in and dead on at 200 yards, and she's a good shot. I was wearing my peltor's with the volume turned up, and while this was going on I could hear the father getting frustrated with the odd groupings out of his son's rifle. GF takes a 3rd shot, another wide miss. Then I go stand behind her and notice the barrel is swiveled a bit further left than it should be. At the same time the father/son are both scratching their heads at the weird groups they were getting.

The lightbulb came on and I checked their 200yd paper target in the spotting scope and noticed 2 distinct groups - 3 shots in about 2" dead center, and 4 shots strung vertically higher on the target. She had been alternating shots with the father/son, and to them they would see 1 shot dead center, then the next 1' high, then another dead center. Their frustration was evident. I went and told them of our error, and we all had a good laugh. I should've asked them to save the group on their target for my gf, it was a pretty good looking 3-shot group.

A good day of shooting, once she got on the right targets she hit nearly every one all the way out to 500yds. Then she did an outstanding job as a spotter helping me get my CMP Garand zeroed in from 200-500. I was pretty impressed that the 60 year old service grade Garand could get consistent hits at 500 yards.
yea lmao she was a total airhead too, but a smokin hottie. I have the pictures somewhere on a hard drive I will look for them.

Oh, I should have also mentioned that I have partial hearing loss in my left ear. It's either from years of playing metal bands in teh 80s, with amps on 11, or putting a few mags through a mac-10 with no ears on. What'd ya think it was?
Oh, I should have also mentioned that I have partial hearing loss in my left ear. It's either from years of playing metal bands in teh 80s, with amps on 11, or putting a few mags through a mac-10 with no ears on. What'd ya think it was?

BOTH. (that's in caps so you can HEAR ME:D)
This just about tops it:
This range is in the mountains behind Santa Barbara in the good old People's republic of California.
No, I did not help make this video.
I've been to this range. Most people have the common sense to know that the firing line is directly behind all those rocks. Firing from out in the shooting field towards the parking line or from out in the driveway area towards the firing line isn't a big deal if you're the only one up there but once those other people showed up these cannon clowns should have stepped up to the line.
I think the worst thing I see at the range is poor muzzle control, the worst time being when the shooter has a malfunction of some sort. I can't tell you how many times I have seen the muzzle sweep the range AND the line, often with a loaded mag in place. This is awful, but typical. At my local outdoor range, there used to be fenceposts set in the ground at about 35 and 100 yards, with some sort of netting or fabric attached to allow targets to be placed. About half the people show up with no targets, or no means to attach targets to that fabric. So they lean whatever they can find to shoot at up against the fence posts, and proceed to shoot holes in the posts. I have tried to talk to some of these folks, but am usually ignored. We no longer have any way to attach targets, as the Forest Service no longer replaces the posts. Who can blame them?
Re: Post 281
No no no no no, you heard me wrong... I SAID it was a sweet deal because the guy gave me (paid me) $200 for the Jennings .380, and I also meant to tell you that cheap guns chase gun snobs off, not that I had it to shoot people. And I was going for a Sopranos look. :rolleyes: jeez
When a guy swung around a pump action shotgun, barrel pointing straight at my abdomen.

"Don't worry, it's not loaded"

I pushed the barrel in a safer direction (anything is better than pointing at me or someone else) and took the gun from him. It wasn't unloaded. Apparently he miscounted or something and there was still a 12 gauge slug in the chamber.
Not something that happened when I was there, but a few years ago, I was on a nordic ski team running repeats on a decommisioned ski hill owned by our school. At the top, there were the remains of a bonfire, nothing unusual. Nor were the piles of beer cans, as much as I'd rather people pick them up.

The part that got us was the rather large number of empty shotgun hulls littering all over. And I'm talking 100+, something that meant I never headed there after dark. (Not to mention you'd be lucky to NOT break your neck trying to run there in the dark.)
1. Private muzzle loading club: A cease fire was called to check targets. I placed my flintlock upright in the bench as required and placed the loading rod in the bore to remind me it was not loaded (I had notched the rod to indicate "loaded or unloaded"). We all went down, checked targets, and we all came back. I loaded my rifle, stepped to the line and was just about to prime the pan when a boom went off to my left and a big chunk of turf exploded two inches from my foot. Some moron had left his gun loaded, forgot, then went to clear his vent with a percussion cap and nearly took my foot off!! I packed up and left.

2. Public range: A guy had a really nice Luger he had just purchased. For some odd reason he took it apart, put it back together, then it did nothing when he pulled the trigger. I watched him hand cycle 6 magazines worth of cartridges through it trying to get it to fire? I could not understand why he felt it necessary to have live ammo in the chamber when all he had to do was toggle the action, pull the trigger, and listen for the "click". Unless there is something unique to Lugers that I do not know?
Federal Agent on the 7-yard line used the muzzle of his H&K P2K to scratch the back of his head.
Firearms instructors saw this and he was tackled.

I've been 'line-swept' a few times. Very scary and very aggravating. Lucky for me, instructors were there to shout and curse so I didn't have to.
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Bliggida said:
Firearms instructors saw this and he was tackled.

Which was equally as stupid! That could have easily resulted in the Federal Agent blowing his own head off if his finger had been on the trigger. If not then a simple walk over and pointing out how stupid what the agent was doing would have sufficed to fix the problem.

If the incident happened as described the tacklers should have lost their instructor certification for life.
A group of hipsters carrying 2 propane tanks they had bought from walmart to the top of the berm. They told me taht they were going to 'out-do' a video they saw of kids shooting a propane tank of youtube. I left quickly, and even ended up in an arguement with the girl i was seeing at the time because she wanted to stay and watch. It is a 25 yard range with no cover. I do not want to be 25 yards from 2 propane tanks that have road flares strapped to them while a ____ ____ shoots at them with one of his dads guns.
Just tell her to wait for the video to show up on YouTube, like the video of the bozo smashing the hollowed-out pumpkin full of gasoline and lit on fire.

If anything great happens, it will either end up a viral video, or on the news, or both.:barf:
I was shooting with my wife and some friends and I heard a guy next to us mention that he had to remove his hearing aid. About thirty minutes later, a cease fire was called so some folks could go down range to change/check targets. I happened to look over and watched as the guy that had removed his hearing aid picked up his pistol and pointed down range to fire. I screamed not to fire and his group luckily was able to stop him. The explanation was "he did not hear the cease fire call". Duh.

At the same range, every time a cease fire is called it seems I am the only one that clears and backs away from the firing line. Everybody else just stands around fiddling with their weapons and reloading their magazines. You would think that there would be Safety Officers around to monitor but there is not. The range is run by one elderly guy that rarely leaves the office. Safety is left up to the few safety conscious folks like me and to the majority which is a bunch of rednecks.

I don't go to that range any more.....

Whats wrong with this picture?
Found this on another forum... but believe it or not, no one said anything about his lack of safety...
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