You have to figure that with “toxic” right there in the name it would be.Sadly enough, I'm old enough to remember using Toxaphene. That was some goooooddd stuff!
Handy isn't it, with its own little pocket?How 'bout that *ejector*?
Heritage should take note for the BarKeep.
Great song potential... "Who ya going to call... BIRD BUSTERS...I ain't fraid of no birds... BIRD BUSTERS........ Bird busting makes me feel good".
The Creedmoor long range matches were a big deal, with international teams competing. The first was vs. the Irish team at 800, 900, and a 1000 yards, over 1/2 mile. The US team won by one and I thought Creedmoor was just a fancy new caliber
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Always thought it was a bitter pill for Peabody to swallow when Peabody invents the Falling block design, then Martini improves it and then employs Peabody to make his Martinis because Martini can not keep up with demand. Sometimes its not fair..
I have one of those!!
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