Federal affidavit alleges Wal-Mart execs knew about illegal workers

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America used to be the land of opportunity. Immigrants came here looking for work and the chance to earn a decent living. Now America is the land of free money. Many immigrants now come here looking for a handout.

Welfare is the difference, not immigration or "evil anti-American corporations". Penty of Americans take advantage of their fellow citizens by leeching of the system too. Or didn't you know that? The solution is to get the welfare state out of our wallets, not to get Mexicans out of our country.

Wanna fix the problem:
Require proof of citizenship before providing publicly funded services (school, welfare, medical care, etc). The freeloaders will quickly lose interest in entering our country.

Then, make immigrants legal. If we bring them above ground, they'll be able to assimilate and become productive, valuable members of the community. The Italian, Irish, and Japanses immigrants each did it in their day, and our country is better off for it. Mexicans are no different.

Third, seal the border. Let anyone in who wants to immigrate, but make sure they do it through legal channels. Sort of like a new Ellis Isle. Anyone caught trying to circumvent the legal means of entering the country will be assumed to have ill intent, and shold be shot on sight.

Foreigners aren't our enemy. Corporations aren't our enemy. Freeloaders are. Value isn't a finite quantity (i.e. for ever dollar sent to Mexico, there's a clean bathroom or a tended field here in the states - we aren't losing anything). You are entitled to what you earn or produce, no more and no less. Think about this, and reconsider whether or not I'm properly "informed".
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