Feeling a bit snarky.

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Mar 13, 2007
Lots and lots of rhetoric in the rags again. I'm sorry, but these guys getting together and showing up in restaurants with rifles is a bit much, even for me.
There's a right time and a right place for everything, but blatantly freaking folks out because it's legal, and you can just seems irresponsible to me.

That said...

In many places open carry is becoming much more legal than it used to/should be.
Not to go down the CCW/open path at all here, but here is something I was thinking.
Many people have made comments on the rags saying if they see someone open carrying in a restaurant or other establishment, they will just leave if the person isn't a cop or wearing a badge.
I know many folks who still maintain their CCW, even though it's no longer required in AZ.

Hang on here...

You can go online and get a CCW badge, that looks like any other badge, especially to the untrained eye.

What if those who wished to open carry, got themselves a badge, so people wouldn't freak out seeing an armed man who meant them no harm?
Oh, he's got a badge! No reason to freak or call 911.

I don't know.
Discuss, or lock.

It's all so silly.
Badges? We don' need no stinkin' badges...'

Time will pass on this one too. Maybe we will see a tide of open carry and further acceptance of it after awhile. Maybe the anti gun folks will continue to throw fits. But if its a right, then we don't need certificates, badges, permission slips, special dispensation...
A search on CCW badges should bring up many CLOSED threads on this topic. The general consensus is that it's not a good idea to try to fool the public into thinking you are something you aren't.
We've discussed badges, bad.

We've discussed rifle toting poseurs posturing in restaurants for selfies and youtube video, bad (so bad the OC orgs in Tx disavowed them and publically requested no one do it again).

No point in doing it all over again, is there?
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