Fred Thompson for Pres

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If the election were today, Fred Thompson would have my vote!
Same here! I've had a hard time forgiving him for abandoning us by leaving the Senate to go on a bad TV show. But running for Pres. will redeem him in my eyes. I don't know if he can/will tolerate the amount of crap that would have to be endured to make a real presidential run.
Fred Thompson moves away from the "lesser of two evils" end and more toward the "hey, he's almost good" end of the spectrum. Second the "someone I can vote FOR" comments.
Can it be? Fred is going to run? He has been one of only a couple of elected officials in my adult lifetime that I truly felt was a patriot. I enjoyed Daniel Patrick Moynihan, even though he was a Democrat and an eastern establishment brahmin. He spoke his mind, honestly.

If Fred runs, there is hope for the Republican party.
As compared to ANY of the Republicans whose hat is now in the ring, Fred Thompson would get my vote and money in a heartbeat! No, he's not perfect, but here's a question for the "ideologically pure": what politician IS perfect? Even Reagan made mistakes (like the machine gun ban in the '86 FOPA, and running away from the terrorists in Lebanon).

I'd REALLY love to see a Thompson-Watts ticket. It'd get all of the Red states with no trouble, and put the Demons on defense in a lot of marginal states because of Watts' race (not that this should matter, but this is the real world - some Blacks will vote for him because of his skin color, and some Blacks won't be able to be scared of the "big bad racist Republicans" if one of their own is a heartbeat away from being "The Man").

At this point in time, it is my dream ticket, encompassing a candidate who can win, who is capable and pretty damned good on the issues, and who has a Veep that can both fill his shoes and attract votes.
He might just be the answer to the damaged goods in the current mainstream. This guy is squeaky clean. You have to SERIOUSLY nit-pick on him.

If he runs, you would see Guiliani do to him what Bush did to McCain in 2000.

This guy is too real to be very vulnerable to anything. I feel myself getting a little exited.
Makes sense to me. The last Actor turned President we had was one of the greatest Presidents we have ever had and youl'd be hard pressed to find anyone who would say otherwise, even amongst Democrats!
how about Thompson/Paul??

Ron Paul has, IMHO, absolutely NO chance of being elected to any national office. As good as he is on many issues (and I vehemently disagree with him on some, but not so on guns), he'll be painted as a kook by the MSM and lose badly (remember Barry Goldwater in '64?). Further, if he's the Veep candidate he'll lose the election for whoever is at the top of the ticket.

Some people are best left in Congress, where they can say and do as they please, knowing that they'll be reelected every time - and be able to continue doing and saying as they please until the Grim Reaper shows up. Ron Paul is such a person.

My flame-retardant nuclear suit is ON!:D
I kind of like Thompson/Gingrich (if we're picking from current candidates).

Although Thompson/Thompson would be fun just because I like alliteration.
Powell is not gonna run - has said so many times.

I like the idea of a Thompson/Watts ticket.

Does the good Senator from Tennessee even know he's being drafted?

Helloooo!!!!! This is a ticket I could get excited about.
He is someone I would without a doubt help get elected, someone to look forward to finally.:) I have voted in every election since I've been 18. Unless someone like Fred runs this may the first no show for me.:mad:
Run Fred run !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Powell? With all due respect, if we can't stomach Rudy or McStain or Mitt, how're we going to stomach Powell? He's a social liberal, and as a military professional, odds are pretty strong that he's one of the "guns are only for the army and the police" types. I'll confess that I don't actually know his views on the matter...but the liberal social view doesn't give me the warm and fuzzies about his stance on guns.
But he [Powell] also supports registration of weapons [Emphasis added]


That is absolutely, catagorically, grade A UNacceptable, period, end of report, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.00. Because no matter how much of a good and decent person Powell is - or the next 5 Presidents after him, for that matter, sooner or later a tyrant-wannabee will get in and either use a real crisis or create one (Reichstag fire, anyone?) as an excuse to begin a round-up of guns (first from political enemies, then those who are lukewarm, then from all but the military and police). And then the real "fun" will start. Or else a Red Dawn scenario will come about, and the Chinese or UN or whomever will use the lists to round up our guns and then us. No thank you.
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relax. powell ain't gonna run. he is on record as such.

there was a big piece on him not too long ago in AARP mag (yup, i know, yech) but he said he ain't running.
Powell is not allowed to run. His boss has forbade it (and as a married man myself, I can completely understand).
Powell can't run. He got used up and left out on front street at the UN by his old boss. No cred left unless he went hard aginst Bush which he won't do because he is too dignified.

Thompson/ Gingrinch, not bad... Fix the PA issues and I am on board.
FOX news has a new story here.

Most interesting tidbits:

Thompson's wife, Jeri, very much supports a run, sources said. While Thompson, who also helped raise money and advise I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby's legal defense fund, continues to mull a bid, sources said he has been inundated with calls from GOP donors and supporters urging him to run.

This week, he told radio news host Mark Levin that he would have something to say about his plans, but not yet.
Gingrinch needs to be kept away period. He is as bad a suggestion as Powell. Watts is the best choice.
I agree about Gingrich, he is really suited to being a behind the scenes guy. He is much more suited to the role of philosopher than that of Presidential Candidate and he is far to easy for the MSM to vilify. In fact, they've done it once with great success so I am sure they will do the same again.

+1 Thompson/Watts

I'll admit, Gingrich is an intelligent guy, but he would kill any chance of Thompson being considered by moderates/Democrats. The VP position should be used to moderate the ticket, not reinforce it. He has no business on the ticket. I'd second the Watts idea. I also think Kay Bailey Hutchison (Texas senator) would be a good choice. Very pro gun, but also pro-choice (which would attract some Dems/moderates). The Texas connection might hurt her a little with some of the Bush haters, though.
Gingrinch might be a liability hadn't given it that much thought but he was a big lightning rod. Then again that might be a good thing to get conservatives voting again. The 2nd string is supposed to be a vote getter but cheny wasn't.

If Hunter could deliver California and Thompson would make a really big promise not to die in office that could be viable. If they both made an earnest effort to get rid of the PA and restore fiscal responsibility that is.
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