Fred Thompson for Pres

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Gingrich is much better suited for the "Karl Rove" slot. The attack dog position. Fred has real possibilities.

“Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.”
This is not exactly news. The only news here is that he is now being honest about it instead of just denying it...

Many people suspected that this had more to do with him quiting than the Broken Contract with America.

It occurred to me today that instead of becoming a future VP, how about him being a current one?
Fred Thompson for president would be about the only way the Republican party could even try and hope to redeem itself among it's conservative base.

He is the only Repub currently being talked about that I would even think of voting for.
It would be nice to have a Republican as a candidate for a change but I won't get my hopes up....
He would get my vote if he makes it to the ballot.As for the other "rs" that are being touted as the candidates....:(
Please name a single term that was not kept.

The Contract with America and rise to Speaker

Contract with America
In the 1994 campaign season, in an effort to offer a concrete alternative to shifting Democratic policies and to unite distant wings of the Republican Party, Gingrich presented Richard Armey's and his Contract with America. The contract was signed by himself and other Republican candidates for the House of Representatives. The contract ranged from issues with broad popular support, including welfare reform, term limits, tougher crime laws, and a balanced budget law, to more specialized legislation such as restrictions on American military participation in U.N. missions. In the November 1994 elections, Republicans gained 54 seats and took control of the House for the first time since 1954.

Congress fulfilled Gingrich's Contract promise to bring all 10 of the Contract's issues to a vote within the first 100 days of the session, even though most legislation was held up in the Senate, vetoed by President Bill Clinton, or substantially altered in negotiations with Clinton. However, most parts of the Contract eventually became law in some fashion and represented a dramatic departure from the legislative goals and priorities of previous Congresses.

Broken, is too harsh I withdraw it; substantially altered is however true. POV varies depending upon what parts that were altered that were important to you. Gingrinch was good. A man of action who worked hard to make stuff happen. He compromised to make stuff happen some say too much, some say too little. Unfortunately he got careless with his words and some actions over the budget meltdown which led him to be victimized by the media. :(
From the DraftFredThompson website:

FoxNews Sunday w/ Chris Wallace 3/11 Guest Senator Fred Thompson w/ a "Big Announcement!"

'Nuff said for me..... I'm voting for the guy.... :D
He's got my vote if he makes it thru the primaries. Otherwise, I'd vote for Ron Paul.

Anybody but Guiliani or Romney, and Gingrich just shot himself in the, er, well, between the legs! :evil:
Fred Thompson always struck me as one of the most sensible, eloquent, and intelligent among politicians in recent time. I hope he runs and I hope he makes it. I would vote for him. Huckabee is also a good choice but I do not thinks he stands a chance.
Where can I see a replay of this interview? Is it on google video or youtube yet? Will Fox reair the interview anytime today?
The Thompson interview is tonight at 6PM on Fox if I read the site correctly.

I will definately be parked in front of the tube tonight tuned in to Fox for this one.

I really hope that he announces that he is running.
Well,I saw it today at 10:00 am CST and Fred said that he is seriously thinking about running for President of the United States. But,Fred also said that he wants to check the type of outcome first on those who are running right now. Fred was getting to the point of saying which one of these stupid yaahoos going to tit in ringer. Rich Ziemies.Omaha,Ne.:) :) :) :)
That is a big leap to assume a HC/ BO ticket. They are not exactly getting along right now and are competing for the same votes. Besides who would be which? I would love to be a fly on the wall for those negotiations. Two power hungry liberals going at it....

Thompson I think could win in a walk if he were to suggest a suitable solution to the ME war and work to repeal the unconstitutional PA. He would also have to call heavily for a return to fiscal responsibilty that he and Gingrinch led the GOP congress to almost pull off pre-2000. In short - return to conservative roots. Otherwise he will have a lot of baggage to deal with that will repel a lot of folks. It woul be very easy for him to go against the PA now as he can easily say; 'You said it was for terrorism and since I left it has been turned into something else'.

The problem I have with conservatives these days is that many of them do not want to 'conserve' freedom, sound fiscal policy or good foreign policy...

This was not always the case.
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