Fred Thompson for Pres

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I have voted republican my whole life. This upcoming election has had me worried as IMHO none of the "electable" republicans impress me very much. If Fred Thompson were to run I believe the Republican Party would have a real candidate that can beat Billary and the "dark side".
hunh.. interesting.

Can't say I agree with *everything* on that "on the issues" page on him, but there's nothing there I couldn't live with, which is hella better than anyone else that's gotten significant attention on a broad level. Color me cautiously optimistic for the first time in months.

YEAH GOGOGOGO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally someone I will vote FOR. I will say it again. I will not vote for a liberal Republician. They make me alot more ill than a Conservative Democrat. :cuss:
He even looks and sounds like a president..Being on TV for the last few
yrs doesn't hurt either. He served in the Senate too didn't he ?

I think he'd have the best chance. I'd like to Dr.Paul win, but Sen Thompson
I believe would trump all. Rudy bites as does McCain as far as I'm concerned.
I would be inclined to consider him if & when he publically states "As PoUS I will protect the borders of the US, with troops if necessary, and, if the AWBII comes to my desk I will not sign it."

Otherwise he's just another R homing on internal noise.

Color me cautiously optimistic for the first time in months.
Same here.

He even looks and sounds like a president..Being on TV for the last few yrs doesn't hurt either.
And as popular as Law & Order is that means he is recognizable to a large number of people.

I remember thinking years ago that I wished this guy would run. He doesn't seem or look like the kind of guy that gets pushed around.

Finally someone I will vote FOR.
Doesn't that feel good? Someone I WANT to vote FOR. Not just casting a defensive vote.

Finally a light at the end of the tunnel.
Now should he run for office. Would a female Veep be plausible? Even wanted? I would like to think that Thompson and Paul/Gingrich? Although I am of the opinion that having Rice as a Veep would give him street cred with the media?
Please God let the rest of the Republican base see it our way.

Not sure Rice is a good idea, I think anyone in the Bush administration will need some serious rehabilitation before they can show their faces again.

He is a moderate who totally supports gun rights? Sign me up.

I will be volunteering this year and next after all!
I'd like to see J C Watts as VP. I remember many times being impresses with him as a politician, when he was in Congress.

Here is a speech he made to the NRA.

When he left Congress, he stated his primary reason was that he needed to make money to support his family. I think that tells you a lot about his character.
Thompson & Watts

I would enjoy seeing either of these men elected. I especially miss Sen. Thompson. We're now stuck with Bob Corker. :barf:
Watts is too theocratic for me. I like and respect him but I think to much moralizing from the presidency on left or right is a bad thing.
I will not vote for a liberal Republician. They make me alot more ill than a Conservative Democrat.

And that's the kind of view that will pick the candidate in the GOP primaries. Which is why a liberal mayor of NYC shouldn't even be wasting hiw time. Even if he would do well in the general election, no way the GOP base is going to nominate someone they have no faith in. What would we gain by having him as President compared to a straight up Democrat?

re: Watts

Watts is too theocratic for me. I like and respect him but I think to much moralizing from the presidency on left or right is a bad thing.

I used to think that way. Until he was elected as a Rep in OK and did a great job. When you get a politician with "deep religious convictions" it can go one of two ways. You can be like another of our former Reps, Steve Largent, and wear your religion on your sleeve. You can jump right out there and work God and prayer into literally any discussion within a few sentences. Which leads many people to believe you are just trying to use your public religion as a way of getting votes. Or you can be religious like Watts or Senator Coburn. You are perfectly willing to discuss your faith if you are asked. And you use your strong convictions to guide some of your votes. But you don't just start spouting off about God at every opportunity like a carnival barker or something.

I think Watts and Coburn share that trait in common. They are deeply religoius but it is truly real and truly personal. They would go to church every week even if there was no press to take their pictures. But their religion is not some kind of exclusivity test to be used to divide "us from them." It's the type of quiet Christian that prays to God in their study at home at night and asks for guidance. Rather than the type that feels more like a con man or TV evangalist!

I would be thrilled to see Watts back in some form of public service. Can't have too many honest and moral people in such positions!

I often say I judge politicians on whether I would like to spend an afternoon in a rowboat with them fishing. Watts and I would really have a grand old time doing that!

I wonder what individuals can do to help Thomson's run?

As Zundfolge mentioned, there is a website, complete with a "Send Fred a Message" section. Basically, the idea is to add your name to the existing list of prospective supporters, in an attempt to demonstrate rapidly growing interest in his candidacy.

Registering on the website takes about 30 seconds, and adding your comments to one of the message threads takes another couple of minutes - time well spent, IMO.

BTW, Bruce Walker has an interesting comparison between Thompson and Reagan in this Intellectual Conservative piece.
He hasn't formed an "exploratory committee," nor has he been participating in the very early public discussions in the early caucus states.

If Fred Thompson is serious, he'd better get serious soon.
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