Gun lust and you!

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Inremorse, most of us really only need one handgun. But once you buy one you look for reasons to buy more. I own 9 different handguns and off the top of my head I can think of 6 more to buy for one reason or another. I wont even start to talk about the different rifles and shotguns I "need". Its the fun of collecting & shooting that separates gun owners from gun lovers.

Notice my tag line, my wife is concerned about my lust of highspeed lead throwers.
Explain to her that, like tools, you need the right tool for the job.

I'm not talking the difference between Snap-On, Mac Tools, MatCo, or Craftsman because some women don't know the difference. I'm talking about using a spark plug socket for spark plugs, or a brake pad tool kit instead of screwdrivers and pliers.

Explain to her that you can't use a pistol for long range shooting, so you therefore need a rifle. And of course you can't use a rifle for home defense because you don't want to put holes through the walls along with the bad guy.

If she still doesn't get it, explain it to her in a way she will truly understand.

Guns for you are just like her purses, jewelry, and shoes. They "define" her, just like guns define who you are.

An excellent essay on the subject

An excellent essay on the subject is Patrick F. McManus' essay 'Gunrunning' as found in his book 'The Grasshopper Trap.' You can read part of it here.

But be careful McManus' writings are nearly as addictive as buying guns.
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Keep that woman happy. It's gonna suck giving her half of 'em if she's not. To paraphrase somebody, "Next time I think about getting married I'm just gonna find a woman I don't like and buy her a bunch of guns."
Gun adiction is not really that expensive when compared to other hobbies such as boats, motorhomes, cars, or light airplanes,
When I sell guns I no longer want I usually make A few bucks (not always) When you are not shooting them they cost nothing to keep. No storage cost except the safe.
My wife has many exotic birds. Now those things will break ya!!!!
Okay, I'm going to have to come clean. I have a problem. I dug this thread out of the dirt, just so I could join in the group therapy session.

I save up spare cash for my addiction. The problem is that I only spend it on guns and not on ammo nor accessories.

I need help.
Stay away from history books & movies

I read one on Stalingrad and HAD to get a mosin and a r/c capture mauser.

I callenge anyone here to watch Band of Brothers and not come out of it wanting a M1 Garand & Carbine.
I just saw my thread was dug up, and I had not yet replied to it. (How rude of me, eh? . . . I thought I had, but obviously my mind was else where...thinking about my next firearm purchase I am sure.) Anyway, I just wanted to thank everyone for their kind words of support and encouragement! :D

I actually had already put a couple of your ideas into motion. "We budget for household emergencies; firearms should be included in that." and "..The stock market is horrible right now honey, buying guns is an investment in our safety and future..." (that one actually worked well enough).

I also like the idea of using cigarette money for guns...and since I have never bought a pack of cigarettes in my life, we can count a pack a week back until I was 18, right? Or at least since I got married? Think she will go for that one? :neener:

I am still not sure on using the 'man jewelry' card just yet. :eek: Even though she is the ONLY Sargent I know that wears pink socks under her boots, I am not sure I could pull that one off without several strange looks!

Thanks again fellows. Oh, and I found the ticket for buying lot's of ammo. The ammo shortage is a great thing for those of us with spouses to appease. I order the ammo online, and the back order time (as you all know far too well) is months. I tell her at the time that I am ordering, but we won't be charged until it ships. (and of course since there is a shortage, it is absolutely critical that we buy now. ;) ) By the time the ammo arrives she has forgotten to be upset, and there is nothing she can do about it. It has worked like a charm so far! :neener:
I found the ticket for buying lot's of ammo. The ammo shortage is a great thing for those of us with spouses to appease. I order the ammo online, and the back order time (as you all know far too well) is months. I tell her at the time that I am ordering, but we won't be charged until it ships. (and of course since there is a shortage, it is absolutely critical that we buy now. ) By the time the ammo arrives she has forgotten to be upset, and there is nothing she can do about it. It has worked like a charm so far!

:evil::evil:You :evil: Devil :evil: You!:evil::evil:
if your wife is already gun-friendly, building your arsenal together can be a lot of fun...

Just don't go putting them all over the bed and roll around in them...rather uncomfortable.
I was reading the comment about the S.C. sheriff department with a belt fed machine gun."You better pay your parking tickets". My wife tuned to me and asked"Is it for sale?" Got to love a woman like that!!
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