Gun Show Carry Event

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Must suck to live where you have so many laws against carry.

In NH that don't happen unless you are stupid enough to tell them you are carrying. It is not illeagal.
Balog: Concealed means concealed.

I think this is the bottom line. As long as there isn't a metal detector there, there should be almost no risk carrying if you conceal properly and don't foolishly tell anyone.

How many gun shows do they pat people down as they walk in? Not in PA.
It's a pretty good bet that all gun shows have the "No loaded guns" policy. I just unload my gun in the car. With my ammo in my pocket I gladly lock the slide open and hand it to the officer at the door for Tie Strapping. When I leave it is easy to reload in the car. No big deal, no hassle, no problem. I Have an extreme reluctance to ever leave my gun in my car. Especially at a gun show that is such a gun rich environment for thieves.
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