Gun snobbery

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Jun 28, 2004
I am pretty new to firearms and the culture that surrounds them. I have been shooting for a few months now and most gun-related contacts with people I've had have been quite pleasant. Gun-owning people seem to be on average friendlier than the general population in the same area. I don't really know why that is. The THR crowd pleasantly surprised me in that respect as well.

However, on a recent trip to the range with my SKS I got comments to the effect of "Oh, it's just a commie gun. What a piece of crap. Why do you even bother with something like that. " Now, I'm not saying everyone should be a Simonov fanatic. I'm also not saying it's the best rifle ever built. What bugs me is that the fact that this is the rifle I can afford now is so hard to understand. I was sorely tempted to tell him that if he thinks I should have a different rifle, he's welcome to buy me one.

Am I just being overly sensitive?
guns are like cars. find a bunch of either, and some are going to have very strong opinions.

it's just like any other such people - learn to let it slide and things go fine.

shake your head and laugh, and they'll generally leave you alone.
The best reply is to outshoot them with it.:evil:

Barring that, I would just let it drop. Otherwise, your going to get into one of those pointless "Well my big brother can beat up your big brother" arguments.
Oh, I most certainly let it drop. I am not in the habit of having public pissing matches of this nature. I'm just a bit irritated...
What'd they have, m4geries? Tell them when theirs jam, they can't borrow yours.

I'm hesitant to complain about what someone else chooses to carry or shoot. He might end up providing covering fire for me some day.

Those people obviously didn't think that way. Don't get all upset over it; it's not worth it. Just be willing to provide covering fire for them should the opportunity ever arise, and hope they're not so pathologically antisocial that they won't appreciate it.

There's a bright side, too. At least they called you a commie and not an Arabic terrorist.

Why isn't this in GenDisc? :)
It's not what the gun is as much as how well one shoots it. i've seen it too, often. Gun people do seem a bit cautious of what others have for guns. Often poeple will buy one just to out-do the next guy. Some will think that what they have is the absolute best regardless of what it is. hey if they're happy with their gun I'm happy for them, but don't critisize the ones I own. Maybe they're recognized as a better gun maybe not. either way, I own them because I like them. You own the SKS becuase you like it and it's what you can afford. Nothing at all wrong with that. They're a gun that functions almost flawlessly (one's I've seen). they're affordable and they're fun. That's all they need to be. welcome to the sport of shooting! Enjoy and don't let the few bad apples ruin it for you!
There's a bright side, too. At least they called you a commie and not an Arabic terrorist.

Well, maybe if I had an AK and looked like I did on my old driver's license...;) Or is AK respectable because it costs more?

Personally, at this point I think all guns are interesting. :neener:

BlkHawk, you sure are right about the fun part. I really wish I had time to shoot every day...
I just laugh whenever I hear that. You'll be laughing too after your SKS keeps working when their ARs jam up. ;-)

I couldn't care less if Hitler himself designed a gun; if it works, I'm using it.
Well, maybe if I had an AK and looked like I did on my old driver's license... Or is AK respectable because it costs more?

Personally, at this point I think all guns are interesting.

I considered this to be a little strange since the SKS is replaceing the 30-30 lever action as a deer rifle. Granted I rather have an AK or AR-15 but like you an SKS is something I can afford.

this sounds very familiar to me. I went rabbit hunting with several"friends" once. There were Rem.1100's and Winchesters there and one guy carried a Franchi...all nice guns. I had my favorite rabbit gun ...a Savage, mod.24, .22/410, over under. One made several comments(none very nice) about my gun. The rest of the day he spent griping about how heavy his gun was...and bitching about me getting the ONLY shot. Yes, I grinned a little. All that for what you like and learn to shoot it to its potential.Let the brass fall where it may! :D
HAHAHA! Wait 'til you start hobnobbing with the trap and skeet shooters with the tooled leather pouches and the $6000 OU's. Those guys don't even like each other.
My standard response to such nonsense is; "So are you offering to finance my next gun purchase?"

That usually sends them muttering off to leave you alone (or if you're really lucky you'll find a rich eccentric who will buy you a new gun ... so either way its a win win) :p

HAHAHA! Wait 'til you start hobnobbing with the trap and skeet shooters with the tooled leather pouches and the $6000 OU's. Those guys don't even like each other.
After September I desperately want to get a Saiga 12 ... put regular AK furniture on it and head out to the trap/skeet range.
I was sorely tempted to tell him that if he thinks I should have a different rifle, he's welcome to buy me one.
I actually like that response, if it is said with the proper amount of kiss my butt sarcasm.
"Well my big brother can beat up your big brother"
I have actually used that one, with the proper amount of kiss my butt sarcasm. Then went back to shooting my Norinco slave labor 1911 and ignored him. We're pretty good friends now
A gun is a gun it's that's great that you are shooting no matter what .
Now certainly i n some cases some guns are going ot be better than others at certain things...but in the end...your shooting and so are they...

I deal in machine guns, transferables, pre and post sample guns. You should see some of the dirty looks machine gun owners get...and they are dropping BIG money, putting up with months and months of background checks...and transfer taxes for each product....and some how they are "evil" gun owners.
Try asking if you should buy a Harley or a Yamaha
It's gonna be a Yamaha V Star classic 1100 anyway for me.
Just makes Cents
I run into it some with my KelTecs. They're inexpensive. They're plastic framed. They have difficult triggers. They aren't easy to shoot well with.

So of COURSE, they have to be the lesser firearm! :rolleyes:

But if they're the lightest of their caliber, and always go bang. . . :)

Last person to look down his nose told me that he thought his S&W .380 was about as small as my 3AT (not hardly), and would be easier to shoot. "Kewl," I say. "May I see it?"

"Um, it's at home." They inevitably will respond.

"Ah. Well then. MY pistol, here in my pocket, thus eclipses the utility of yours; mine's right here, and yours isn't." :)

See, I'm sort of a carry snob. :)
"I was sorely tempted to tell him that if he thinks I should have a different rifle, he's welcome to buy me one. " Amen, brother!

In any community you will find rude and insecure people that feel that they have to show off by putting you down. These people are not true gun enthusiasts and would be schmucks regardless of whether it was guns or blenders.

"After September I desperately want to get a Saiga 12 ... put regular AK furniture on it and head out to the trap/skeet range."

Don't know what a Saiga 12 is, but I saw a guy on the boob-tube last year who imports a sporting shotgun that is based on the AK. Looks like a big, fat AK. That ought to make a snoot cringe.
Anyone that thinks an SKS is crap needs to catch the butt end of one across the bridge of the nose.
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