guns and my fiancee

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I hate to be negative on relationships, as my wife and I have a good one, but you may ultimately have to decide whether you can give up guns and shooting to maintain a peaceful relationship with her. The downside to this, right from the start, is that she will probably feel like you'd give up ANYTHING for her after that, and it may be natural for her to EXPECT you to. So, that is the first thing wrong with THAT idea. NOW, if you politely tell her that guns have always been a part of your life, and part of American heritage for that matter, and that they will ALWAYS be around (you will always own, carry, hunt, etc), and that if she has a problem with that, then she may need some time to "get on board". You could tell her that she doesn't have to partake in the pastime, or even BELIEVE in guns, but you will not be entertaining changes to YOUR lifestyle regarding gun will just be different on this issue. This lets here know that you can, and will, stand your ground, and that it is a "non-issue" for argument or compromise.....meaning, next topic. This, if it becomes a deal breaker in a relationship, is O.K. If she chooses to leave you, you at least met here half way, stood your ground on something that meant a lot to you, and just ended up in a relatonship where the other half wasn't going to be tolerant of your deep feelings on guns, and didn't show signs of growing in that regard.
She will not leave you for being a Man, She will leave you for turning into a Wussy. Tell you Mom to mind her own business!
Without skimming through five pages of stuff, didn't the OP already get this sorted out?
It was sorted out long before the original post. If he had to ask if he should stand for something, he's already surrendered.

No kiddin'. These threads are always the same. He'll marry her because, well, she's hot, she's great, he's overly loyal, whatever. They'll make a baby or two, and then get divorced, because he didn't want to acknowledge a HUGE WORLDVIEW/VALUES MISALIGNMENT.

Then the rest of us will pay the price for the damaged kids.


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