Guns are the "tools of the weak"

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Sep 21, 2011
At school people are always saying to me things like "people who own guns are weak" and "if you use guns you are weak and afraid to use your muscle". and it is really hard to reason with them can you folks help me out? I try to tell them that I can't fight other guns and knifes with 'muscle' but they keep saying that guns are for weaklings :mad: HELP!!
Don't argue with idiots, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

In all honesty you are not going to win an argument with kids like those. I wouldn't waste my time trying. When they grow up they will either know what the purpose of guns are or they won't. Don't frustrate yourself. If you really want to confuse them then agree with them. All they are doing is trying to look tough to their friends and there is nothing you can do to stop it in a group setting.

Now one on one you may be able to explain their purpose, but never in a group setting where their only purpose is to show off to their buddies.

Walk away and know that you are more mature.
Are they really suggesting that might makes right? That the strongest should prevail and the weaker perish? Do they think this is still a good idea when their 120-lb 5' 4" wife/mother/daughter is facing a 250-lb 6-foot rapist? Or when you're attacked by multiple aggressors? Or when your attacker is himself armed? Does he believe that police officers carry guns because of their weakness?
In one sense the OP's friends are correct; a firearm will make the weak man the equal of the strong man. At some point - whether due to injury, illness, or old age - every one of us will be weak. Personally I would not want to live in a society where the strong dominate the weak.

Colt said it well:

"God created man; Colt made them equal."

"Be not afraid of any man, no matter what his his size.
When danger threatens,
Call on me
And I will equalize."
Once when I pulled out my knife at lunch break to open something, a coworker asked if I was compensating. I just said no I just have it to cut things. It's only compensating if you feel as though you need a .50 Desert Eagle or a .500 S&W for daily CCW and you just love to show it off and brag about it.

Don't eat me alive but that's my view.
At school people are always saying to me things like...
Seems like you are listening to people who aren't worth listening to. Stop listening, stop getting wrapped up in their absurd opinions, and get on with living your life.

No need to answer. No need to impress. No need to engage. Move on.
"if you use guns you are weak and afraid to use your muscle"
If you as a private citizen are using a gun, you are using it on someone who is trying to kill or cripple you (or on someone who is trying to kill or cripple someone you love). And that person may well have friends, or weapons--or friends who have weapons.

You should be VERY afraid to use your muscle in that circumstance. In fact, using a gun is not going to be a walk in the park either.

Perhaps your school chums believe that guns are used to allow scrawny kids to score touchdowns by shooting any defenders that try to tackle them? :rolleyes: That is certainly a venue in which muscle, and not guns, should be used.
Fine, I'm weak. You still can't have my lunch money.

No reason you can't develop your body and mind, but there are limits to physical prowess. Not everyone is capable of MMA style groundfighting much less Bruce Lee martial arts proficiency.

Blow hards and bullies haven't changed much since the stone age--but they won't be 22 forever.

And I bet most walking tall 'you most be weak' meatheads would get their asses handed to them by Bruce Lee, a rather short, slim (if scarily muscular and fit) man.

Also remember the line in Enter the Dragon uttered by Bruce Lee: "Why doesn't someone just take a 45 and blow him away?"

Even Lee understood the equalizing force of arms.
Usually such phrases are simply parroted around by anti-gunners with little logic behind them. Rather than produce a logical argument, they appeal to emotion. Ridicule you as "weak" if you choose to own a gun and if they manage to fluster you into giving up the gun to prove your masculinity, then they've acheived their goal.

Turn it back on them: "Guns may be the tools of the weak, but in a gun fight muscles and fists are the tools of the ignorant."
A prudent man wouldn't try to frame a house without a good hammer, regardless of his size, strength, or experience.

Same thing here. Guns are tools; using the appropriate tool for the job isn't a sign of weakness, but of intelligence.
Guns are the tools of the weak.

A stick is the tool of the weak.

A punch to the solar plexus is the tool of the weak.

Good shoes are a tool of the weak.

Always according to the bested bully.
equalizers were within the scheme of things

The Bible says God gave Man dominion over the Earth and all things upon it. He further ensured that Man would have the ability to exercise that dominion and to protect himself by giving Man the ability to reason and, in their minds, develop weapons to allow for self protection from those "things" that wished harm upon him. Simple as that. Might does not make right but a well exercised means of self protection goes a long way towards achieving "right over might."
This is a kids' argument. Eventually, you're going to learn that "strength" has nothing to do with either muscles or guns. It has to do with economic power, and that in turn results from education, hard work, street smarts -- and the right genes and family upbringing. The "nerds" in your school are likely, therefore, to have the last laugh at the expense of the jocks and the ones who sit around arguing about guns. (And, btw, the nerds who make something of themselves will be able to afford all the guns they want.)
There is probably a very small subset of gun owners who are so lacking in spine, that the ownership and carry of a firearm serves as a "courage crutch."
The majority simply see their daily carry and home defense weapons as tools, an integral part of an overall plan that includes avoidance, conflict resolution, and finally, deadly force if need be.
The bad guys always have the initiative, and even if their strength does not exceed ours, their ruthlessness often does. All we can do is react.
Sure there some ultra-strong, tough and intimidating bad*** types that could probably browbeat a strong-arm mugger into fleeing, or turn the tables on a knife or gun wielding perp, but they are few and far between. And however large, skilled and intimidating they may be, those advantages can be negated with a bit of standoff distance, greater numbers, etc.
At the core of your reaction to what is really a bit of verbal bullying is perhaps a recognition that you need to build up your own self-confidence.
The Sam Colt quote pretty much says it all. "God created man; Colt made them equal." I wouldn't even entertain a discussion with the ignorant. Let them use their muscle and you can use your gun. You know in a real fight, there are no rules. You aren't in elementary school any more. Survive! It is not a contest.
There is always someone stronger, faster, tougher, and bigger. I carry not to pick on those littler than I, but because I am littler than others (and plenty of em too, I'm only 5'8)
...guns are for weaklings

So? Every person has the right to keep and bear arms, strong, weak or somewhere in between.

Remind them that the measure of a person's strength isn't always physical. A physically powerful man who has a weak nature lacks strength.

As pointed out, the argument that guns are for the weak is at the level of bumper sticker childishness. If they insist in this silliness, tell them "Go tell it to the Marines"
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I bet the same people feel that we should be hunting deer or other animals with our bare hands.
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