GunsAmerica 2.0

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Jan 6, 2004
Did anyone notice that GA changed their format again?

It sorta resembles the format it had before they put in the "improvements". A lot easier to use and best of all you don't have to register to use the search function!!!

I just bought a CZ-45 from a seller on there. It is about as easy to use as the original format.

Hopefully the folks at GA have learned their lesson: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
It seems to be somewhat better. Still disappointing to me that login is required to view photos at a decent resolution.
They also learned about the first corrollary: If you mess with something long enough, it will break.

I personally like these as part of Murphy's Laws:
1) Robert's Axiom - Only errors exist.
2) Berman's Corrollary to Robert's Axiom - One man's error is another man's data.

Murphy was an optimist.
I hope that it is better than the last version. The original site was very user friendly, but since they replaced it I've quit visiting.

I guess I'll give it one more chance.
Now if Springfield would just unclench their kiester and do the same.
I'm one of maybe three people on the planet that preferred the new version ... now they went and released yet another new version and I don't like this one.
searches still seem awfully slow i noticed, but i browsed. you do have to reg' for certain functions still too.
Ver. 2.0 Beta is a big waste of space.

For instance, I clicked on Guerini shotguns and got to see 4 shotguns.

Then I typed Guerini into the search and got a real mess: 3 in Beretta, 2 in Browning, 4 in Guerini, 12 under G MISC RIFLES, and 27 under SAIGA SHOTGUNS. I didn't bother looking at page 2.

Been on it, didn't think it was much of an improvement. Searches are slow, too narrow or too broad, and I can't figure out how to save listings. Plus, whenever I log in, it comes up under a different name - every time.
GA has pretty much blown a good thing IMHO.

I used to visit frequently.

I even went through 90% of the registration process for the privelage of seeing the photo's @ a decent resolution......then I asked myself...."why am I giving them all of this information?" and exited.

Gunbroker has done a much superior job.....and all they did was copy ebay!

I guess that was to hard for GA to figure out.
It's better, but still not as easy to use as the original. They sure wasted a lot of time and energy trying to convince us that version 2 was better than the original. Some people just don't listen.
if it aint broke...dont fix it. it was much easier to find what you were looking for and everything loaded fast and you were able to view the full picture. now, it loads slow, dont get much in the way of search results and you cant see the the full pictures...which really sucks
If you want to view images full-size without registering, try this (directions are for Firefox):

1. Right-click on the picture you want to see and select "View Image"

2. Go up to the title bar and edit the URL. At the end of the URL, you'll see something like wm_md_123456.jpg. Delete the "md_" part and hit Enter.

3. Bask in the glow of the full-sized picture.
How not to upgrade your money tree.

I'm counting GA out. They took a system I liked and destroyed it. I could nitpick in detail how much I loath it but it would just be a few pages of rant.

I can't stand wading through the techno-sewage they now have to find the firearms I want.

So long Guns America where ever you are!
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