Gustav gun confiscation underway

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I think the issue is did the people know they would lose the handguns PRIOR to this BUS RIDE??? WAS IT POSTED anywhere?? Will they get them back????
Heck, maybe they were trying to carry guns onto government-paid charter flights. We need more info.

From CNN - "Charter flights, paid for with federal funds, carried thousands of evacuees to other Southern cities. The air evacuation was part of a detailed plan developed in response to criticism after Katrina,..."
wideym Says:
You guys are making a mountain out of a mole hill.

If NewOrleans residents want to evacuate on GOVERMENT buses, then they are not allowed weapons. Even Greyhound has a no weapons policy. Besides if they are also going to a GOVERMENT re-education... I mean temp shelter, then no weapons are allowed. Goverment money=goverment rules.

It's not like everyone had 2hours advance notice, it's been on the news for days now. Instead of crying foul, citizens should have made plans ahead of time to leave without Uncle Suger paying for everything. If you don't have a car then how about getting a ride with neighbors or a group of car-less people could charter a bus by pooling their money.

You get what you pay for, expecially if you don't pay at all.

If these are the facts, wideym is probably right on this one. I was as concerned as anyone when I first started reading this thread. But if the only thing that happened was they they were told that they could not get on a public bus, where people are not allowed to have weapons normally anyway, then this is a non story.
You get what you pay for, expecially if you don't pay at all.
What about that 30% that goes missing from my paycheck every two weeks? The government gets their money from us. They pretty much always use it for things that are bad for us, but that is another discussion.
I worked at Ft. Chaffee (Reserve Component Manuver Area) when Katrina evacutes arrived there on buses. The buses were stopped at the front gate and all weapons were confiscated by local PD. Pistols and knives being most common. Many of the pistols still had price stickers on them and no questions were asked about if it was stolen or not. If they wanted it returned to them later, they filled out a tag with their name, address, and Drivers licence. Most didn't.

Can you honestly say that NOLA residents who were evacutated after Katrina wouldn't expect a no weapon policy now?
Uncle Sugar and his equipment~~~

So if it is a government ORDER, rule, regulation and a 'government bus' that we the people PAY for they don't have to follow the SECOND? Geesh. You believe that it is OK because it is a $goobmint$ bus? Wow!

I think that Uncle Sugar needs some COFFEE to wake up along with the rest of this nation because if you are leaving in ANY way... you should be ALLOWED to have your firearm with you.

I have heard about the gun rules for those other transportation companies. I do NOT know all of them verbatim though. I choose NOT to use them at this time in my life too. Someday - I may have to compromise but so far... no train or bus for me. I have not flown in years too.

The issue is about GUN confiscation and GUN CONTROL to the masses no matter HOW they leave the area. Rich, middle class and poor... they should have the right to keep and bear arms NO matter how the heck they GET OUT OF TOWN. That includes walking, using their own vehicle and going with other family members or friends. If a person did not drive, 'hitch' a ride with others and had to use a BUS or whatever... you think that they have to compromise because it is a government bus?

Interesting concept but I don't agree with it even if it is in the RULE BOOK.

I wonder if they knew that their guns would NOT be allowed 'ahead of time' too. Hhhmmmm. Get their guns back later on and the same old speech?! Ha ha!

I do NOT believe in being 'on the dole' aka welfare system among other things so we will not go down THAT road. It is not allowed HERE anyway.

I would have LEFT earlier even if I had to walk, drive myself, hitch a ride with a close friend or family member - paying them for GAS and paying my own way OUT! I would not stay IF I lived there which I would not choose to do because of it being BELOW sea level. I heard that it was very nice in some of those areas though from my late husband and friends who were there for military - many years ago, work, vacation, etc.

I happen to think IT IS A STORY about gun control/gun confiscation NO matter how those people leave especially on a TAXPAYER FUNDED BUS with rules made by ANTI GUNNERS - NWO government led PEOPLE CONTROL freaks!

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wideym said:
You guys are making a mountain out of a mole hill.

If NewOrleans residents want to evacuate on GOVERMENT buses, then they are not allowed weapons. Even Greyhound has a no weapons policy. Besides if they are also going to a GOVERMENT re-education... I mean temp shelter, then no weapons are allowed. Goverment money=goverment rules.

I'm 90% certain, just from the footage I've seen, that that's the case. They are checking for weapons before allowing people on the Gov. run evac infrastructure. (be it plane, train or automobile)

And everyone see's that as reasonable that's why coverage is spotty at best.

2 points if I may. (or things to consider)

1. Will they get them back/what is NO doing for storage. If you are going to take citizen's property as part of a mandated evac, then there should be a good provision for safe sotrage and return of said property. I'm not saying there isin't, but NOPD has a bad history of returning legal firearms. Time will tell in this case.

2. If the .gov takes peoples self defense weapons (guns, knives, pointy sticks, whatnot) Does the .gov then assume responsability for their safety for the remander of the emergancy? I would argue that morally they do. If you make being unarmed a requirment for shelter, then you are responsable for the safety of everyone in the shalter until you return their means of SD to them. Seems simple to me, but we all know it's not current case law.

It's also worth noting that no matter how wound up us THRers get, this will be, in the end, a non issue. Those of us that care about not being disarmed, almost by definition, won't put ourselves in a position where we have to get on the bus, and those getting on the bus have already willingly put themselves in the .govs hands, so the lack of a firearm probably won't bother them as much. Almost by accident, demographicly, they've chosen to disarm only those that won't complain too much about it. as opposed to Katrina where by going door-to-door amongst those that stayed, they demographicly chose the self-sufficant types that would complain.

And as I pointed out in my first post, and wideym alluded to, it's not actually a confiscation. You're free to keep your gun if you want. You don't have to get on the bus. So no matter the bad taste this gives all us, it's very probably legal.

Catherine said:
So WHERE are the GOOD police, military and security types who would REFUSE those orders from above NOW?!?

I'm in Iraq. So far, this is all NOPD officers. (at least that's all I see on the coverage) I think it's beyond optimistic to the point of lunacy to expect NOPD officers to risk much for the constituional rights of the refugees. A department doesn't get their reputation overnight.
The big loser today was the Constitution itself, and to the spirit of liberty which animated the American people who drafted and ratified the Second Amendment.
Disarmament remains the tool of choice for subjugating blacks in the South. Evidently they're too careless and stupid to carry guns on the bus, and we should be leaving all weapons in the hands of caretaker elites.
You guys are making a mountain out of a mole hill.
If NewOrleans residents want to evacuate on GOVERMENT buses

Sorry, WHO'S buses? I'm pretty sure that it's taxpayers dollars going to fund all of that.

Still, someone else made a comment about those who have chosen to give themselves over to .gov's embrace. Ask for .gov's help, play by .gov's rules.

I don't like it at all personally and I think it's a VIOLATION of Constitutionally protected rights, but I can see why they think they have a point.
I think that Uncle Sugar needs some COFFEE to wake up along with the rest of this nation because if you are leaving in ANY way... you should be ALLOWED to have your firearm with you.

When you get on the bus you don't know what your destination is. You may very well end up in a state where possession of the firearm is a crime, if it wasn't already.

The guns didn't appear to be in locked containers, which would get you within the FOPA standards potentially.

There needs to be some common sense on the part of people in general as well as the Gov. but I notice that no one is upset about the morons that tried to board public transportation armed, which would generally be illegal even with a CHL and no hurricane involved.......

In fact in normal conditions these folks would have been arrested and charged with illegally carrying a concealed weapon if they attempted to board public transportation while armed so in this case the Gov is actually being LENIENT.

But it's no fun to blame people when it's easier to just wail about "the man"......
Besides if they are also going to a GOVERMENT re-education... I mean temp shelter, then no weapons are allowed. Goverment money=goverment rules.

---start mild rant----
That is just plain wrong.
“Government Money” is our money, taken from our paychecks for every misappropriation imaginable. :cuss:
Welfare, funding invasive gun purchase and ownership restriction programs and NOW being used to strip away the 2A rights of citizens who are attempting to protect themselves and their families in the face of potential disaster is just plain criminal. :fire:
That is just appalling.

Last time I checked, stealing money and guns was a crime.
If a citizen does, it is jail time. If the government does it it’s OK?!?
What is happening to our nation? Where did all these sissies come from, and who voted them in? :banghead:
government = workers who are supposed to be public servants, working for every citizen’s interest.
“By the People, FOR the People” sound familiar?
Government workers are stealing on the job…fire them and prosecute, just like any other job.
These people are paid by stealing our money before we even see it in our paychecks.
That means they work for ME by God, and I am not required to tolerate an employee stealing from me, why should the governing body be permitted to do so?
---end mild rant----

I would be fine with them storing the guns in the cargo hold and returning them to the owner once they reach the drop off point, but outright denying people one of their basic rights is absolutely criminal.

I know I am on the fringes and leaning over the edge of a political topic, but this is so closely tied it is nearly impossible to differentiate the issues at hand.

If the NRA does not step up (litigiously), who can we turn to, to stand for us?
It’s obvious we cannot lean on the elected officials to do what’s right in these situations…so….
Do we need to form our own group to swamp Washington with emails, letters, calls and paperwork so deep that they finally give in and leave law abiding citizen’s right to self preservation the heck alone?
Does this organization currently exist? (no need to re-create the wheel)
I thought that was the NRA’s intended role …must be mistaken.
I thought that was the NRA’s intended role …must be mistaken.

NRA generally defends people that are not breaking laws.

With Katrina confiscations the victims were not breaking existing laws.

It's already illegal to carry a firearm on public transportation, has been for years.
On the flip side, if they allowed these people to get on the buses with all the firearms they could carry, and there were murders on the buses, how would that help gun owners?

No mistake, some of the people taking the buses ARE CERTAINLY gangstas who are shooting each other on a daily basis in NO. I'd say chances are there would be shootings for sure.
This kind of thinking is exactly what tyranny loves. Given the choice between an ignorant populace and a disarmed populace, any competent despot will choose ignorance, because they can be talked out of their guns along with everything else, as long as thousands of anxious locals without a way to flee climb aboard buses bound for points north and "safety".

CNN has apparently decided to bury the story. Do a google and you'll only find mention of it in formums but not the media and certainly not CNN.

Is that a bus station? Airport? Train station?
Greyhound, or someone else?

Whoever it is, are you normally allowed to board their buses/planes/trains carrying weapons?

Were those guns in someone's baggage, or were they trying to carry them on a bus/plane/train?

I'd like more information than a couple of screen shots. I'm assuming the OP saw the TV reports those came from, so please tell us more about what's actually happening.
This thread was done back on page one.

"It would not surprise me to see police thievery from gun safes.
These guys are trash at the bottom of the barrel.
I fully expect some brown shirts to use the "just following orders" defense."
Looks like this one started out with incomplete or misleading information and now we know a lot more.

The NOLA PD isn't going around to people's homes and confiscating firearms like happened in Katrina.

The NOLA PD is not allowing people to carry guns onto buses and planes and trains, but then there isn't any legal way to do that anyway short of having a badge. It is unknown if there is any provision to check baggage and if the guns that are cased as per regulation are being banned or not. More information is needed here.

They are allowing people to use an amnesty drop to deposit weapons they are carrying without arresting them for violating carry laws. Gunshop representatives are supposedly providing a dropoff/storage service. The shops are charging a fee for the service.

Some destination refugee sites are confiscating weapons. If they're government run or volunteer sites is unclear and more information is needed here as well.

Tinfoil is cheap, rumor mongering is easy. Patient assembly of facts is a little too difficult for some folks.
"I'm under no impression that police are friend to anyone except other police and their political puppet masters."

Here .. Here
I share the 'raage' and I am pissed. My opinion of police sinks by the minute.
The NOLA PD is not allowing people to carry guns onto buses and planes and trains, but then there isn't any legal way to do that anyway short of having a badge.
Why would there be a presumption on anyone's part that the normal laws of the land would be temporarily suspended during an evacuation?

I think that the folks who contributed to the breathless 'JBT' comments should be patently ashamed of themselves, especially those who suggested (without a shred of proof) that pictures of officers enforcing concealed weapons laws on mass transportation somehow implies that the po-leece are gonna be jacking peoples houses.


Just dang.
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