Hello I am Magnumdweeb and I have given into the PANIC

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I believe it's designed to prohibit the transfer of declared contraband items; If you have 'em, you can keep 'em. But you can't sell 'em.

Making an item of which tens of millions of people possess many each unlawful to own would be exceedingly unpopular legislation, and would almost certainly be challenged right up to SCOTUS. That's more noise than they want to invite at this time.

In which case, it may be very unwise to buy a surplus, expecting to turn a profit on "pre-ban" items like you could the last time.

My suggestion to people is that if they really feel they need this stuff, they should get it (if they can afford it), but shouldn't buy more than they can use. What good are 500 PMags that you're unable to resell? No person I know could actually use that many, even under the most dire circumstances conceivable.
How would anybody know if you sold a pre ban magazine?
It's not like they're serialized and registered.
^^^ Yeah Prohibition.:D That worked well now didn't it.:banghead:
Trying to compare what could happen to the past is just silly, we're not the free people we used to be.What with spy-cams and drones, purchase tracking and email and phone monitoring, we've already lost freedoms that would make keeping contraband easier.

If your AR becomes ilegal, good luck shooting it because if everything else wasn't bad enough there's still Big Sis's turn in your neighbor program.
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