Hi-Point: Contender for Ugliest Gun of the Year?

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My life is worth about 15k, according to my insurance policy. Much less according to the wife.

I'd rather have a hipoint than nothing, even if it doesn't go bang you can bludgeon them with the huge ugly thing.
And btw, for the cost you could carry 3 HPs for the cost of one Glock... In that case you could do a really sweet 2 guns jumping through the air thing with them.. but they still would be ugly. (possibly 3 if you could fire one with your mouth, I've been working on that technique for awhile now.)

Anyone wanting to say argghhh no HPs ever, I could arm everyone in my house for the cost of 1 glock. There is something to be said for that.
Mods...Let us lock this one down.


We have a 4 page thread and not much else can be accomplished.
I want this one closed please.

I am invoking my plankowner wants to be selfish clause .

Two folks on a budget, with serious concerns, have let me know they have had some THR folks step up to the plate in regard to some nice quality handguns that will fit their budget.
Revolvers if you must know, internals are pristine, exteriors have some wear.

All parties want to remain private.
I was just sorta the go-between.

This is what is is all about.

Close the thread on a good note please.


My life is worth about 15k, according to my insurance policy. Much less according to the wife.

I'd rather have a hipoint than nothing, even if it doesn't go bang you can bludgeon them with the huge ugly thing.

That's hilarious, before reading your post, I figured out mine is worth $14k from a completely differnet angle (what my truck cost)! I feel relatively safe in it (vs a compact car), but if I was REALLY serious about protecting my life in case someone in something bigger than a car crashes into me, I'd invest many times over that in a semi truck!

But my favorite logic here is the guy who keeps saying over and over "if you can save n dollars, then you can save n + ... (some amount)", who obviously hasn't yet taken that math past the first step. Because the amount you save + anything, becomes the new "amount you can save", so add to that and take it as far as you want (ie you can n+1 your way to infinity)!
Hi-Points tend to go bang when your booger hook engages the bang switch, and at that price, you can't really ask for much beyond that. Sure, it is DEFINITELY the ugliest handgun ever made, but it does what it does and it does it while remaining the cheapest reliable firearm currently in production.

Call me vain, but even on my meager starving college student budget, I would probably save a little more money and get something a little better looking as a carry gun.
As for the "You only think for(sic) family is worth $150" comments, I guess a lot of people feel that their family is worth the price of a baseball bat, because that sits behind more front doors than anything else. I guess I should trade in my Ford for a Benz too.
How is your comparison of somebody using a baseball bat for home self defense helping your argument for advocating the use of a Hi Point for home self defense? I think it actually helps to show the similarities between the two groups who would choose to defend thier families with inferior weapons. Sure, the Hi point goes "bang", but it is conceded by even the most ardent defenders and enthusiastic of Hi Point owners, that the safety on the gun is not dependable. Are you kidding me?? You would trust that death trap with the lives of your family??? On top of that, who cares if a large portion of the American (or any other country) population uses a baseball bat for protection? Just because they choose "protect" themselves and their family with outmoded weapons, doesn't mean that we should follow suit. I'm gonna have the best weapons and ammunition to protect my family. You wanna trust your life to a weapon made by the lowest bidder, be my guest.:scrutiny:
The argument that people can't possibly afford it is absolute rubbish. I grew up in a very poor family, and I mean POOR. I remember being able to afford TV's, going out to eat (rare occasions), owning two vehicles (pieces of junk but they ran:)) having a computer, etc.......
The fact is, "poor people" in America are not like poor people in other parts of the world. Poor people in America own multiple TV sets, own more than one vehicle, regularly go out to eat, and have money for beer. Trust me, if they can afford any of these common vices they could afford to buy something better than a Hi Point. The fact that they choose to buy the product(Hi Point) that will least infringe on their ability to go to the bar to spend $70 dollars on any given night is a reflection on their character and their priorities. It's a sad fact that many people will choose to buy an extra TV set, eating out 5 times a week, purchase drugs, or going to the bar rather than saving money to buy some decent protection for their family. I don't think we should be advocating the perpetuation of these bad societal practises commonly embraced by the "poor".
Dead Horse?

Well...Since there's been a heartfelt request for closure, and since this really can't accomplish much more than already has been...I suppose it's time to put it to bed.

If anybody on staff should see a reason to reopen it...I have no objections.

Goodnight Chesty...wherever you are.
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