Hide my guns and stuff, or no?

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I suppose if they really got to objecting, you could point out that's how we kicked their butts out the first time. ;)


Not very high road I suppose. :eek:

But I wouldn't hide them.
I have a bunch of antique guns on a rack out in the open. All of them are non-firing (I'm talking old muzzle loaders). Decent conversation starter. If they start to whine and moan I just don't mention what is in the "toy boxes" in another part of the house.
Hide it? I'd plan a range day.

Plus one million. I bet they'll be pumped, especially if you give them a chance to fire the guns that are most restricted in the U.K. And emphasizing that marksmanship is the same with a scary looking AR-15 or Glock/XD/CZ/Beretta as it is with any other firearm may help dispel some of the very typical gun-ignorant ideas they may or may not have picked up.
You could ask...

"Hey as you probably know I'm interested in firearms and since I like you and value your friendship, I'd like to know if all my stuff would freak you out. If it so I'll stash it, if not , cool. In either case I'd like to arrange a range day. Are you up for it?"

I rather think that you can probably answer this question yourself, already.

What ever you do make sure you have plenty of tea on hand.
If you've got loaded handguns under every seat cushion, just in case the Zombies get the drop on you, probably shouldn't be entertaining guests...
All new meaning to the term "armchair".
Don't hide it! Unload your safe and put a shotgun or rifle on every table/countertop. One in the fridge, one in the oven, one on the toilet. IT's Your house!!!!


Now, in all seriousness, I'd just tidy everything up and put the gun stuff into one small section so it wasn't everywhere.. but no need to "hide" it.
Take them out to the range and show what the 2 nd is all about. They might love the break from the control grid over there.
bleh leave it out, "they" think we're a buncha gun toting yahoos anyways ;)

My very English sister-in-law (love her to death) was very chill about learning that I attained my first firearms recently, she was just curious why I had the urge to buy up arms though lol!
So let's say you are entertaining potential clients who can bring you or your company several million dollars worth of business. Do you "get in their face" with open carry or having stacks of guns around, not knowing how they will react? I wouldn't.


If you think they might be uncomfortable then its just a matter of whether or not you want them to be uncomfortable. You don't have to hide anything in your own home but it might be polite to do so.

+1 to both comments. A polite host doesn't offend his guests. How would you like to endure an all-night lecture on the virutes of Obama?

It has been my experience that overseas visitors are fascinated by the idea of actually going and shooting a real gun. It gives them exceptionally strong "bragging rights" back home.

Maybe, maybe not. I've taken Japanese and Chinese guests to the range, and I've had French [stay High Road, people] and Irish ones politely but firmly refuse.
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