House clearing... in the nude.

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I don't normally say IBTL, but IBTL.

I second hso's first post, and also I remember seeing something that Ayoob wrote (in In The Gravest Extreme I believe) about not having pants being a SEVERE psychological disadvantage when you're trying to unleash your inner beast. We can joke all we want about the shock factor, but I think unless you practice naked, etc, etc, and perhaps are used to other people confronting you when you're naked, the 10 extra seconds to put clothes on is outweighed by the potential benefits of having them on.
Kleanbore - I totally agree the safest thing to do is to stay in my room and wait, but honestly I'm dumb/aggressive enough to go investigating noises that may be coming from inside the house. I seriously doubt that more than 1 in 10 here would wait in their room and call the police rather than personally investigate noises in their house...
I would be lying if I said I never thought about it. The truth is, there are in fact times when I am naked in my house. There are times when I am naked and I don't answer the door. (It's usually the 6 year-old neighbor who doesn't get that there might be a reason me and my wife came home without the kids and don't feel like explaining it to him right this second.)

The bottom line is, if deadly force suddenly becomes a possibility, naked doesn't change a thing. You do everything exactly as you normally would. You may have a chance to throw on some shorts. You MAY have time to grab other gear, but we assume you won't. I'm sure Clint Smith would have some funny things to say about the idea, but the bottom line is, there are no new rules for doing what you have to naked or clothed. This might mean you need to put some clothes on before the police get there.

And I agree that it's best to sit tight and call the police. BUT, my kids are on the other side of the door. If there's someone in the house, they are BETWEEN ME AND MY KIDS. Unacceptable. I need to clear the house.
Many years ago and in a far away country I lived in a house on about a quarter acre of land. Some of this I had allocated to bean cultivation with associated stakes etc.

About 2 am. one morning I was wakened by the sound of breaking bean stakes, bad language and general upheaval. I grabbed a torch and my 9mm naval model Luger (a pistol inclined to ADs if you even looked at it wrong) and investigated. I found a well dressed but extremely drunken gentleman battling his way through my bean stake jungle. He gave up immediately when confronted by by my naked, bearded and armed presence.

I helped him back to the house, called the cops who sent him on his way the following morning with a warning. Turned out that he had had a heavy evening and been chucked out in my vicinity by a taxi driver.

Lessons learned here - 1. Don't rush into the dark (these were earlier simpler days). 2.Naked, bearded, armed men scare the hell out of harmless drunks.
real warriors fight in the nude... hehe. My uneducated guess is that a perp would be surprised to 1) find a homeowner who confronted him, who wasn't cowering or that was even home 2) find said homeowner is naked and angry 3) find a barrel of a gun focused on his head/COM
Hell, even if the BG was unarmed I'd probably still shoot him if he pointed & laughed...
Holing up in one room and calling the police everytime something goes bump in the night might work for some of you.

I have loved ones in the house that I must protect. And we do not have a local PD, so it'll take awhile for the State Troopers to show up. Me behind my bedroom door with my shotgun won't work.

or you could do the exact opposite of what is taught in almost all personal defense classes and put yourself at extreme risk of getting killed or maimed as you walk around with a gun in your hand.

In training simulations that are attended by only by trained professional instructors (invitation only), the people "clearing" "survive" only on the rarest occasions--and they are among the best there are in that game.

Even top-flight LEOs whose job involves clearing buildings say they won't do it except in the performance of their duties

Ohhhhh please..:scrutiny:....None of those personal defense instructors , invitation only trained professional instructors,or top-flight LEOs are gonna be in my house to save my loved ones are they?

Looks like we are all gonna be dead,since there is no way I am skilled enough to protect them or myself. :what:
I think there's a difference between "I heard a noise, probably the cat, maybe we should check it out for peace of mind's sake" and "OMG there's an intruder in the house." The difference is time.

In the latter situation, time may be critical; clothes aren't the priority, defense is. If an intruder attacks, having a weapon but no pants is vastly preferable to having pants but no weapon.

In a "I heard a noise in the garage, probably nothing, let's check it out before going to sleep" situation, time is much less critical, and taking the time to get dressed may allow you to be sharper, and more importantly gives you extra time to listen.

The few times we've felt the need to check things out in our house before going back to sleep (like the time my car alarm went off in the middle of the night while locked inside our attached garage), we took the time to throw on some clothes, I grabbed the carbine, and my wife backed me up with her 9mm.
I remember reading once about a very large and burly, naked homeowner who caught an intruder and said "I've been waiting for you, Jesus told me you were coming". Guess the BG fainted dead away.
Irresponsibly "clearing" your house in the nude puts YOU and YOUR GIRL in grave danger.

If you think it's not a break in, then take time to put clothes if you MUST "clear" and do it right.

If you think it's a break in, brace/lock the door, bunker in, and call 911.

"Clearing" half-a$$ed (no pun intended) is just stupid.
hso makes great points in his earlier posts.

We are adults.

WE are going to be in condition white from time to time. The human body will not allow us to be in a constant state of awareness 24/7/52.

Yes, folks are going be without clothes on. Whether it is sleeping, having sex, taking a bubble bath, or a shower, folks are not going to have clothes on.
I mean let us be adults here, after sex most folks do not get dressed to go to the bathroom, and I would bet many couples have gone into the kitchen to get a drink of water, or whatever.

If you have kids, sure, one takes prudent steps to be decent, even so when the kids are not at home, parents have a right to be adults and do what adults do, with out clothes on.

Even if you do not have a duty to retreat, it might be best to stay put. You know your home, condo, or apartment, criminals most likely do not.

Alarms, sensors and other steps are good ideas. Still let us say one is on a budget, or maybe staying at a hotel , motel.

Baby Monitors.

These are not expensive.
These are not just not for keeping tabs on babies, they also work for someone sick , even elderly in the home.

Well you can set these up to listen to your home, condo, apt.

So you sleep in the nude, and the wife, husband, girl friend, boy friend and even teen age kids come home after you have retired for the evening.

The Baby Monitor is a useful tool.
Say the wife worked the 3-11p shift, and the husband is in bed when she arrives home.
All she has to do is give a codeword everything is all right.
Communication is the key.

There is nothing wrong with calling the police, reporting you heard glass break in the kitchen for example.
The Baby Monitor picked this up.

You can then go into practiced plans , as the bad guys have to come to you.
First responders are going to make notes of what they see, be these Police, EMT or Fire.
If evil comes to you, and you take steps any prudent person would do in this situation, this assists you with Problem 2.

Then again when the police call you, and with the codeword arranged when you called them, and all it was a tree limb busting out the glass...

It does not matter if you sleep in nude or not. The situations are handled.

Baby Monitors are not that expensive.
Other tips are NOT fixing the creaking hardwood floor, or creaking step in the stairs, or squeaky door hinge.

You do not have to have a dawg to leave squeaky toys on the floor either.

The reality is, who cares if you are are in the nude if a situation arises and one has to do what they have do immediately?

This is not elementary school with snickers and blushed faces folks. This is real life and how responsible folks deal with situations.

Fire alarms go off, and folks exit quickly. Who cares if they run out with a bathrobe not fully tied?
I don't.
I am not going to be staring, and making naughty comments either.

They took prudent steps and took an immediate action to stay safe.
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I sleep nude as well.

I've cleared the house a few times in the buff. My dog usually let's me know when it's the right time, though.

My roomie is a deep sleeper. Thank goodness. :D
You could do that and stand a good chance of surviving, or you could do the exact opposite of what is taught in almost all personal defense classes and put yourself at extreme risk of getting killed or maimed as you walk around with a gun in your hand. Attire is irrelevant.
That's a choice we all have to make in this kind of a situation. I personally would choose to clear my house myself. A lot of things go bump in the night, and I don't want to call the police every time my girlfriend thinks she hears something. Personally, I choose to take the risk and check things out, so I can go back to sleep. It's a risk, but it's a risk I'm willing to take. After all, I still have the advantage of a really bright light and a gun, so it's not like I'm grabbing a bat and shaking. But still, it is more dangerous to clear your house. Whether or not you are willing to take that risk, just so you can go back to sleep is a personal decision. It might not be wise or tactical, but it's my choice.

And yes, if I think someone's in my house, I'll clear the house in what I'm wearing. Usually boxers, sometimes nude. So far, I haven't been killed by ninjas. If that happens, well it's a risk I was willing to take so I don't expect you to feel sorry for me.
From jbauch357:
Kleanbore - I totally agree the safest thing to do is to stay in my room and wait, but honestly I'm dumb/aggressive enough to go investigating noises that may be coming from inside the house. I seriously doubt that more than 1 in 10 here would wait in their room and call the police rather than personally investigate noises in their house...

Because the subject has come up numerous times before, and because may people have taken PD courses and/or read books on the subject, I think those who would do that are in the minority and are probably new to the forum or to personal defense--or maybe not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

It was one of the subjects covered in my state required CCW class. I must confess that that class changed my ways. I have in the past gone around with a gun, oblivious to my extreme tactical disadvantage.

From Todd A:
Holing up in one room and calling the police everytime something goes bump in the night might work for some of you.

Not every time the icemaker rattles, but if you hear what is obviously an intruder...

I have loved ones in the house that I must protect. And we do not have a local PD, so it'll take awhile for the State Troopers to show up. Me behind my bedroom door with my shotgun won't work.

When you have family in the house your first task is to get them into a safe place. That could put you at risk momentarily but you don't have a choice.

I don't know the response time there, but if it's really long you may have an issue with the strategy usually recommended. But remember that as you walk around looking for someone you are only really safe if the guy is alone, unarmed, and compliant, or if it turns out there's really no one there. How can you have any confidence that you would not walking into an ambush by two or more people with guns in their hands whose locations are unknown to you? And remember, you have the obligation to make sure it's not a neighbor, etc., before you fire. If they have guns, they can be expected to shoot you on sight--perhaps from more than one direction. I really don't like those odds!

It seems to me that you (or anyone in a suburban area, for that matter) could reduce your risk and add to your peace of mind by putting some inexpensive remote cameras in strategic locations in the house. That way you would know whether there really is someone in the house, and perhaps how many, and where, and maybe have an idea as to whether any are armed. I'm considering that approach.

What you do with the knowledge you gain from the system is up to you. My approach is to go back to bed if I see nothing, and otherwise, to call the police and stay put unless I see someone starting a fire in the house.

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I can see from your above statement that we aren't as much in disagreement as I thought. While I will go and clear the house every time the icemaker goes off (I just do what I'm told, and she's not going back to sleep until I do), if I KNOW that someone is in my house, I would not be as ready and willing to leave my room. It would depend on a lot of things. Rushing out to confront an unknown threat that is definitely there is not the same as sneak attacking the ice machine. I might do something, but since I don't have any kids to protect and I live in the city, I would probably call the police.

It seems like you have a good head on your shoulders. I can completely agree with your above post, although I think that the time and situation might change my decisions personally. Your post is definitely the advice that I would give anyone else. I just have a hard time following my own advice, especially when I just want to get back to sleep ;)
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