Posted by mikerault: We all know the scene, two men facing off amano amano and the winner is the fastest one to the draw. Now, how often in real life does this happen?
It is the stuff of fiction.
In almost every case I have read about the BG has their gun out first or you have several seconds of warning of a BG in your house, store, whatever.
If the the "BG" has his gun pointed at you, you will almost certainly not be able to draw and fire before he shoots you. If someone has broken into your house and you become aware of it before he gets to you, you should have a lot more time.
Now, if non-LEOs have some actual verifiable cases where draw speed was a critical part of their defense in a real BG verse GG situation I would love to read them!
Most people who have been engaged in justifiable acts of self defense have been advised in advance as part of their training, or after the fact) to not discuss the incidents publicly, and if they have not been, they should not do so anyway.
Think about it. In virtually every jurisdiction, it is unlawful to pull a gun and display it to someone else in a threatening manner until one has reason to believe that force is required to defend oneself; in most, one may not draw except in the course of a lawful act of self defense. To do so would constitute a crime.
One may not use deadly force to defend oneself unless he has reason to believe that the danger of death or great bodily harm is
imminent, that the assailant has the
ability and the
opportunity to harm him, that the defender is in
jeopardy, and that he has
no other means of avoiding harm.
So, one cannot pull the gun until the danger is upon him. According to exercises conducted by dennis Tueller, a person seven yards away can approach a victim and use a contact weapon in about a second and a half.
If he is much further away than that, justifying pulling a gun would likely be difficult under many circmstances.
Given that, do
you think that draw speed is critical?