How do you pronounce it?

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"gaySHOSSgaySHVINDichkite - MACEgayraht"

Nein! Mein Art ist mehr Amerikanisch.

Maybe you're kidding, but there are no AYs in the German speaking of these words. Harper-Collins transliterates ge- as gə, not geː, and messgerät/messgeraet is ˈmɛsgərɛːt (mess'-ga-ret" mess, not mace). All of these sounds are known in English but the ç in Geschwindigkeit/gəˈʃvındıçkaıt, for which your Ch/tʃ is a good sutbtitute.


"To take this further with a comparison, we have many fricatives in English"

You're right of course, but I think the vocal quality of the fricatives in German is different from those of English. Being able to pronounce the "V,""F," and "Th" fricatives in English doesn't make a non-native speaker of German automatically capable of pronouncing the German fricatives.

Ich habe einen Dolmetscher (einen Deutschen) in Deutschland gekannt, namens Friedrich Lang. Der hat Englisch fluessend gesprochen, aber mit einem sehr starken suedlichen Akzent. Wie wir uns kennengelernt haben, sagte er mir: "Howdeh, mah nayam's Freddy Layang."

Tequla Jake
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