I was attacked by 2 dogs this AM...

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I recently started carrying a neck knife (thanks Coronach!) while running. It's better than nothing if you come across a 2 or 4 legged critter up to no good.
Sorry to hear you were bitten. Here's what I do, and I live in California's Capitol. I run in my neighborhood and down to a park in the adjoining one. I carry a clothes rod dowl, about 2 inches in diameter and 4 feet long. I carry it in one hand as I run. I wish a dog would run out on me! If I am ever stopped or questioned, this will be the way it goes down. "Hi officer, what can I do for you?" "I see you have a stick, what are you carrying it for." "Oh, I run down to the park and when I get there, I use the stick to stretch out and do pull ups on the jungle gym there." End of story. The law is one against intent, not a strict liability law against the act. If you do not admit to carrying the stick as a weapon, then you are okay. Now, the kicker is, when I get to the park, I actually stretch out using the stick, and do the pull ups by running it through several of those hanging rings that kids swing from. About 100 people living and using the park to walk in have seen me doing that so if I ever needed to corroborate my story I could. I am a mid-30s black male, 230lbs and can bench press over 350lbs so if I can get away with this I am sure most of you could! Regards. Lawboy.
apparently, in California, anything can be construed as as club --

Forget those silly laws -- carry as collapsable baton or if you are really paranoid of the man, put a bunch of bolts, pool balls etc, in a swingable medium (ie. panty hose, bag, whatever). When cujo comes to sample you or on of your loved ones, introduce his face to your new toy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tough up people!
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Always run with someone slower than yourself. If you want to carry a ballbat, carry a mitt so you can say you were on your way to pratice.
The California Penal Code specifically prohibits any "billy," which would include a baton, and any "slungshot," which would include a roll of quarters or a cue ball in a sock. I agree with Lawboy. The use of a stick as a "billy" might get you into trouble, but it's probably not a "billy" unless you use it as such or tell a cop "It's for protection." Stay legal.

The California Penal Code specifically prohibits any "billy," which would include a baton, and any "slungshot," which would include a roll of quarters or a cue ball in a sock.

ARE YOU :cuss: -ING KIDDING ME??????????

MY DEAR LORD, THIS STATE IS TOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:fire:

The term "slungshot" comes right out of the Penal Code, available online.

I looked up the definition of "slungshot" in Merriam Webster online. Here is what it says:

Main Entry: slung·shot
Pronunciation: 'sl&[ng]-"shät
Function: noun
Date: 1842
: a striking weapon consisting of a small mass of metal or stone fixed on a flexible handle or strap

Since the California courts have held that a sharpened screwdriver was a "dirk or dagger," I don't doubt that they would construe a cue ball in a sock to be a slungshot if used as a weapon or if the possessor intended it to be used as a weapon (such as saying it was for protection).

Unlike the prohibitions on serious weapons, such as handguns or knives, which require that they be carried concealed or be possessed by a prohibited person (convicted of a felony or certain misdemeanors, etc.), there are no such restrictions on the prohibitions of a billy club or slungshot. They apply to a person never convicted of a crime and even if possessed in one's own home.

Nope, I am not kidding. Prosecution is unlikely in the normal case, of course, but why expose yourself to prosecution at someone else's discretion?

How about carrying a small screwdriver. All you need is 4" of penetration to equal a folding combat knife. Most people would not consider it a weapon and it is not obvious if you have it in a pocket. With a narrow tip it will work as well as a knife. I believe they are quite popular and effective in prisons.
Here's my take, 10-ring. BTW, nice with the animal control people. 3 O'Clock carry a nice stainless or carbon folder in a nylon sheath, 9 O'Clock carry a good pepper spray in another nylon holster. Both can be carried easily on a lightweight nylon belt Cover both with shirt. Rock On!
Carry a cat, if you see dogs you just deploy the cat and problem is solved.

Or if you need to keep feline concealed use kittens.

I did a lot of research on the subject and finally came to the realization the a dog trained to attact can pretty much only be stopped by a firearm or stungun. People who train attack dogs say that sticks, canes, batons, OC, rocks, etc will not affect these dogs. Other "family" type dogs will probably respond to OC.
I did a lot of research on the subject and finally came to the realization the a dog trained to attact can pretty much only be stopped by a firearm or stungun. People who train attack dogs say that sticks, canes, batons, OC, rocks, etc will not affect these dogs. Other "family" type dogs will probably respond to OC.

1. Thread on similar topic HERE

2. Stay low: Have you practiced shooting a VERY fast moving target? :scrutiny:

3. You will not have to search much to discover that more often than not, dogs can easily take multiple shots and not even blink. Literally. Except of course for a direct CNS hit, which again brings me to ask if you have practiced and can under stress hit a target the size of a baseball moving VERY fast.

4. Have you ever played with a collapsible baton? I have a monadnock Autolock that weighs close to 2 lbs. I have a VERY hard time believing that a dog (or anything for that matter) could take a good, hard whack to the head from a heavy steel rod and keep coming.

5. Have you heard of the "Tueller" drill? 21 feet for a HUMAN. I can't imagine what the distance would be for a dog...

Carry small weights in either hand as you run. Obviously not an evil assault aggressive multiround sniper copkiller defensive tool. I have an idea that, if a dog were to go for you, and accidentally collide with 2 or 3 lb weight to the snout, offensive action might immediately cease.

Of course, since you'll be carrying these weights in the middle, there are two contact surfaces automatically at either side.
(edit- I see Eagle 10 has suggested this, as well. Welcome to The High Road!)
In a civilized society, of course, you'd just shoot them and be done with it.-Quartus

I agree with you. I can't imagine a dog being able to continue to attack with a cracked skull. All I was doing is passing along what I had read/researched.

The other day on our local news (don't know what city the event happened) a police officer responded to a kid being attacked by a dog. The officer hit him several times with the butt of his handgun but the dog didn't respond. He then put a round in him (the dog) and the dog retreated. The dog came back but stopped short of attacking and moved away. No, he didn't go down but he was no longer a threat.

Anyway, spray him, club him, shoot him....
Stay Low:

Thanks for the input, and I hope I didn't seem rude. It was not my intention.

Anyhow, the butt of a handgun is a very far cry from a baton. Nowhere NEAR the impact capabilities! Furthermore, I'd think it a pretty bad idea to hit anything with a loaded handgun unless absolutely necessary. No flame to the cop (well, maybe) but he should have used MUCH better judgement, as well as his baton FIRST. You don't pull a gun and then hit somebody/something with it. :rolleyes:

As you might learn from here, cops aren't always the best source of information for laws, tactics, firearms, etc.

You ever played with a baton? It would be *quite* far down on my list of things to get hit with! :p

Thanks and welcome.

A baton is a formidable weapon, no doubt. I was a reserve police officer for a very short time in my neck of the woods but long enough to go thru in-service training where we did a day training with batons.

I wish I could remember the location where the cop tried to fend the dog off by hitting him first. Oh well, when someone (or something) pees in your pool, ya use whatever you have to to win.
When I ride my bike in the later hours of the evening. I usally have a Benchmade small can of pepper spray near me for 4 legged critters.

I small folder made of G10 or Zytel is usually light enough to carry on you while jogging. Look into a Spyderco. Even a Surefire 6P with a Tactical Impact Device on it would work wonders.

Both are light and effective.
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