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Is it impolite to point a gun with your hand over the muzzle?

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yes dont "sweep" someone else with a checked and unloaded weapon or a hammer for that matter.. or a paintbrush... these including the gun are just tools... nothing more... you can be safe without acting like a 10 year old child in his hunter safty course
Exactly. In a small room packed with fat mall ninjas, it is not possible to fully inspect a revolver without it going in somebody's direction.
Ninjas on the ceiling? Or straight down?

I'm trying to visualize why either a Sabrina-like or sul-like position wouldn't work even if you are standing very close to others, unless the lighting was very bad.

For that matter, pointing at the gun wall, as most people do, is pointing their weapons at the specialty meats store next door. I don't think they have steel walls.
Masonry walls (even cinder block, mortared in place) will stop handgun rounds and is a safe backstop. However, putting one's hand over the muzzle of a handgun is only slightly more effective as a backstop than nothing at all.

Sometimes my loaded pistol is pointing all day at something a hell of a lot more than just my hand.
Holstered pistols with the trigger guard protected are inert. Guns in people's hands aren't.

Do you own any guns? Have you ever cleaned them? Have you ever checked the inside of your gun barrel? Do you examine a gun before buying?
Speaking for myself here, when I clean guns, nothing goes in front of the muzzle until the gun is disassembled. I may sometimes run a bore snake through a gun barrel with the action locked OPEN, but even then I do not let it point at my body, just the hand pulling the snake or holding the cleaning rod, out of (good) habit. And I would never point even a disassembled gun at someone else (exceedingly bad manners).

Yes, I have checked the inside of gun barrels, with the gun disassembled. In the case of a revolver, I can see that one might have to settle for the action being open. As far as checking revolver lockup by looking down the barrel, no, I've never done that and probably never will.

The thing is, none of those things justify sweeping someone else with the muzzle of a gun in a store or anywhere else, and I would be uncomfortable (and a bit peeved) if swept regardless of how crowded the shop was.

(Zak Smith)
That's it- I am a complete n00b with no firearms experience. In fact, I am 13 years old and live with my parents.
You are showing it well.
Zak is probably too modest to toot his own horn here, so just so you know where he's coming from...

Zak Smith

* Has competed in USPSA/IPSC, 3Gun, and long range rifle matches since 2003, with top-10 finishes at the CMMG Midwest 3Gun Championship, Tiger Valley 3Gun, MGM Ironman 3Gun, Snipers Paradise Sniper Challenge, TACPRO Sniper Tournament, International Tactical Rifleman Championships, Practical Rifle Team Challenge, Weld County 3Gun, Camp Guernsey ARNG Base Multi-Gun, NRAWC Sporting Rifle Match, and Rocky Mountain 3-Gun Nationals. Other major matches shot include Superstition Mountain Mystery 3Gun, DPMS Tri-Gun Challenge.

* Match/division wins: 2007 Camp Guernsey Multi-Gun Invitational (overall), 2007 Steel Safari (standard), 2006 Steel Safari (overall), 2005 Cavalry Arms Tiger Valley 3Gun (Trooper Class), and local Rocky-Mountain region 3-Gun.

* Sponsored shooter Cavalry Arms Shooting Team; Magpul.

* Match Director: 2008 Steel Safari. Assistant Match Director: 2006 Practical Rifle Team Challenge; 2007 Camp Guernsey ARNG Base Mult-Gun Invitational

* Graduate EAG Tactical Carbine Operators Course, Larry Vickers Carbine & Pistol, Tactical Response Fighting Pistol, Fighting Rifle, and Force on Force training.

* NRA-Certified Instructor: Basic Pistol, Basic Rifle, and Personal Protection in the Home.

There's more, but that's a-plenty...
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Personal attacks aside, there is no reason for the safety violations described in the opening post. The vast majority of the respondents in this thread agree.
Masonry will stop handgun rounds. One's hand over the muzzle is only slightly more effective as a backstop than putting a piece of paper over the muzzle.
They sell .50BMGs as well. I'm sure those are pointed at the wall.

I'm not talking about using my hand to stop a bullet, I'm saying "I'm so confident this gun won't go off that I'll risk my own hand".

This is in a store mind you, that hands you a pistol without first checking to see that it's loaded.

I DID NOT come here to get a safety lecture from self appointed experts. :rolleyes:

You never answered me Zak, have you ever looked down a gun barrel?
Some of you are taking this way too far and acting as if I were pointing it directly at someone and pulling the trigger with my hand in the way.
Lemme get this straight.

You ask us for our opinion. We give it to you. It differs from your own. You then proceed to insult our capabilities, experience, and knowledge.

I have to ask - if you already know the answer, why do you bother to ask the question?
Sometimes my loaded pistol is pointing all day at something a hell of a lot more than just my hand.
Don't worry it'll miss.
Seriously if you aim a pistol at me with your hand over the muzzle I may take more offense than you accidently sweeping me. Niether is acceptable.
a gun loaded in a hoslter should not be considered simply inert and to say that a unloaded and checked weapon is less inert by some fools logic is simply fools logic... and fools logic has no place on gun furoms where people are asking actual advice and seeking knowledgable opinions... and there are no personal attacks... and unloaded gun is nothing put metal and wood or plastic.. completly "inert" unless your gonna use it for blunt force trauma of then this thread would have asked... would you be offended if while checking a unloaded gun i bashed you in the face with it?...

CMON guys this thread needs to be over.

He's not "AIMING" the pistol at you, man, hes looking at it. If he pulled the trigger with you downrange even empty, that would be bad, but I think you, and a lot of people aren't reading the whole post before responding.
You ask us for our opinion. We give it to you. It differs from your own. You then proceed to insult our capabilities, experience, and knowledge.
I asked one question and I'm getting over the top opinions about something completely different. I did not insult anyone's capability, I simply asked a question that proved some ridiculous advice invalid.
I've been to hundreds of gun shows. I've been swept constantly. That doesn't mean that I like or, or that it's safe, or that it's correct.

I've also been in places where people routinely beat the snot outta each other in a drunken rage. That doesn't mean that such behavior is acceptable; it only means that people do silly things sometimes.
by the logic of most of a couple ppl on this thread guns loaded or not are way waaaayy to dangerous to ever be touched...
I see no such logic. I only see the logic that says that it you handle it and the action is closed, you must treat it as if its loaded.

If you are afraid of handling loaded weapons, well then OK - leave it on the table.

I have no such fear. I simply don't point a gun at anyone while I'm looking at it or holding it.
I don't think I would like anybody pointing a gun at me if it was at all avoidable, but I do (after unloading and checking the chamber) look down the barrel of my firearms.

In my home state, pointing a firearm at a person (unless in self defense), loaded or unloaded is a misdemeanor.
been to gun shows seen many ppl use the hand over the barrel thing.. no problem to me... ive had ppl complain that i pointed at them with my hand over the barrel but i really dont put much stock in irrational or illogical fears.....
as previously posted, it is best not to perform the aformentioned actions while examining a gun.. .there are several ways to avoid it... point elsware, request someone step back...etc.. personally,I would recommend, as previously stated, removing the cylinder or locking the slide of any gun being "examined" as would be the case in the hand over the muzzle senario... do that, inform those around you of a gun being pointed their way in the near future(if no option) and, if it makes you feel better, put your hand over the end of the barrel... I dont think anyone will object to that. (maybe the hand, but it is your and I understand)
im not saying its the best policy ppl... im just saying that the all guns are loaded loaded loaded no matter who checks them or who handles them bit... gets really really old...
Kevin Dunn doesn't think that fear is so irrational, right about now.
You're just as bad as the antis that think guns will kill everyone based on a few news articles. :rolleyes:
i dont know who kevin dunn is but regruardless if he was killed or shot with a LOADED gun... then he and his misfortuntion have no bearing on this conversation
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