It's Time For A Revolution within the GOP

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"The revolution will start only after we refuse to reelect politicians. One term and you are out."


In a citizen republic like ours--the Greek word for citizen is politikos--being a legislator should not be a lifetime job. We have plenty of talent and if we don't have it it points to other serious social and cultural problems within our nation that we are compelled to address. To be indifferent to "poltiics" in a country such as ours, to see America only as a job opportunity, is to fail to grasp the ideas this nation is built on.
Instead of eating our children, we should be attacking the socialists in Congress and get rid of them. Those would be the likes of Kennedy, Schumer, Feinstein, Kerry, et al...those who want to obstruct anything that the more conservative, more constitutionally aware people want to propose.

Oh, you mean like the Patriot Act/Patriot II, prescription drugs, massive school spending, and "important and conservative stuff" that actually exists?

Or are you referring to some super-secret but massive attempt by the Republicans to reduce the size, spending, and scope of government that doesn't?

Yeah... it's all the dems fault...

RNC: Give us the house... let us help you, we'll stonewall the commies!
Me: OK
RNC: Give us the Presidency too, and we'll ram our real conservative agenda down the Dems throats, and get some real conservatives on SCOTUS!
Me: OK
RNC: If we only had the Senate... we could really do everything, you just wait and see!
Me: OK

The result: What we have today...

Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt. Big enough to admit I was fooled. Won't do that again.
Oh, you mean like the Patriot Act/Patriot II, prescription drugs, massive school spending, and "important and conservative stuff" that actually exists?

Or are you referring to some super-secret but massive attempt by the Republicans to reduce the size, spending, and scope of government that doesn't?

If you go after the more extreme people and make it clear why, the message will not be lost on the rest.
What's happening now is that the Democratic party is fading from significance. As the GOP becomes the sole party in power, its natural tendency is for the party to go out of control and lose its message completely. Spending goes through the roof not because of any political desire but because there's nobody to stop it or hold it in check. The desire for power and control becomes paramount. I think that's why we're seing a GOP that reflects almost no core values apart from obtaining and protecting wealth and power for itself.

IMHO the role of the "neocons" has been massively overblown. What we're seeing is far more elemental. Power seeks more power. Control seeks more control.
The GOP isn't fading from significance, it is merely morphing into another version of the Dems.

What's really fading from significance is the America the Founding Fathers envisioned.
The GOP isn't fading from significance, it is merely morphing into another version of the Dems.

The GOP will never be the same as the Democrat as long as such a large majority of blacks are Democrats and more or less setting the agenda...I need...I need...I need. That politic becomes part of their culture. Without this voter segment, the Dems would be history. That's really the source of all the socialism.

Another one is retired people who look to government to take care of them. It would seem that these folks really have no other politics except what keeps the checks coming or what favors their investments, often both. It's not that many don't need help, but too many are addicted to it and abdicate responsibility for themselves.
The problem is that minorites are not the only sorce of the problem. check out all the Unions, AARP, all the states that want mothers milk. Never say never the GOP is spending more than the Clinton years combined and its only his 5th year in office :banghead:

As long as you want to change other peoples behavior though social engineering via taxation and over will have more problems than its worth.
The GOP will never be the same as the Democrat as long as such a large majority of blacks are Democrats and more or less setting the agenda...I need...I need...I need. That politic becomes part of their culture. Without this voter segment, the Dems would be history. That's really the source of all the socialism.

Absolute HOGWASH. The black voters have made a huge mistake supporting the Dems, and have been fed a line of BS from Democratic leaders and their own cadre of self-appointed spokesmen. The upshot of this is THEY HAVE NO POWER. None whatsoever. They haven't had any real power since the Carter administration, and over and over again their protests have been ignored.

The socialism we see today is of a very different form. It involves propping up mega business by ensuring a flow of illegal workers at home and open access to foreign labor abroad. Not to mention open access to the public teat. The second aspect of the modern socialist state is the military-industrial complex, which keeps millions upon millions of people propped up in pointless military and contracting jobs while a tiny percent do the real fighting. The other major aspect of modern socialism, and by far the largest, is SOCIAL SECURITY and related "entitlements." FDR's socialist program has ensured that generations of old people are beholden to the gob'ment to keep the money flowing. You want to see a real "welfare queen"? Find the next oldster driving around in an RV on your dime.

We spend next to nothing on urban welfare in comparison. Get your facts straight and don't let racial animosity cloud your vision. The GOP's leaders have long been using the myth of massive urban welfare spending to keep its base distracted from the real game.
Vested Interest In"Checks And Investments"

"..what keeps the checks coming or what favors their investments."

Darn right their interested in 'em... They worked their as**'s off for 'em.

Take Care
There is a great need for revolution, I just cant figure out where I would turn. The LP has some great ideas, and some really loony ones (like open borders and their Anti-Iraq stance), the Constitution Party wants a fiscally conservative theocracy, and from there you just get more obscure and loony. Ugh.

On a side note, I have occasionally thought about running for office. I cant imagine many places where I would be electable in my state, considering my platform and beliefs.* I am not really sure where to start, probably in the State House. My city is full of tree-huggers whom would burn me at the stake and sing childish tunes about me being the devil spawn of Ann Coulter, and any where else in this singly conservative district of AR, I would be considered a dope-smoking tree-hugging anti-war hippy. Such dicotomy is weird, yes? :scrutiny:

*Make sure to read my additions in later posts. I neglected some key areas in my initial post.
I like the LP and the Classical Liberal thinking because its the only option left that believes in Less Govt, individual liberty and private property. The drug issue is soo damn minor.
don't shoot until you see the little blue helmets

both parties are clearly in bed together - neither party is going to allow a 3rd party to come along and gain too much ground. personally, if i were facing some of this eminent domain crap (again) that is happening here in Ohio and else where, i would go "Waco" on their asses. flat out the gov't - regardless of what letter is beside their name - has WAY too freakin much power / control.

i faced something similar when i built my house (local gov't siezure) - a bunch of "conservatives" tried to take my property - it took 1.5 years to settle and a bunch of money & a scumbag lawyer (long story) to settle. the sad thing is i voted for the bastards since i know them personally. suddenly the crappy property i bought became very good for taxes and they wanted it (after i sunk a ton of cash in it), fined me $100 per day for an "illegal structure" i had a permit to build with their signatures on it - basically changing the rules in the middle of the game to benefit themselves since they were broke.

let's face it, the abolishment of private property is the first plank of the Communist Manifesto. my guess is the GOP will not reverse it since they are spineless - playing not to lose or offend - even if they won 90% dominance. i will be shocked if that motion gets overturned - as the gov't is in debt and owes a ton of OUR MONEY to socialist / communist gov'ts abroad (China / EU) - you cannot make anymore land therefore it is very valuable. maybe those loans are there to influence to be more like them... i don't know. trust me i am not fearing Illumanati Conspiracy.

i do not consider voting for the LP nutty or a waste of a vote - at least i am voting. the power is in the non-voting arena. hell a lot of folks do not realize there are more than two parties in this country (public school system).

i am not advocating open violence / revolt, but at the same time, the 2nd Amendment is the reset button on the gov't. the attrition of our rights will continue as long as either party is in control. as far as i can see it - the only good thing the R's have done is let the AW Ban sunset - for now.

sorry to rant - but look at Sandy Burger - got a 50K fine for treason - if we did that, we would be all over the major networks and the sheeple would not miss American Idol to think about our execution - and why it happened.

i think i will probably get flamed for this comment - but *** - we still have the freedom to express opinions. removing the carrer politicians is a good first step - good luck getting them to vote for it.
sorry for the rant...

sorry i blew up gang - just received my latest installment from my lawyer over the legal battle of my house from almost two years ago.

in a nutshell, i received a building permit, built my house, and within two weeks of its completion a trustee declared my house was an illegal structure. granted, his signature was on my permit. i was told to immediately stop building as this structure would need removed. the State said i was good, the county said i was good, but the township would not budge. after many appeals, and discussing this with lawyers, we kept getting rejected by the local zoning committee - getting fined $100 a day for living in my own house - we tried something different:

as it turns out, everybody in our township gov't is related and controls 80% of the farmland in the area. my family owns 80 acres right beside me. after my sister signed a 15 year lease for trustees family to farm her land - and the charges magically disappeared. my dwelling took approx 20 acres out of their little land grab - and i would not let them farm my extra land. call me paranoid, but i think my problem started because they wanted more land for their little farming empire.

granted this happened long before that crackpot decision on eminent domain.

the saddest detail of all of this was the State of Ohio would do nothing for us, and neither would the county - it's a local problem. the legal system would not work either since most lawyers around here did not want to take the case and "the big city lawyers" wanted a ton of ca$h up front to even investigate it. i am not one to sue the tax payer. turned out the lawyers really nothing as my situation came down to a vote with a zoning board. my lawyer did keep me from going to far in the hole as far as the $100 a day fine i refused to pay.

my current form of retaliation might be working though - i have been spreading the word. hopefully we will remove one of those career politicians from office this voting season. other lands owners are sick of wanting their permission to use their own property as they see fit (remember we are in the country - not a village). one stroke of luck for us locally is the head hancho of this cabal recently passed away - after serving 48 straight years(!) as a trustee - but his son was elected the following November as the public was lead to believe he was "groomed" for the position. should be interesting.

"The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence." --John Adams
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