Just so we're clear on why we should vote for Democrats

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Did you know that Clarence Thomas, the most conservative member of the Supreme Court, was confirmed by a Democrat controlled Senate? He is a strict constructionist, and believer in the Second Amendment.

Clarence Thomas was appointed and confirmed DESPITE the Democrats.

Just do a little search on Pubic hair in my teeth, and coke a cola. And you can read all about the tremendous smear campaign his hearings turned into, courtesy of the Democrats. Getting him confirmed required a considerable amount of arm twisting in the backrooms of the Senate.

Pelosi as speaker of the House.:barf: :barf:

Do a search here http://thomas.loc.gov/ on all of the legislation she proposed or co-sponsored, in the last two congresses and then tell me if you thing it would be a good idea for her to be the keeper of the switch.
The Founders must be spinning in their graves

Face it, Democrats have become virulently rabid in their hatred of this country and of its Constitution.
With very few notable exceptions, this is an accurate statement.

The "big time" Democrats in Congress - Pelosi, Kennedy, Kerry, Schumer, Clinton, Feinstein and others - are nothing more than antiamerican leftist socialists. Their loyalty is not to the United States, our Constitution and our Bill of Rights.

Their loyalty is to socialism. They believe in rule by "the experts" - by coersion and force, if need be.

This is why they are pathologically obsessed with citizen disarmament. They know that they will never achieve the power they seek if they openly advocate citizen disarmament; this is why they are strangely quiet on the issue of our right to arms. As someone else noted, the leopard does not change its spots.

They know that their plans for We The People will cause outrage among the working Americans who will be taxed to death to pay for their socialist utopia. They know they can steal elections to stay in power.

They also know that they cannot establish and maintain a socialist oligarchy over an armed citizenry.

If you like your freedom - and there can be no real freedom with a disarmed citizenry - vote freedom first. Go here to find out more www.nrapvf.org
Sorry, but I do not understand that question. Could you rephrase?

Actually, I'm going to withdraw the question because I just don't want to stay in this crap anymore.
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If voting them out for the next two years is the only way to tell them how dissatisfied you are with their work records, then so be it.

What if all they take from it is how the press worked against them, merely an issue of competing against leftists? What if they conclude that Bush's lack of popularity was the main problem? Meanwhile, we are in just another ping pong, party control cycle. "Teaching the GOP a lesson" is just a lame libertarian argument.
"Teaching the GOP a lesson" is just a lame libertarian argument.

If it was libertarian, they'd be voting for libertarians, not Democrats. Same result but less damage due to reduced votes for the Dems and less of a mandate. But the perception of a mandate for the Dems is what they are looking for.
If it was libertarian, they'd be voting for libertarians, not Democrats. Same result but less damage due to reduced votes for the Dems and less of a mandate. But the perception of a mandate for the Dems is what they are looking for.

That's only if you assume the reasoning is logical. What I see are arguments that sound merely spiteful, because the proponent has no real dog in the fight.
Face it, Democrats have become virulently rabid in their hatred of this country and of it's Constitution.
Well, that certainly advances the debate, doesn't it? My Democrat Congressman, Gene Taylor is better than most Republicans on gun control, border security, and most other issues. I wish he wasn't "pro-life", but I can live with anyone who genuinely believes that way. When you claim someone like him hates the country, you just demonstrate how little thought you have put into the it, or how little capacity you have for complex thought.

If Democrats take control of Congress this time around, it will be because of Blue Dog southern, western, and miswestern candidates. Pelosi may have the votes to retain Speakership, but she would be limited by a party that will have shifted a long way on gun control, and other civil liberties. I have decided this is the best thing that could happen to not only the Democratic Party, but to the country. Sooner or later, the pendulum will swing, and Dems will be in charge (though why they'd want to inherit the current mess is beyond me). I would rather that the party be one more friendly to my rights.
Well, that certainly advances the debate, doesn't it? My Democrat Congressman, Gene Taylor is better than most Republicans on gun control, border security, and most other issues. I wish he wasn't "pro-life", but I can live with anyone who genuinely believes that way. When you claim someone like him hates the country, you just demonstrate how little thought you have put into the it, or how little capacity you have for complex thought.

You describe a Democrat who could be Republican. I know there are cases where politicians go with whatever party they think can win in a district known for being reflexively one way or the other, never mind the issues and what parties actually stand for.

Blacks do something similar in that if they want to win, they better darned well be a Democrat.
I know there are cases where politicians go with whatever party they think can win in a district known for being reflexively one way or the other, never mind the issues and what parties actually stand for.
This is apropos of nothing, but this district is strongly Republican. I believe his hometown elects a lot of Dem to local offices, but the biggest cities in the district overwhelmingly elect Repubs.
This is apropos of nothing, but this district is strongly Republican.

Well that's the other possibility. Other than party, there may be little about the guy voters don't like. But it begs the question, why is he a Democrat?

'nuff said.
I'm with MrTuffPaws. I would rather risk the 2nd A than give up amendmend 1 and 3-10 to the current Republican gov.
I'm with MrTuffPaws. I would rather risk the 2nd A than give up amendmend 1 and 3-10 to the current Republican gov.

:rolleyes: Like the Democrats are better than the R's, give me a break.

Try being a conservative giving a speech on the campus of any big university, chances are you will barely make it on the stage.

How many rights were violated at Waco?

Property rights anyone?

How about the Democratic run big cities? Are they bastions of freedom?
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How many rights were violated at Ruby Ridge under Bush 41?

Like the Democrats are better than the R's, give me a break.

So what do we do...keep the corrupt in office? That's giving a thumbs up for them to keep legalizing torture and spying on citizens.
How many rights were violated at Ruby Ridge under Bush 41?


How many, Biker? (I don't honestly know, though I have read a small bit of info on the subject)
It is usually not valid to condemn a whole group because of a percentage of bad apples, I must admit. For example, you might not want me to say that Democrats are anti-gun by definition, even if that is clearly and overwhelmingly reflected by their leadership..
I'm looking forward to the Democrats taking over both Senate and House. We will then have, politicians in control, that care about our 2nd Amendment Rghts. VOTE Democrat: They know what's best for us all! Al Gore, and John Kerry, are HUNTERS!!!!!! Hillary Clinton's husband, went duck hunting, during a run up to an election. Nancy Pelosi, believes all LEOs, should be proficient with firearms. How could we possibly go wrong?!!! Save our firearm rights. VOTE for the Democrats. Our future, as firearm owners is at stake!
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