LEO contact

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Dec 22, 2002
Nemo sine vitio est
From GlockTalk
Yesterday I had the misfortunate of getting into a MVA. No injuries, but my Camry neeeded to be towed. The other driver, a black guy about my size, was hooting and hollering to me and the LEO the whole time. I remained calm and kept my trap shut. Anyway, after the LEO completes his paperwork and sent the other driver on his way, he waited with me till the tow truck arrived. He asked if I had any personal belongings that I wanted to remove. I told him yes and that I had a firearm under the drivers seat. He told me to get all the rest of my stuff and he would get the firearm, which he did (G23 BTW). He looked the weapon over complete with pre-ban clip with 2 shot extension and told me that I have excellent taste in firearms. After he made the weapon safe, he locked it in his trunk before he gave me a ride home, which he did not have to do. On the ride home he commented that if the other driver ever saw the Glock he would have looked like Michael Jackson real fast. We both laughed our butts off over that. When he dropped me off, he handed me my mags and told me to put them in my back pocket, then returned my Glock to me.

Lafayette, LA pays their Police officers very poorly, I think it comes to like $8-$9 an hour, so I have the highest respect for these men and women. Thank You, Corporal Boudreaux for being a pro and doing a great job.
Good on the officer!

My sister was involved in a serious accident a few days ago. The police came and went, but a semi driver who saw the accident stayed with her for about 20 minutes until someone could come pick her up. He also gave an accurate account of the accident to the police when the other driver was insisting it was my sister's fault (the other driver ran a red).
Corporal Boudreaux sounds like a good guy - hope he's appreciated by those he serves. Any bets on how many Cajun jokes he hears that have him as one of the characters? :)

Over the years I've found that police officers are somewhat like boys on a playground. Individually, they're pretty decent. When in groups though, they seem to want to show each other how tough they are. It just shows that they're ordinary humans just like the rest of us.
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